We are in week 3 of the annual June fundraiser for ChaunceyDeVega.com and WARN. I want to extend a sincere thanks to all of the kind folks who donated so far. I have done about half of my "thank you" emails. The other half are forthcoming today and tomorrow. We are so close to reaching the goal for the fundraiser. If we have a few good days, I can pull in the begging bowl for another six months. Again, if you value the work that I share here and elsewhere (most of which I am not compensated for), have the resources, and are willing, please do throw some paper, silver, gold, or copper into the online donation bucket at the Paypal link on the right side of the screen.
I am always surprised by how our virtual salon and the work that I try to share here often gets attention from surprising places. It would seem that eyes are indeed on the truth-telling that we offer here.
To wit.
Writing at The National Review Online (NRO), John Fund has a new piece about how "liberals" and "the Left" do not understand that Daniel Patrick Moynihan famous report on poverty and the black family was in fact "right".
Fund's essay features an obligatory picture of scary rampaging feral black people that are coming to destroy white American in what the NRO predicts will be a summer of savage "riots".
The National Review Online also cites a piece that I wrote on Paul Ryan and the Republican Party's misuse and abuse of Moynihan's work.
[In the NRO story, I am just a "blogger". At some point, I would like a promotion to the title of "interesting person", "occasionally insightful member of the public", "witty black guy", or "the man who wears interesting and ill-fitting pants". A man is allowed to dream, is he not?]
The Republican Party's gross misuse of Moynihan's work suggests that they never actually read the report or any other of his writings on race, poverty, class, and civil rights. On issues of poverty and race, the Republican Party is the equivalent of a doctor who is killing the patient with poison and then complaining that the latter is still sick.
The NRO's "Most America's Expect a Long, Hot Summer of Racial Unrest" is laughable, under-theorized, and intellectually dishonest. I suggest you read it because such thinking about Black America, class, and poverty are standard assumptions for the politics of evisceration, misery, and racism that organize the fantastical and myth-filled world that constitutes both "popular" and "elite" discourse on the White Right and the Republican Party.
It probably sounds more convincing in the original German.
ReplyDeleteYou should be flattered. It's NRO. Their initial instincts would be to call you the other word that ends in "ger", but they restrained themselves.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry Chauncey, I only made it into the second paragraph of that "story," where they seemed to be making a causal association between the passage of Great Society legislation to the riots of 1965. I'm afraid I just can't afford to subject my beautiful mind to the "writing" in the National Review, not even for you.
ReplyDeleteYou are made of tough stuff to get that far!
ReplyDeleteOT. Me thinks not. I wonder what their relationship to reality is?
ReplyDeleteZing. Reminds me of that classic joke about Pat Buchanan.
ReplyDeleteWhen racists are corrected for citing "biological inferiority" they reflexively default to "cultural inferiority," and proceed to vacillate between the two, in complete disregard of the facts.