Since You Asked

Monday, May 4, 2015

Monday Semi-Open Thread: Islamic Fundamentalist Human Garbage Attempts to Take Out Bigoted Human Garbage in Garland, Texas

I hope that your weekend was restful. I am going to see the new Avengers movie later today. Fingers crossed, it does not disappoint.

I still have a few more pieces to offer about the Freddie Gray murder and the Baltimore Uprising. For now, do consider this a semi-open Monday thread.

The media has been given a reprieve of sorts. With Sunday's apparent attempt by "terrorists" to attack an "art" gallery opening featuring caricatures of the Islamic worship figure Muhammad in Garland, Texas, the American corporate media can refocus on the apparent "enemy within" by nebulous "Muslim terrorists" as opposed to talking about the clear threat posed to black (and brown and poor and other peoples) by the country's police departments.

The first story is far easier and more digestible for the low information American public.

As readers of my work online and elsewhere know, I have little to no use for religion. I find the religiously minded a very confusing group of people. Religion is a type of self-therapy and medication that can be used for positive or negative purposes. Extreme forms of religiosity can also impair one's cognitive processes.

I also acknowledge how religion has been an aid and tool for some of America's greatest leaders and visionaries such as Martin Luther King Jr. and John Brown.

Life in a cosmopolitan and diverse society is complicated. For that reason--and many others--we have laws that separate Church and State.

The attempted "terrorist" raid on hate monger Pamela Geller's event is an example of one group of human debris attempting to destroy another group of human debris. It is wonderfully efficient when one group of garbage attempts to put another group of like-minded human garbage on the collective refuse pile.

However, in the United States it is not illegal to be an asshole noxious public presence as long as you abide by the laws governing freedom of speech, public assembly, and safe conduct. By comparison, it is quite illegal to attempt to kill people because a cartoon insulted your sacred mythological worship figure. The whole matter in Garland, Texas is unfortunate; I am glad that the local police were present to send the 2 gunmen to their respective afterlives. I hope that they are not disappointed when they get there.

I am not so myopic and ahistorical as to suggest that domestic political violence is uncommon in America. I am, however, concerned about how since 9/11 America has been in a state of political and social derangement both at home and abroad.

Are the chickens coming home to roost again? And am I being too cynical in my concern about how the Christian Religious Right and the Islamic Right are both threats to cosmopolitanism and modernity in the United States?


  1. I remember always being reminded by the CIA,FBI(pick your favorite federal alphabet soup)that free speech isn't free and that in fact it has its limits.
    Especially when you are a member of a group listed as a hate group, with the intent to incite or provoke hatred and disregard to the beliefs, ethnicities or orientation of other groups.
    According to NPR and other corporate media outlets, this particular group knew and planned for this possible outcome ahead of time, it seems to me as if someone or a group of someones arr trying to foment a civil conflict on a national scale possibly based on race and/or class.

  2. You are on to how this whole thing doesn't pass the sniff test. I wish we could have a Thunderdome style match where no one escapes the cage for religious extremists. Would solve many problems, no?

  3. I really can't stand most religious people. Occasionally there is a person that isn't a complete bigot jackass, but they're few and far between. I understand how religion has been spread as a form of social uplift, but it's also been used mainly as a form of social control.

    I doubt the two people who did the shooting were strongly connected to any terrorist organization. They were probably reacting to the never-ending hate they see in Garland, Texas. But it's going to be proof of anti-Christian eliminationism which requires more extreme force to purge.

    They are made for each other, it's just unfortunate their numbers are too many that everyone in the world is swept into their conflict.

  4. I wouldn't call any of them "religious," as these extremists jack**sses belie the words of their respective faith leaders. You don't have to be a Biblical scholar, just need the ability to read to know that there isn't anything "Christian" about the religious right. But this incident seems very suspicious.

    I think the average person, meaning most people, don't go in for this extremist garbage, on either side. I know and have known many people who were raised culturally Muslim or Christian, and none of them were as rigidly extremists as this.

    The these groups, on both sides, represent in numbers a fraction of society, but tend to be very useful idiots for the real rulers who are working to take this country back to the Gilded Age, where they owned everyone and everything, lock, stock and barrel. So the media rushes to provide legitimacy to every thing they do, no matter how ridiculous, as "an opposing view." Between the two, stats show that the racist/christian right groups and individuals pose more of a terrorist threat and have killed in this country than any "muslim" extremist group. And yet, the FBI will not focus on these groups, but focus on Islamic extremists. This keeps the con going and serves to divert attention why we all get robbed blind and the shackles are made ever tighter.

    The reality is, these people use religion more as a tribal/political expression. They are the practical definition of "false prophets."

  5. Re: "It is wonderfully efficient when one group of garbage attempts to put another group of like-minded human garbage on the collective refuse pile."

    I must object. I don't think we should look the other way while one scumbag group kills another. All life is precious and all killing of another human being is immoral to the extreme. To stand idly by or not to care about the loss of life we degrade the value of human life. That's not what we're about here.

    To create a better world, job number one is stop all the killing. That includes war, the death penalty and the slow death of inadequate resources to live and long and happy life. about that movie? I have to wait until Saturday. :(

  6. *

    Re: "It is wonderfully efficient when one group of garbage attempts to put another group of like-minded human garbage on the collective refuse pile."

    I must object. I don't think we should look the other way while one scumbag group kills another. All life is precious and all killing of another human being is immoral to the extreme. To stand idly by or not to care about the loss of life we degrade the value of human life. That's not what we're about here.

    To create a better world, job number one is stop all the killing. That includes war, the death penalty and the slow death of inadequate resources to live and long and happy life. about that movie? I have to wait until Saturday. :(

  7. !!! How (Dr.Ukaka) Help Me Save My Marriage & Avoid Divorce !!!

    “LOVE is the key to LIFE” Glorious be unto Dr. Ukaka the great man and ever, my name is Lisa Buckley from Taxes city Usa. since 1 and a half year I have witness what is called heart broken. my boyfriend that promised me marriage failed me and impregnate me and leave,he dump me,he stop calling" he stop picking my calls,and he no longer respond to me. I have be looking for solution,I fall into the hands of fake spell caster,they rough me off and took my money without help.I have cried,I have weep"and tears runs out of eyes. The silentness in my heart brought me to the deepest path of failure that I lost my job. Crying all day,because of my life was lonely. So thanks to Ukaka that came into my life and brought me the greatest joy that was lost. I saw his mail while browsing and I contact and tell him what I am passing through with no doubt because what saw about him,was enough to believe. And I was given words of solution on what to do. I can't really help thinking about it I have tried to see what I can do, I manage to provide him some materials and he help me with the rest,after casting the spell, 12hrs later he came with rose on his hand and I was even about going out,i saw him in front of my door when he sees me he knee and said he is dying I should forgive him and accept him back he was crying,I can't wait to let him finish I quickly crab him and kiss him, just then" he said he is restless without me, just as the prophet has said he will be. He brought out a ring and put it on my hand. Our wedding day was scheduled,1week after we got married. today makes it 2weeks and we are living happily I don't know how to praise him enough, he has done me a thing I can never forget. And I can't really share to myself alone, I want y'all to help me praise him because if it is wasn't for him I already plan of committing suicide. But right now I am now so happy more than I was before. And you out there crying for help you've already got one,Ukaka is the man that you need in all rampart. contact his address if you need his service, also contact him on his web site: also call Dr.Ukaka on his mobile number +2348133873774).
