Since You Asked

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Is The Force Strong With This One? The Second 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' Trailer is Finally Here!

The new Star Wars: The Force Awakens trailer has just debuted.

I am still amazed to see a black man as a lead in a Star Wars film. For those folks who did not grow up having to "read yourself" into Star Wars because of the structured absence of black and non-white characters in the Original Trilogy (Lando and random Return of the Jedi Rebel Pilot) being the notable exceptions), the power of such moments may be lost on you.

The new trailer has some great stuff. We see the the physical evidence of the Galactic Civil War with a destroyed Star Destroyer on a desert world named Jakku, the rise of the "new" Empire, Storm Commandos (or are they an honor guard or personal strike unit for the new villain?), Luke's robotic arm, a Sith cult led by Kylo Ren who have found Vader's helmet from the funeral pyre, what seems to be some fratricidal combat between elements of the remaining Galactic Empire, and of course other goodness too--a lightsaber being passed from "mother" to "daughter" perhaps? and yes, Han and Chewie are finally "home".

Star Wars: The Force Awakens is now a very real thing.

It is time to revisit the predictions and thoughts about Star Wars: The Force Awakens that I made in this episode of the podcast known as The Chauncey DeVega Show.

Any thoughts or reactions to the new trailer? Excited? Worried? Both?


  1. Great teaser trailer. I think JJ is going to do just fine by the franchise. Looking forward to seeing it with my kids!

  2. Looks very cool--I've liked what I've seen so far (via the trailers) so fingers crossed it will be good. Sadly, the racial nonsense being blasted of John Boyega is back again....

  3. Are they that fragile? What are the complaints now?

  4. He can make interesting trailers. Let us not forget his horrible Star Trek movies. Fingers crossed he got this one!

  5. His Trek movies were little more than demo reels for his pitch to do Star Wars.

    The problem with Abrams is that while he can dazzle with the opening, which makes him great at marketing, he shows a real inability to tell a coherent story after the first half of the first act.

    And Boyega's presence does little to offset the fact that Lando is nowhere to be found.

    Call me a contrarian, but still not feelin' it.

  6. James Scaminaci III, PhDApril 17, 2015 at 8:28 AM

    I have not seen the trailer. I probably won't see the trailer. I want to be totally surprised. But, it's already on my list to go see, unless the reviews say it stinks. But I doubt that.

  7. I gotta disagree - I really liked the first Star Trek reboot. The second one not as much, but mostly because I was annoyed that they went back to the Khan story-line rather than boldly going where no other plot line has gone before.

  8. That's a fair assessment of an JJ Abrams film. He goes heavy on the action to close a story - not a lot of subtlety and plot development after the first sixty-minutes for sure.

    I'm hoping for a bigger Lando role in Episode VIII. The new characters need to be established and the show needs to revolve around them. I can easily see Lando being pulled in much the way his character was in Episode V - providing pivotal support to the trapped heroes in a delicate situation.

  9. I have a vivid memory of the very first time the trailer for the original, first star wars movie came out. It was so long ago, we were sitting in the balcony smoking cigarettes. The part where r2-d2 falls over on his face got a chuckle from the audience. We had no idea what we were seeing, or how it would change the movie industry.

    The new Batman v. Superman trailer is out. Zak Snyder tweeted it:

  10. Times and places and memories. I remember my mom let me stay up way past my bedtime to watch Star Wars on HBO. The cable went out that night. I was mighty upset. It is still one of my favorite memories.

  11. Watch watch watch away! But you are busy doing good work on your blog. Mention it here so folks can follow it.

  12. Abrams' Star Wars movies are abominations. If he can channel 80 percent of 1970s Lucas we are okay. If not, watch out for the hot mess he has crated.

  13. They saw Billy Dee on dances with the Stars and said hell no! Even my mom called me after watching him on DWTS and said that Lando is too damn old he ain't got no business in no Star Wars movie.

  14. I'll be disappointed if Billy Dee Williams doesn't get so much as a cameo appearance.

    As for my mood for the upcoming "Star Wars" film is indifference. This is not a "Star Wars" sequel but a new series based on the old Star Wars saga. This is now a Abrams/Disney production with George Lucas just as a creative consultant and it doesn't look like they used his ideas much:

    I don't want to be a Debbie downer here and I appreciate the more ethnically diverse cast but I don't think we should get our hopes up too much lest we set ourselves up for disappointment.

  15. Did you mean "Abrams' Star Trek movies?"

    20% expectations seems about right.

    Age of Ultron on our doorstep...
