Since You Asked

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Shameless Self-Promotion: Chauncey DeVega Will be on Tonight's Ring of Fire TV Show Discussing Race, Justice, the Young Lions of Baltimore, and White Racial Attitudes

An obligatory knee update. I have more range of movement, am more walking than hobbling, but am being very careful in how far I push things. I walked four blocks yesterday--very carefully and slowly--and it was exhausting. I cannot wait to get back to my old self so that I can walk my 2 or so miles a day. Again, thanks for the good energy and healing waves the good friends of WARN have sent to me.

I have hinted that there were some good developments in the works. I was vague because I did not want to jinx things.

Ring of Fire TV and Radio has been very kind and supportive of my work. The show's host Mike Papantonio, and producer Farron Cousins, have been great in providing opportunities for me there--and in other venues as well.

Starting this week, Ring of Fire is now a daily show airing at 8:30 PM EST Monday through Friday.

I will appearing on tonight's episode where I will be discussing race, the law, Baltimore, the young lions who fought back against the thug cops, and other related matters. Considering that I was not able to sit comfortably, had my leg elevated, and was not my normal 100 percent physically, fingers crossed, I think I took it to the limit--as I always strive to do--without apologies.

Given Ring of Fire's new schedule, I should be appearing there much more often. I treat every guest appearance as an audition for the next one. Hopefully, you will see me every so many weeks...or more, who knows?

I would like to thank all of you kind folks who have supported my work in its various incarnations since the beginning of this humble project almost 8 years ago.

Your support and feedback are very important to me both personally and professionally. Please tell your friends about Ring of Fire, my various appearances there and elsewhere (the podcast is essential to our future plans so please subscribe to it on Itunes), and do contact other media outlets that you think would benefit from having me on as a guest. Those emails and Tweets actually do get read and they have created many opportunities for getting the good work that you and I have created here on WARN to a broader audience.

There are some other things in process as well. With your help and encouragement, I hope that they will come to fruition.

As always, Ring of Fire TV can be watched on Free Speech TV at this link. Please share your feedback, suggestions, and other insights if you are so inclined.


  1. Get well soon; knee pain is the worst.

  2. Feeling much better, but won't be 100 percent for a while it seems. Got lucky all things considered given how bad the fall was.
