Since You Asked

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Shameless Self-Promotion During Our Fundraising Season: Chauncey DeVega on the Carl in the Morning Show

I would like to thank the kind folks who have donated to the fundraising drive here on WARN for the first part of 2015. Your kindness is very much appreciated. I am a horrible fundraiser because I always tell folks to take care of home and bills first. But, in my best NPR voice, if you can find some change in yee old pockets, under the couch cushions, in the ashtray, or other like spot, your material support for our humble endeavor here at is much appreciated.

I do not use the first day of our fundraising drive as a barometer for how the month will go. I will give an update on Wednesday or Thursday about our progress and will modulate my begging bowl requests as necessary.

I have some good essays scheduled for this month. I also have some good podcast treats as a sweetener as well. One must give the best in order to solicit and encourage donations. This week's podcast conversation partner is Dr. Henry Giroux. 'Nuff said.

It is because of the kind support and good energy of all of you that I finally decided to do some TV appearances and also to say "yes" to other media requests. I know that you all have my back. Your energy keeps me going forward as I am fond of saying.

On Monday, I was a guest on the Carl in the Morning Show. The host is good folks and a stalwart in a radio and broader media terrain that years ago sold out to the American White Right and the empty sports talk radio format.

[My spot is at the 1 hour 31 minute mark. I also should have nailed the opening about Fox News not having a "racial frame". I backed off to see where we went. Trust me. The thought was there.]

Carl in the Morning has featured great guests such as Noam Chomsky and many other intellectually lethal people.

How can I say "no" to being two or so degrees away from such American luminaries?

Carl and I chatted for about 20 or so minutes.

I am learning to appreciate how those folks who do the media circuit have to reiterate their message on a given issue, while also trying to mix it up a bit.

There is nothing new per se for friends of WARN who have heard me speak on the topic of race, the media, Waco, and Baltimore on previous occasions--aren't I one hell of a salesperson?--but I think that once I figure out that we are not rushed, and to just go with my dance partner, there are moments where I mix it up a bit.

Always trying to keep the good friends and boosters of WARN and my other work in the loop, as I navigate our shared journey.

In this fundraising season, I am moved to ask, what do you like about WARN and my other online work, how can I improve, and what is your wishlist for the site and my projects going forward?


  1. You and Carl did some in depth reporting despite time restraints. As you point out, appealing to poor whites on the basis of God, guns, and race has to eventually give way to bread and butter issues, especially with the unraveling of the economy. The consumers of factual news, like that of Chauncey Media, will fill the intellectual vacuum when the right's house of cards tumbles.

  2. Just returned from your city, Chauncey. Stayed on N. Lake Shore Dr. Glad to see it wasn't as segregated as it was in the 1990s and 2000s---the salt-of-the-earth white people there are now fully accepting of African Americans being barristas, doormen, and taxi drivers (even after the sun goes down).

    On the bright side, Wrigley Field is killing it's aura with modernization. White people can't seem to be able to watch a baseball game anywhere these days without a pseudo adrenaline rush of bad 1970s music being pumped out a maximum volume between innings just like at every other steroid dump.

    [Just kidding. NYC is just as segregated and racist.]

  3. I got a promotion. Would be great to contribute to the NY Times. Great host. Lots of history. I had to say "yes".

    Chauncey media! I like that :)

  4. How did you enjoy our/my wonderfully segregated city? Was it a good visit? Fun?

  5. You on the NY Times is just what the nation needs to remedy its racism and white supremacy.

  6. Doing an Oped for them is on the bucket list. They mentioned the site once or twice a few years back. One day, who knows?

  7. I could write an essay, but I won't. It was all Potemkin Village, so I can't give an honest assessment about Chicago from a handful of short visits over the years.

    All in all, from what I saw, the quality and cost of life is better than in NYC. And I find it disgusting how the media piles on Chicago re crime.

    But I must say, the flat-voiced Midwestern white people are frighteningly bland, and quite possibly, frighteningly dangerous. I approach them, their souls, and their politics with great caution.
