Since You Asked

Monday, April 20, 2015

If He was Black He'd Be Dead: What Happens When a White Murder Suspect Attacks an Ohio Police Officer?

Last evening, I had the pleasure of attending comedian Dick Gregory's concert at the Promontory restaurant and lounge in Chicago.

He is a legend. Gregory is also a legend who delivers on the promise of his title and reputation. One must wonder does he have the secret of youth? Did he obtain if through a nefarious bargain? Or is Gregory's vitality the result of good living and a fortunate roll of the genetic dice?

Opening for a legend is difficult. It is also an honor. Some of the younger comedians who stepped out on the stage before Gregory are very early in their training. They are journeyman bards with much to learn. One of those lessons should be to not steal a.k.a. "borrow" jokes from obvious sources. It is tacky and poor form. Of course, there are few new ideas. The classics are the classics (I just flew in from Detroit, and boy are my arms tired!). But one should at least try to innovate as they would not want to be so easily exposed by either their peers or a student of comedy who happens to be in the audience.

One of Dick Gregory's themes was the impotence of misdirected black rage. As he observed, folks are angry about "injustice" and "racism" but do little substantive to counter it. They may huff and puff, but that is all bluster for their exhalations are aimed in the wrong direction.

Gregory, like the best performers in the African-American comedic tradition, was pointing out the absurd, the (not) dilemma of the colorline (for is justice ever really that complicated?), and offering a deep critique of Power.

Ultimately, Gregory concluded that "we" choose to not see the truth. It is not a hard thing to divine or to understand, but most people choose to enable their own powerlessness and learned helplessness.

One of Dick Gregory's most wickedly genius observations was about America's police and the colorline. He asked, "why would a white person with all of the privileges and power that come with being 'white' in America choose to be a cop when so many other easy options are available to them?"

The answer to that question holds the key to understanding white on black police violence and the necropolis of black bodies that are more visible in the Age of Obama and a carceral surveillance society, but which historically have been a fixture of American life since before the Founding.

We should never forget that America is a house built on the bodies of black and brown people. They are also the kindling for the fire that fueled the American melting pot.

The State has a monopoly on violence and force. The police are the day-to-day arm of the State. For black Americans, and the poor and working classes more generally, the police are part of a larger societal apparatus that is dedicated to creating a sense of "custodial citizenship". Police do not treat white middle class and rich people the same way that they treat black and brown people of any class background. This is by design. America's police exist to enforce a hierarchical arrangement of class and racial power.

Such a dynamic cultivates a type of delusional and willful ignorance for White America, one that is so powerful that even video recorded examples of police thuggery against black people (and others) can be explained away by white racial paranoiac thinking.

In all, because "Officer Friendly" is friendly to them, too many white folks incorrectly assume that Officer Friendly is not an authoritarian racist bully in his or her interactions with other people.

Hegemonic power is omnipresent. It does not work only by punishing those who transgress, but also by giving rewards to those who obey. Power creates legitimacy through schools, religion, the media, and more general and vague cultural norms that together create a sense of what is "normal".

Police legitimacy and authority in the United States has been increasingly exposed as corrupt and not deserved by the video-recorded murders of unarmed black men at the hands of the police, as well as other examples where police have killed and abused the mentally ill, the poor and homeless, people who were subdued and not a threat, and most notably engaged in a spectacular riot against the people of Ferguson, Missouri.

Thus, there exists a need to create a counter-narrative in order to subvert the justice claims of those who seek police reform. America's "approved public discourse" and "acceptable opinion" will retreat to a defensive bulwark of cultural myths about "heroic police" who have a "hard and difficult job" as cover for police thuggery and brutality. To counter the visual record of white on black police violence, the media will discover and highlight video-recorded examples of police behaving in a "heroic" and "noble" manner.

New Richmond, Ohio police officer Jesse Kidder has provided one such moment. As reported by CNN, he was "attacked" by a "suspect" who was attempting "suicide by cop".

CNN details how:
Police shootings stoke controversy as the public dissects the details of each incident and decides whether the use of force was unwarranted or if the officer acted in self-defense in the face of a truly dangerous criminal. 
This isn't one of those cases. 
On Thursday, Officer Jesse Kidder could have opened fire on a man in New Richmond, Ohio, and likely would never have heard a breath of the protest that followed the shootings of Eric Harris and Walter Scott
What might have been a "suicide by cop" ended in the suspect's arrest and booking, thanks to what Kidder's colleagues say was his "great restraint." 
If there were a checklist for when it's OK to shoot a suspect, Kidder could have ticked most of the boxes.
The story continues:
The officer's body camera -- which Kidder's family bought for him after the Michael Brown shooting in Ferguson, Missouri -- captured the suspect rushing toward Kidder, unfazed by the officer's handgun. Dispatchers had told Kidder the suspect might have a gun under his car seat and might attempt to commit "suicide by cop," WLWT reported. 
"I jumped out, and he's running toward me. I had my firearm already drawn on him, and I tell him to put his hands up in the air, and he was screaming, 'Shoot me! Shoot me!'" Kidder said. 
Kidder backs away from the suspect, who puts one hand in his jacket pocket, then another. Still, the officer declines to pull the trigger. 
"My eyes are watching that hand right now, nothing else," Kidder said. 
Kidder yells, "Get your hands out of your pocket now!" 
The suspect continues to advance, walking swiftly, hands still obscured. 
"I was trying to open a dialogue with him. 'I don't want to shoot you; just get on the ground.' But he wasn't having it. He kept repeating, 'Shoot me!' At one point, he said, 'Shoot me, or I'll shoot you,'" the officer said. 
Kidder keeps his composure, even when the suspect charges to within a few feet, forcing Kidder to tumble backward to the ground, his upended feet coming into the body camera's view.
Because of a body camera, Officer Jesse Kidder was also able to provide video of the event.

Of course, the essential question is not asked by CNN's story on Officer Kidder's decision to not shoot the suspect. What if the man "attacking" Kidder was black and not white? Would Officer Kidder had exercised as much restraint?

Childish logic suggests that a video-recording of one "good" and "exceptional" cop trumps the many video-recorded murders and abuse of black and brown people by America's police. It exists in the same intellectually and morally empty conceptual universe as "both sides do it!" and "we need to consider both sides of the argument." Such claims are perfect propaganda for the simple minded and binary thinkers.

Empirical research has repeatedly demonstrated that police are more likely to use lethal force against black men, are primed on a subconscious level to shoot unarmed black people faster than they are white people, and are part of a "justice" system that practices racial bias on almost every level in its treatment of African-Americans.

Kidder exercised admirable and amazing restraint in his decision to not shoot a human being who was attempting "suicide by cop". The problem is not Officer Jesse Kidder's good character. Rather, how will Kidder's video-recorded decision to not kill a human being, when he had the legal power to do so, be located relative to a broader narrative and public discourse about American police violence and abuse?

As America's police reaffirm their legitimacy, they will be aided by a Right-wing media, petite authoritarians, cop fetishists, and other servants of Power who are desperate to find the "Good German" or the "Kind Slave Owner" in the form of "Officer Friendly".

There is a complication in this project. Critical thinkers and the enlightened immediately know that the search for such cultural figures actually highlights how barbarism and foul treatment are the norm and not exceptions to the rule.


  1. "Good cop" is my favorite new oxymoron.

  2. Here he is from 1965:

    He is one of my favorites. As to why he's still going strong, he's always been an advocate of healthy living. No excess alcohol, a good diet, a positive way of thinking.

    In the clip above, he's so thoughtful and funny, compared to the usual vegas-style vulgar corny comics who used to step on Merv's stage. He raises the audience up to his level rather than stooping down to theirs. And he gets big laughs.

  3. Dick Gregory was one of the comedians I grew up with back in the 60's (along with Bob and Ray, Nichols and May, Jack Benny, George Carlin, and Bob Newhart.) While I appreciate his comedy, I also admire his efforts to research and report doubts about the Warren Commission's conclusions. For years he's been one of the most prominent and tireless advocates of finding the truth about JFK's murder. Thanks for refreshing my memory. Now I need to google his books because I would find them enlightening.

  4. Reminds me of "A Time to Kill":

    "Now imagine he's black."

  5. Folks forget he was on the show that debuted the JFK murder video. He was amazing. A master at his craft. As I said on Twitter, watching the talent stink up the place before he came out has encouraged me to do some stand up to cross it off the bucket list. What I really liked was also how Brother Gregory would do some lecturing, then do classic jokes and comedy, then do something observational, and play with the crowd. I love watching masters work.

    He delivered.

    The only sad thing for me as a student of comedy is that I worry that too many folks in the audience didn't understand the craftsmanship they were a party to.

  6. Gregory looked great. He did his set sitting down. Why not? I would do the same thing too. He had so much to give and I suspect was holding back as there were moments where the audience clearly wasn't ready. Maybe as a comedy nerd I think too much about what is going on, but the audience were children and he was bringing adult knowledge.

  7. It is a good one. Any others to share? What have you been up to as of late?

    Honest politician is one of my favorites.

  8. Is he an advocate of natural foods and holistic healing? I thought I read sometime ago he was on a macrobiotic diet. Could be wrong.

  9. I consider myself a comedy snob LOL! I think too much comedy today is sophomoric, obvious and cliched. I tend to tine comics of "my day" (listed above plus a few more recent ones) were superior. My dad was a successful radio broadcaster who wrote his own comedy material for years, and he was original and brilliant.

  10. He's a major advocate of natural foods. Are you the offspring of Bob and/or Ray?

  11. Good Cop
    Honest Politician
    Compassionate Conservative
    Hard-Working Boss
    Intellectually Honest Right Wing Internet Trolls

  12. The point on being well-read is so important. There is so much going on to talk about. The opening comics did tired stuff. At the end of the opening they had to stretch it out 10 mins, a comedian got on stage who performed earlier and basically had nothing. You are opening for Dick Gregory! You got nothing! Come on.

    I am seriously going to do 10 minutes at an open mic just for the hell of it.

  13. No, Buddy. My dad was a local radio celebrity in Cincinnati and St. Paul (though we did wander up and down the dial in my childhood). But he was a huge fan of Bob and Ray and I grew up listening to them.

  14. Good for you! As well you should. I'm still dithering towards my podcast.

  15. Speaking of longevity:

    This 102 year old dancer sees herself on film for the first time. Alice Barker was a chorus line dancer during the Harlem Renaissance of the 1930s and 40s. She danced at clubs such as The Apollo, Cotton Club, and Zanzibar Club

  16. I loved that. Thanks so much for sharing.

  17. Fox NEWS is my all time favorite. As to what I have been up to, lots of things. I work in insurance by day and at night I work on my true geek passion. I make action figures. I've actually been working on a start up action figure line. How about yourself?

  18. What if the man "attacking" Kidder was black and not white? Would Officer Kidder had exercised as much restraint?

    We'll never know for sure. But we know how typical white cops deal with black and brown men, women and children.

    What we do know is that Kidder saw the white man as a human being and that he really didn't want to shoot him - even to the point of putting himself in danger.

    We also know that this incident has absolutely no bearing on the goodness of cops when it comes to white cops and how they deal with black and brown people.

  19. That was great - thanks! My wife had already seen it. It's making its way around the Internet.

  20. See the chart on...

    Police are much more likely to kill black suspects:
