Since You Asked

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Yes, ISIS Burned a Man Alive: White Americans Did the Same Thing to Black People by the Many Thousands

ISIS burned Muadh al Kasasbeh, a captured Jordian fighter pilot, to death. They doused him with an accelerant. His captors set him on fire. Muadh al Kasasbeh desperately tried to put out the flames. ISIS recorded Muadh al Kasasbeh's immolation, produced a video designed to intimidate their enemies, and then circulated it online.

ISIS's burning alive of Muadh al Kasasbeh has been denounced as an act of savagery, barbarism, and wanton cruelty--one from the "dark ages" and not of the modern world.

American Exceptionalism blinds those who share its gaze to uncomfortable facts and truths about their own country.

For almost a century, the United States practiced a unique cultural ritual that was as least as gruesome as the "Medieval" punishments meted out by ISIS against its foes.

What is now known as "spectacular lynching" involved the ceremonial torture, murder--and yes, burning alive--of black Americans by whites. Like ISIS's use of digital media to circulate images of the torturous death of Muadh al Kasasbeh by fire, the spectacular lynchings of the black body were shared via postcards and other media.

In fact, the burned to death images of the black body were one of the most popular types of mass culture in 19th and 20th century America.

This account of the horrific murder of Sam Hose by White Americans is an even more grotesque and exaggerated version of the cruelty visited upon Muadh al Kasasbeh by ISIS:

The white-owned newspapers of the South had long gorged themselves with exaggerated or fabricated accounts of such violence. In the papers' version, the fight between Sam Hose and his boss became transformed into the most enraging crime of all: the rape of the white man's wife. White Georgians tracked Hose down and prepared for his lynching. Two thousand people gathered for the killing, some taking a special excursion train from Atlanta for the purpose. The leaders of the lynching stripped Hose, chained him to a tree, stacked wood around him, and soaked everything in kerosene. The mob cut off Hose's ears, fingers and genitals; they peeled the skin from his face. They watched, a newspaper reported, ''with unfeigning satisfaction'' as the man's veins ruptured from the heat and his blood hissed in the flames. ''Oh, my God! Oh, Jesus,'' were the only words Hose could manage. When he finally died, the crowd cut his heart and liver from his body, sharing the pieces among themselves, selling fragments of bone and tissue to those unable to attend. No one wore a disguise, no one was punished.
The murder of Jessie Washington is a genius work in white on black violence, far worse than the wickedness of ISIS's acts against Muadh al Kasasbeh:
“Great masses of humanity flew as swiftly as possible through the streets of the city in order to be present at the bridge when the hanging took place, but when it was learned that the Negro was being taken to the City Hall law, crowds of men, women and children turned and hastened to the lawn.” 
“On the way to the scene of the burning people on every hand took a hand in showing their feelings in the matter by striking the Negro with anything obtainable, some struck him with shovels, bricks, clubs, and others stabbed him and cut him until when he was strung up his body was a solid color of red, the blood of the many wounds inflicted covered him from head to foot.”  
“Dry goods boxes and all kinds of inflammable material were gathered, and it required but an instant to convert this into seething flames. When the Negro was first hoisted into the air his tongue protruded from his mouth and his face was besmeared with blood.”
“Life was not extinct within the Negro’s body, although nearly so, when another chain was placed around his neck and thrown over the limb of a tree on the lawn, everybody trying to get to the Negro and have some part in his death. The infuriated mob then leaned the Negro, who was half alive and half dead, against the tree, he having just strength enough within his limbs to support him. 
As rapidly as possible the Negro was then jerked into the air at which a shout from thousands of throats went up on the morning air and dry goods boxes, excelsior, wood and every other article that would burn was then in evidence, appearing as if by magic. A huge dry goods box was then produced and filled to the top with all of the material that had been secured.  
The Negro’s body was swaying in the air, and all of the time a noise as of thousands was heard and the Negro’s body was lowered into the box.” “No sooner had his body touched the box than people pressed forward, each eager to be the first to light the fire, matches were touched to the inflammable material and as smoke rapidly rose in the air, such a demonstration as of people gone mad was never heard before. Everybody pressed closer to get souvenirs of the affair. When they had finished with the Negro his body was mutilated.”  
“Fingers, ears, pieces of clothing, toes and other parts of the Negro’s body were cut off by members of the mob that had crowded to the scene as if by magic when the word that the Negro had been taken in charge by the mob was heralded over the city. As the smoke rose to the heavens, the mass of people, numbering in the neighborhood of 10,000 crowding the City Hall law and overflowing the square, hanging from the windows of buildings, viewing the scene from the tops of buildings and trees, set up a shout that was heard blocks away.” 
Many thousands of black Americans were killed by white lynchers in the United States. 

The spectacular lynching was a ceremony (it was not something random or spontaneous; the acts of a few out for black blood possessed insane white people), with distinct practices, that symbolically purged the black body from the white polity in an era of formal white supremacy:
The actual process of lynching was morbid and incredibly violent. Lynching does not necessarily mean hanging. It often included humiliation, torture, burning, dismemberment and castration. Victims were beaten and whipped, many times in front of large crowds that sometimes numbered in the thousands. Coal tar was frequently used to douse the unfortunate victim prior to setting him afire. 
Onlookers sometimes fired rifles and handguns hundreds of times into the corpse while people cheered and children played during the festivities. Pieces of the corpse were taken by onlookers as souvenirs of the event [5]. Such was the case when James Irwin was lynched on January 31, 1930. Irwin was accused of the murder of a white girl in the town of Ocilla, Georgia. Taken into custody by a rampaging mob, his fingers and toes were cut off, his teeth pulled out by pliers and finally he was castrated. It still wasn't enough. Irwin was then burned alive in front of hundreds of onlookers (Brundage, p. 42). 
No one was ever punished for this barbaric killing. Black victims were hacked to death, dragged behind cars [6], burned, beaten, whipped, sometimes shot thousands of times, mutilated; the savagery was astonishing. How could ordinary people participate in such brutality?
The rendering of spectacular violence against non-whites paid a psychological wage to white people that helped to create a type of social cement for White America, one that covered up its own intra-group tensions of class, religion, and gender. This racial logic continues in the present with a racially discriminatory criminal justice system, the murder by police of black and brown people, and how white Americans support such unfair treatment.

American politicians and other opinion leaders have denounced ISIS and the death by fire meted out to Muadh al Kasasbeh.

Would they apply the same standards to white Americans who committed mass violence against African-Americans through lynchings, racial pogroms, and other like deeds?

Would white folks, on both sides of the ideological divide, condemn their ancestors who participated in such types of violence?

Would they support reparations as a material gesture of apology for such crimes?

Will White America ever be willing to fully own its historic ISIS-like behavior against African-Americans and other people of color, and how such violence created the present, where neighborhoods are hyper-segregated, there exists a huge wage and income gap along the color line, and by almost every measure, black and brown Americans have significantly diminished life chances relative to white people?

Violence is a human trait. ISIS's burning alive of Muadh al Kasasbeh is an act of barbarism.

However, we cannot overlook how the United States has conducted master classes in violence and barbarism both before, during, and since its founding...and yes, much of this violence was against people of color whose labor, lives, land, and freedom were stolen to create American empire.


  1. That's what the fuck I'm talking about Chauncey!! Way to pull no punches telling the white man about himself and how ameriKKKa was founded.

  2. I am not trying to tell "the white man" about himself. I am trying to hold up a mirror so that America--White America--in particular sees its own hypocrisy and that burning people alive is not something that "those savages" is something that people have done to each other.

    White America is in no position to lecture anyone about violence.

    Where do you think folks have been hiding these last few days? Comments have been slow. Maybe the weather and folks going offline for a bit.

    If you want a good laugh do go to the Daily Kos page for this post, 400 plus comments. Quite a few good examples of liberal racism on display there.

  3. So what do you want white people to do short of killing themselves? I get the gist that nothing the white man does will ever satisfy you. You hate whites even if they're self-hating whites that agree with everything you say.

  4. Good luck. Keep making progress.

    One of the future podcast, already recorded, is on the history of napalm. Small world, no?

  5. I've been off the radar working on a research proposal for a PhD studentship focusing on antislavery movements today and the usable past. Doing some research on 17th century radicalism and getting my head around the comparative aspects to modern day human trafficking via the Prison-Industrial Complex. (By the way if you have time, I'd like to hear your critique of my proposal).

    You don't have to go far back in time to find immolation used by the US government. Vietnam is what we usually think of, but we also have violated agreements against incendiary weapons in the last two wars in Iraq, first with napalm in the Gulf, and white phosphorous in 2005. Both were admitted by the government, because technically you can use them, but not as direct weapons. The reason that's bullshit is because they're particularly useful at getting people out of bunkers and caves, and that's exactly where incendiary weapons happened to end up being dropped.

  6. Are you going to be talking about our use of it on defeated German troops during WWII? That's something I was thinking about the other day and wondering if those were our first tests of the weapon.

  7. When you raise this history among the "freedom-loving patriot" crowd, those in "shock" over that burning, that exposes the rank hypocrisy, you get the blank stare then angry defensiveness. But this is history that can't be refuted. These lynchings by fire were common, made even more sickening by celebratory, fun for the whole family nature of them. (Bring the kids!)

    As I've said, the "terrorists" have a ways to go yet before they even come close to the barbarity visited upon people of color in America.

  8. Disturbing, man. Shit's hard to take. Such an ugly, ugly history. It's amazing what people are capable of doing —and consequently what We could be capable of doing.

    1) Would white folks, on both sides of the ideological divide, condemn their ancestors who participated in such types of violence?
    --Absolutely. Even KKK members would.

    2) Would they support reparations as a material gesture of apology for such crimes?
    --Absolutely not! It's history, they would say. Leave it in the past, they would say.

    3) Will White America ever be willing to fully own its historic ISIS-like behavior...?
    --Absolutely not. It goes against the *false* White Narrative that white folks are inherently Good.


    I'm currently reading Theories of Tyranny and I'll share what I learn as I go through it. In authoritarian regimes, it's important terrorize one's own people with fear and violence. Sound familiar? Also, in modern fascist regimes (think Nazis), step one is to is isolate the people. Isolation leads to powerlessness which leads to anxiety which sets up the population to be controlled by mass manipulation. Isolation is known as individualism in the US. Sound familiar? Liberal democracies are founded on individualism which may explain their susceptibility for falling into totalitarian type regimes.

    Now hate, racism, imperialism and capitalism all fit into the big picture but I'll leave that for another time.

  9. The theory of tyranny almost sounds like an abusive marriage

  10. Don't forget these derpy bastards on the right wing were taking photos and shaking hands with Isis not long ago. Much like the FBI frequently aided the klan

  11. A brave Jordanian fighter was burnt alive by a terrorist group that has murdered more people in a couple months than the number of blacks lynched in the US over the course of 86 years. All you can do is make this whole thing about YOU in an outburst of narcissism and racial rent - seeking.

    Please tell me all about those lynchings going on the present day United States.

  12. Cool story. Too bad you have no clue what you're talking about:

    "So in 86 years and across a rather large area of land, 3,446 blacks (and 1,297 whites) were lynched. In comparison: according toHuffpo 1,922 people were killed in Iraq by Isis. In June 2014."

  13. Yeah, the KKK is definitely as dangerous as ISIS. Cool story.

  14. Yeah, totally valid comparison:

    So in 86 years and across a rather large area of land, 3,446 blacks (and 1,297 whites) were lynched. In comparison: according toHuffpo 1,922 people were killed in Iraq by Isis. In June 2014.

  15. And your point is?

  16. You just implied that ISIS has a ways to go before it matches the barbarity that whites meted out on blacks and other POC in the US. Not only is that factually absurd but let's not forget that Africans are literally burning people alive via necklacing in the actual present world.

  17. Is this a good time to point out that lynchings were not primarily aimed at blacks?
    "The Tuskegee Institute has recorded 3,446 blacks and 1,297 whites being lynched between 1882 and 1968, with the annual peak occurring in the 1890s, at a time of economic stress in the South and political suppression."
    And that this was actually more racially balanced than our justice system today?

  18. So whites can't lecture anyone on violence because whites used to burn blacks alive?

    By that logic blacks can never lecture anyone on violence since Africans are still burning people alive in the present day.

  19. I didn't imply, I said it: ISIS has a ways to go before it reaches the barbarity, and I'll add, breath and scope of what American terrorists have done here? 86 years? Try over 400 years of terror against Native Americans. How long has ISIS been around?

    The author of this post provided a taste, but you only need to read history to know what I'm talking about is based in fact.

    If you can read and count...

    My point is this: it's hypocritical for people here in this country to be hand-wringing and pearl clutching over the barbarity of ISIS when the same was done here. Degree, ie "who did the most" is irrelevant when it comes to identifying the elements of hypocrisy. They're there.

    Again, if you can read and count...

  20. Sociology Major 300k startingFebruary 5, 2015 at 6:37 PM

    But meow, those Africans are only burning people alive because of white racism and institutional apartheid hatespeech bigotry.

  21. How is it hypocritical to condemn ISIS because of what Americans did in the past?

    By that logic nobody can condemn any form of violence because their ancestors all engaged in violence.

    Again, Africans are necklacing, enslaving, and torturing people RIGHT NOW in Africa, should we call any black who criticizes violence a hypocrite? I thought not.

  22. You do realize the year 1886 was when Tuskegee started counting and does not mean that was year zero when lynching started? They've been lynching long before that.

    Also, that whites we're lynched doesn't mitigate the fact of terror by the white supremacist Klan.

  23. If you truly believe that fuckface, why do you still live in the US? It sounds like it's impuring your soul. Oh I get it, this is about signaling how morally superior you are while shitting on the country you live in to everyone around you with no real retaliation that will befall you. Much more brave than a 18 year old who still lives with his parents, but talks shit about how evil they are.

    Brave level: Out-of -this-world-Conan-style. I hope one day we can be as brave as you, really speaking out against the oppressive system that's keeping you down.

  24. What does that have to do with the point of American terrorism? Nothing.

    You're not making any sense.

  25. Correct. I should have checked my Eurocentric white imperial patriarchal heteronormative cisbiased notions of reason. African witchcraft metaphysics are just as valid Western logic.

  26. Truly a witty response from our brave soul.

  27. lol whites dindu nuffins

  28. reminder that evil whitey brought you to this glorious civilization in chains and frankly you should leave the same way. glorious africa awaits noble black man!


  29. Your claim: White Americans are hypocrites for calling the acts of ISIS barbaric because they did nasty things to POCs throughout history. This makes zero sense.

    I just informed you that all people of all cultures have committed acts of violence throughout history, therefore by YOUR OWN LOGIC, nobody can criticize anyone for acts of violence.

  30. He'll make something up, I'm sure...
    Did you know his peeps could once fly?

  31. "sticking his neck out", as it were...

  32. No dude, that just works for white people.

    That universalist relativist bullshit is just what happens when they become apologist and defensive.

  33. how does it feel that no amount of rent seeking by negroes will tumble the tumblr dick mutilating genderqueers that leftist rich swpls seem to care more about? you cant get gibsmedat when all the shekels go to promoting tranny disfigurement and finding brave beta cucks to eat pedophile lena dunhams fetid anus? #likeagirl

  34. Youre saying if it was zero whites rather than 1/3 of the total of blacks it would make no difference? Do you know what "mitigate" means?

  35. "killed their landlord" anybody?

  36. Hell yeah, tell em Chauncey!

  37. Oh wait, those were photos of fighters who had nothing to do with ISIS at the time they were taken.

  38. He probably deserved to die for being racist...or something.

  39. #landlordlivesmatter

  40. Of course, the Germans were totally manipulated into supporting the Nazis because there is no rational explanation otherwise. It's not like communists had literally taken over Bavaria and declared it an independent socialist republic. It's not like the Bolsheviks had starved, tortured, and executed millions of people and were directing communist militants in Germany. It's not like communists were murdering people in the streets of nearly every German city. Nope, you're fairytale version of history is totally correct and totally analogous to the present day US.

  41. They had pyramid - shaped space ships with wifi internet before whitey came and took it.

    You remember Star Gate? That was what Africa used to be like.

  42. Before the WHITE MAN CAME ALONG

  43. So basically what this guy is saying is that, historically speaking, white people are no better for black people than ISIL,

    If that's the case, why don't you guys go move to Syria or Iraq? Go ahead. See if *actual* Muslims (i.e. not that Louis Farrakhan shit) will put up with your rent-seeking perpetual victim lifestyles.

  44. Lol. Yeah, political theory is lots of fun. ;)

    I think it's important to know how are civil liberties are being taken away and how we're being oppressed from the top. Worse, it's how the US is quickly descending into some sort of fascism (for lack of a better word) and how we're going to stop it.

  45. They could join Boko Haram. They definitely value black lives.

  46. African Muslims are Worst Muslims

  47. Extra crispy kebabs.

  48. Uh oh. The words Fascism has been uttered. *shots fired*.

    "Yeah, political theory is lots of fun. ;)"


  49. I really wonder if blacks know how Arab Muslims have historically treated and thought of their people.;id=911

    If they think we're so bad, they ought to go join their fellow PoC. I'm sure they'll be welcomed with open arms. That way we can finally be rid of these whining parasites.

  50. how does it feel to be made famous for your stupid whiny rent seeking screed posted on a liberal cat lady website? nobody has ever challenged your egotistic self destructive mindset before on your own turf! mind = blown amirite

  51. Pants up! Dont loot!

  52. smokinghotasianbabe69February 5, 2015 at 8:01 PM

    just like african americans today stand around in huge gaggles when one of their own shoots a black kid.

    just like african americans today (13 percent of the population) commit 50 plus percent of the murders on continent 20 times the size of syria

    just like african americans today commit massive amounts of racially motivated rapes and murders on white people at almost 14 times the rate that the opposite occurs (not even considering the difference in population sizes)

  53. LOL, it's mewling about racial rhetoric in a blog post titled "YT did it too!!!"

  54. dae light niggas on fire? aside from negro mona nelson?

  55. if you really want to start moving goal posts, we can talk about the real conflict in iraq, the sunnis and various minority groups, these people have been fighting since the 8th century, millions upon millions have been killed DO NOT make their suffering compare to the rather laughable treatment you blacks have received by the whites here in america. my family moved to this country from Lebanon in the '80s, i have had family members killed by white phosphorus and others have died under the da-esh invaders. you blacks whine and complain endlessly about your slavery from 200 years ago, but yet you still live in squalor and rob and kill. my people do NOT have to bring up the crusades everytime something happens, you know why? because we actually DO THINGS BESIDES COMPLAIN. also shut it with the people of color crap, you fools are not in charge of us, you know nothing of the sufferings of my people REAL SUFFERING, not some magical story you are told in school about your ancestors

    --mohammed al-ayoob

  56. as an lebanese american I find this article racist and offensive, people all over the world suffer, do not make one peoples suffering more than another

    --mohammed al-ayoob

  57. Well, I could have called it "inverted totalitarianism" or corporatocracy but you wouldn't understand such big words, would you?

  58. Wow, I guess you were born in the wrong time huh? Sure bet you could have been a part of a lynching, huh tough guy?

  59. You mean Sheldon Wolin's theory on neoliberalism? Nah brah, we have no idea. Maybe you can lecture us on Chomsky and manufactured consent too.

  60. Dude, we are fascists. Just let it happen.

  61. You mean THIS oh-so-dangerous organization?

    Please tell us more about those terrible white terrorists ravaging black America right now.

  62. No, I don't lynch people, or saw heads off, or enslave children, or put burning tires around people's necks. I live in an advanced civilization.

  63. "some sort of fascism"

    I wish. You don't even know what fascism is.

    "Yeah, political theory is lots of fun. ;)"

    You're a college freshman who thinks he knows everything, right?

  64. Unlike you, my dear, mushy Proggy: you prefer to send the gubmint after stray members of your (or anyone else's) community in a more sterile, impersonal fashion. Musn't have too much human contact with one's lessers, amirite, Petunia? You, Sugar Biscuit, would rather the cold, hard, soulless bureaucratic arm of the law come slowly suffocate society, fragmenting everyone from any sense of connection or responsibility. Nevermind that there might have been better, more humane ways to order society, or that we'd just be better of with communities of our own.

  65. >corporatocracy

    You mean "corporatism"?

    If you're gonna misuse big words, at least use the correct version of them.

  66. Don't you know Meow - logic is a white male construction designed to oppress PoC!

  67. Not that this person would probably know the difference. They're still on entry level leftism. Haven't hit that Deleuze or Foucault level yet.

  68. Indulge my LOL'ing at a word*meister* (Lord, was that an ECHO? Here!?) being at a loss for (twisting) words.

  69. If it was justified, sure.

    You'd probably be one of the victims of Cultural Enrichment we'd be avenging, ironically enough.

  70. He can get back to me when he reads Ehrenreich and Wittig.

  71. Ahh, to be that age again: just LOOK at him! He still has 3rd grade civics pablum on his widdle chinny chin-chin! Does someone need a bib!? Did someone do an OOPSIE without his sippy cup!? Who's a BIG boy all grow'd up!?

  72. When we speak of the brutality, the gruesome, the grotesqueness, and the unmitigated evil of lynching, let's not forget they lynched women too. There are 150 of "documented" cases of black women being lynched. Documented is the operative word, here The lynching of Mary Turner on May 17, 1918 is stomach churning- hide under the covers, unspeakable horror.

    Mary Turner was 21 years old and 8 months pregnant. Her husband, Hayes Turner, had been arrested for the alleged shooting of a white farmer. Though her husband had nothing to do with it, he was lynched along with 6 other African Americans. Why?, because they weren't able to find the real killers. So let's just kill anybody. Mary Turner vowed to hold those responsible for lynching her husband. For this she was also lynched.

    The mob hung Mary upside down by her feet. They stripped off her clothes. They poured oil and gasoline on her body, and set her on fire. One man sliced her opened, and the baby fell to the ground. It let out a cry. The men stomped the baby to death.

    I will say... and continued to say, Nazi Germany didn't have nothing on America.

  73. 150 isn't that much bruh.

    "I will say... and continued to say, Nazi Germany didn't have nothing on America."

    You're a gigantic idiot.

  74. Hey, I have an idea, let's stop making the murder of a heroic Jordanian about Narcissistic black racial grievance mongering.

  75. Surely too much to ask of them. Think of all the Holy-points they'd have to pass up! Will no one - no one!! - think of the points to be racked up in the Crusade to Rid the World of Wrongtiousness (aka YT)?!?!

  76. Oh is that Kokanee-speak for corporatism? I find it cute that you're inventing new words.

  77. Nah, it's a common word used by leftists, but it really doesn't mean anything besides "I hate Coca-Cola".

  78. I didn't know TRS was considered the "big time".

    Thanks for promoting us though! Maybe a few of you will get triggered by our virulent racism!

  79. Coming from a former cave dweller and relative of the Neanderthals, that's a complement. Thank you.

  80. Don't you know its the month of February? i.e. Holy Negro Month?

  81. Come on over, bring your friends. We don't doxx, we don't ban everyone who disagrees with us, we're ready for this conversation.

  82. I blame the crab... and the duck... and don't get me started on that darn blue Pokemon and that cat that's always following him around ...

  83. something that happened a hundred years ago pales in comparison to the mindless savagery of the modern negro

  84. Check your Upright-ism Privelege, you Cis-Homo-Sapien shitlord!

  85. everything is about muh slavery

  86. Oh, we're doing that route, are we?

    You do realize all races have Neanderthal DNA except for Blacks and Aborigines. Those two exceptions also happened to be the most wretched races on the planet.

  87. To be honest, Malcolm X probably had more in common with uncle Adolph than with, say, Woodrow Wilson. They probably would have gotten along famously. I mean no disrespect by that, either. Nationalists just tend to have a certain level of respect for one another (just look at Pat Buchanan's fawning overtures to Putin).

  88. Neanderthals were actually pretty intelligent compared to other hominids, perhaps even homo sapiens.

  89. True. I totally support pan-nationalism for all people. I guess that makes me an evil genocidal raziscist.

  90. Nah, African Americans have thal DNA because Thomas Jefferson.

  91. Did it ever occur to you negroes that it is in fact almost always never about you? Stop blaxplaining everything and check your privilege shitlords


  93. It makes you genocidal because blacks would die off en masse without whites supporting them.

  94. Ssssh, don't give it away.

  95. Babby's first attempt at politics

  96. Fucking blaxplaining. So arrogant. As if I need a PoC to tell me about my oppressing.

  97. Telescopic empathy for all is empathy for none. Community has limits - that's why they're called "communities" and not "bus shelters." (Psst, pass that word-tip along to your friends who are also "at a loss for words.")

  98. Silly trolls. They like to play with themselves in public and poop on the floor. Daily Kos is priceless. 30k plus Facebook shares, 1,000 or so comments. They are still acting the fool.

  99. Regarding the title of your blog, am I to take it that it is now acceptable parlance to use the term "negro" so long as it is qualified by the descriptor "respectable?" Or am I still to check my cis-hetero-patriarchal lily white privilege at your rent-controlled door? NM, I'll just stick with uppity Bantu and give you some credit for the grammar so lacking in your "oppressed community." Good luck not getting shot by the police for walking while bla...I mean negro.

  100. Damn, Chauncey! Tell some harsh truths, as you do in your brave and important post on burning people alive, and the white supremacist scum come oozing out of the swamp, as if on call, leaving behind them the trail of puss that a they confuse with thinking. I haven't seen anything this toxic in WARN comments before, but I'm a recent reader. These are real comments, right? I mean, they're not stupid jokes by friends of yours? Apparently, you touched a very sensitive nerve on the body of whiteness.

  101. "Also, that whites we're lynched doesn't mitigate the fact of terror by the white supremacist Klan. "

    This is a total deflection of the argument.

  102. They come out and play with themselves using their own racist feces from time to time. Then you find out there are only 8 of them pretending to be dozens. Funny actually.

  103. We covered lots of material. Good military-social history for the show. Got that and 2 installments on the Harlem Hellfighters and also the author of Last of the Doughboys.

    Have you liked the shows so far?

    Itunes is soon. I also am in talks to get the podcast a much broader reach on another platform from a friend of the site.

  104. I've been enjoying them. I'm still halfway through the latest ep, and a bit out of the loop for the hip-hop generation references.

    Btw, this disgusting bit of commentary is trending on Facebook news at the moment:

    I can't help but see it as an expansion of our internal prison regime taking on international aspirations.

  105. I like when I come to this site and the subject matter & comments match my outfit. LOL. It's like mom laying clothes out the night before school. No worries.

    **Damn, I missed the trolls this morning!**

    Upon hearing a white co-worker mention ISIS activities I told him "You have shit on your shoes." I proceeded to in not so eloquent language mention some of the facts you displayed in this post... Crickets.

    I know racism is taught at home/is a choice. I still wonder if it is genetic? Could the repetitious bad habits of ones' antecedents continue for generations to come?

    The near sighted view of history, a history they participated in, created and doctored, to fit the white masculine narrative is ignored when countered w/a simple truth.

    Here I thought the ultimate disrespect was to look at someone and lie to them.

    Excellent entry.

  106. I've read that account before but every time I do it fills me with disgust and horror, the incredible brutality.

  107. I should know better but even I was surprised at the flood of visceral hatred, stupidity and ignorance and all for telling a simple truth.

  108. I am borrowing--with permission of course--that line on lies and disrespect. Setting off part 2 of the metaphorical pro-wrestling pipe bomb later on today at a site you already know where aversive racists like to congregate.

  109. Did you take a bath after your foray into the white right's political cess pool?

  110. I took a page out of Daryl Davis' book and forayed into the cess pool. Not the usual conservatives - they don't care about God, money, war, imperialism, foreign policy or empire. Just one thing: white supremacy.

    They've invited you on to their podcast, btw.

    I was about to tell them that their comments were about to be deleted here when....poof!

  111. wow! i am almost left speechless . i think it is so important to keep these facts in the light , so as to help us not repeat them . thank you . these are issues that have burned in my heart since i was 2 . i know it seems young , but its true . i will go into that story another time . this one is so important . i see nothing but the truth here . ugly as it is , its truth . all of this makes me ashamed of my race , that being human race . for discussion i will use words like black or white , please do not be offended . this history is an example of the world we live in . and as far as i have been able to discover there has only been one brief time when this did not exist . that being before the first sin . i have considered these things many years . these things have happened in some way in every culture in history . this is more than a white hype issue . this a dominating power issue . it has existed as long as evil has . its just that in our tangible history , the white guy has the power . the root of this was not the color of ones skin , but the color of money . it has always been about the wealth . the lynchings were hyped by power, and those backwoods jerks fell for it . this is the world we live in . the civil war was not about freedom of the black man . it was because the north had different slave laws. that made it less lucrative for them than the south . while the southern man enjoyed great riches , due to slavery laws . this is the political point of things . the human is no better . the ideal that black was sub human was produced by slave traders , this made it possible for people who may have had some conscious , to buy them . putting big money in the traders pocket . then their treatment by their owners , well this is the world we live in . when Jesus was baptized , he went into the wilderness . there he encountered satan . satan offered him all the kingdoms of the world , if he would worship him . how could he do that if they did not belong to him .this is the world we live in .

  112. Go on 'head CDV, borrow away. You feed us most days. Glad I could bring something to the party.

  113. I LOVE these posts, because I am white as a sheet and I was never taught ANY of this. Thank you for bringing this to light - I appreciate the resource for referencing heinous acts of barbarous racism. It's like finally learning the truth of my people and my country

  114. One of the things that keeps getting ignored is that not only is there a long history of this in the US, the US military burned people to death *in Iraq*, specifically in Fallujah using white phosphorus. This isn't just history, this is standard operating procedure up to and including the present day.

  115. I am trying to hold up a mirror so that America--White America--in particular sees its own hypocrisyThey are good in forging videos. The point is that the news always comes before the incident happens. I wonder if anybody is impressed by such a stupid video. As to 9/11 I first heard of the incident & when watched in the evening, it really looked made up.

    Rita Katz is at it again — Fake ISIS video exposed
    Anyway, Rita had the ISIS video before ISIS did, as always. The only corporate media outlet willing to pay for her latest video was Fox Jews. The other outlets merely mention it, claiming that it further justifies the “war on terror,” plus the war on Syria. And Iraq. And Yemen. And Somalia. And Pakistan. And Afghanistan. And so on. And it further vindicates Chris Kyle too.

  116. Sorry But whats goes Around must Came Back Around.

  117. Everything comes down to this:
    Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick

    ‘Dynasty of Death’.Historical Perspective on the Bush Family

  118. I'm puzzled. Are you suggesting that ISIS burning a captured Jordanian pilot is justified by a black is being burned in a Georgia town 80 years ago?

  119. It is the truth of the ugliness of human beings to one another. Education and truth-telling and shared humanity and empathy should be our guiding light.

  120. I still fail to see the point of this entry. People are pretty much aware of this, if they aren't, there's time and place to learn it. What's this got to do ISIS though? Are they excused to do it because violence happened in past? Are Americans and white people in general now forbidden to speak against these acts because they've done bad things historically? Just what the hell is your point?

  121. Oh they know! They know just how awful, sordid and atrocious their behavior was.

    They know. They can't not know.

    Which is the reason you will find seemingly educated White people who say things like, "I'm not interested in History." Something one of my White co-workers, who works in a library, once said to me. Sometimes, I get, "But History is so depressing. It's such a downer." from people as well.

    They work really, really, hard to never acknowledge any of the things mentioned in this article, but they know their History is awful on a massive scale. And just like with what happened to you, when you bring it up * chirp, chirp* is the only response. It's amazing to watch.

  122. The assault on Freedom hasn't started because it never stopped. Likewise the only way to stop the fascist organization is by spreading truth and gaining populist power.

  123. Your entire article is irrelevant. This isn't the country we live in today. What's taking place in Syria and Africa is pure evil and it must be stopped. If all you can do is write some little blog, with a small following, to stroke your ego, then you sir have brought nothing to the table to denounce the spread of radical Islam. Your only purpose that I can see is to further divide my country and instill white guilt.
    The atrocities taking place are not going to go away anytime soon. It's only going to spread unless every civilized country commits to stopping it even if that means killing millions.
    Have a nice day.

  124. What is the point of this article? That America has done bad things too? Well, duh. Is the point to prove that American critics of ISIS are somehow hypocrites?

  125. "I still wonder if [racism] is genetic? Could the repetitious bad habits of ones' antecedents continue for generations to come?"

    This is the hilariously ironic. "I wonder if white people are genetically destined to be racist" is profoundly racist in itself. Hahaha.

  126. Excellent, thorough essay, Chauncey! Like a commenter stated, you have obviously touched a raw nerve (hence the racist backlash). Field Negro talks about this on his blog, too:

  127. As a white liberal let me say that

  128. As a "white liberal" I believe that recounting these crimes is essential to an understanding of this country's original sin and how far we could—and can— fall from our ideals. Despite my moniker, I am proud of our social progress over the last 100 years (albeit slow, frustrating and incomplete) but we cannot hear enough about the sick and deranged institutional atrocities that were committed in the name of white supremacy. Keep dishing it out. Most people are aware of lynchings but not the actual horrifying details.

  129. Acknowledging our past crimes does not preclude us from being revolted by ISIS atrocities.

  130. Why would you even think that when no one on this thread, including yours truly, has even said or implied such a thing?

    The point was the hypocrisy, made so by a studied denial of similar crimes in this country.

    Why can't we just acknowledge that history without caveat, mitigation or misdirection?

  131. Yeah, I see your point now. I retract my comment.

  132. America is a glass house inhabited by lunatics with a pile of throwin' stones.

  133. I'm not sure I get your point? Should we be less appalled at what ISIS has been doing because it has been done in the US before?
    I am not American; in fact, I was born and raised in a majority Islamic country. As I find out more about the atrocities committed against "people of color" in the US, I am more shocked by the barbarities that were apparently condoned!
    But I also do not think that the existence of precedents should in anyway lessen the feeling of outrage that is only natural when we react to an act of unfathomable barbarity!
    I teach, and have never been sympathetic to students' arguments, when they have been called to account for some unacceptable behavior, that "such and such did it first!" or, " he/she also did (a similar thing). My response to these so-called excuses is always the same: a) did you like it when such-and-such did it? b) does that excuse your own behavior? c) you and only you, are responsible for your own behavior! Others' behavior cannot serve as an excuse!
    So, to reiterate, what is your point?

  134. DisqusisarealballbusterFebruary 7, 2015 at 7:43 PM

    You niggers are doing lynchings today, where the fuck do you get off with this indignation?

  135. Clarify? This link was suppose to show what? With your history of criminally implicating black folks when physically and/or criminally violated by one of your own is loyalty on the grandest scale.

    Negus is Ethiopian royalty.

    I wonder if those racially autistic, such as yourself, if that's what your trying to pronounce?

    Honkies = The hooded (preferably white) 'hoods'
    that would honk there horns to alert
    there victims/intended targets they were
    outside only to be met by burning
    crosses or fatal gunshots thus inventing
    something we get all too much credit for
    in the hood: The drive-by.

    Cracker = The person whom cracked the whip on
    slaves (preferably trans-Atlantic, African).

    Whilst contemplating hurling insults back at your kind I still have yet to find a racial, social, economic, educational, financial or institutional equivalent for N!$$@"?.

    Also I can't find an equivalent for The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade, colonialism, imperialism (happening at this very moment, still), The Trail of Tears, The "Gentrification" of the Americas, the hundreds of millions of Natives murdered, the hundreds of millions of African bodies murdered in the found(ation)ing of this "great nation?" The civil war over the continuation of the institution of slavery, Reconstruction, Jim/Jane Crow, Redlining, the bastard offspring of The Homestead Act of 1862, Tulsa (on Good Friday), Rosewood, Those four beautiful babies annihilated in Alabama (in church) and all world wars.

    So... I guess you win?

    My apologies to WARN for bringing down our property value momentarily.

  136. The same point that Nathan the prophet made to King David when he exclaimed "thou art the man!" America is hypocritical for expressing outrage at a crime that she herself has committed ten fold and has yet to be held criminally accountable for.

  137. And the institutional atrocities that *continue* today: the New Jim Crow & the prison-industrial complex, which are in part just manifestations of the fact that slavery is STILL legal in the US ("as a punishment for crime"--check the 13th Amendment).

    And let's not forget that there are some 4 types of slavery in total ( And that is because of capitalism (and global capitalism), which the US is a huge engine of.

  138. Reading "Killing Hope" by William Blum will give clarity to US foreign policy, and the value it has put on non-white life (and white). While your article focused on [invisible, but absolutely indispensable] American history, and the impossible amount of blood on white hands, it possibly missed an opportunity to point out how IS is a socio/political phenomenon born in direct response to American foreign policy, and might even be benefiting American Empire by polarising the narrative into straight up black and white fabrications of good and evil, where of course America is the noble warrior fighting [brown] barbarians whom kill with impunity, and avaricious delight. We (probably) created this monster (IS), and it's killing people in grotesque fashion akin to America(ns) circa 18 & 19whatever.

    In the end you raise important crucial, whose answers are probably already known to you. I do not pretend to speak for white America (who would that person be anyway?), anymore than I pretend to understand the lives of black people then, or now. But I will say, as a white male who has benefited his entire life from the invisible charms of white supremacy, that acknowledging the entirety of our crimes against the African race (to speak nothing of all the others in the great family of man), and then to put in motion any kind of program meant to redress those crimes against humanity would require a self-awareness, and education so profound as to completely alter the whole of American and Western civilization.

    I cannot imagine an event that would bring about that sea change. It is a war in which each individual is an entire battleground unto its self, and those battles are best won when white people are forced to live and work among black folk, and to recognize how common is their humanity, and how insignificant and criminal is our separation from one another. A separation born and ossified by a class caste system jealously guarded by the elites.

    You ask if Whites could support reparations, and I tell you that you cannot even get us to discuss them, vis H.R. 40 []. But, times are changing, and if a reformed racist like myself can see reason, and realize what needs to be done, then there is hope, I guess.

  139. I thought honkeys were white fellas that would date black girls, but were too ashamed to enter black communities, and so would sit on the outskirts, honking their horn, waiting impatiently, checking the rear view? And someone would say "your honkey's here".

  140. "I don't understand how anyone cannot empathize with the victims who were real flesh and blood human beings."

    Because you do not doubt their humanity. Dehumanizing an underclass, over generations, until it is part of the very fabric of a society makes anything possible, and therefore no expense in terms of time or resources, can be spared in dehumanizing an underclass, when it benefits and secures your needs as a master class, or part of the support sector of a master class.

    For all our supposed nobility, man is remarkable in its ability to manipulate or negate its emotions in order to achieve a desired outcome. But I am a misanthropic cynic, so...

  141. The dude with the dinner bells and the dogs, the slavemasters children and minions react in similar fashion when they. Hear or perceive anything that shines the light on them for current and past wickedness or anything they perceive that will awaken or uplift the"so called American negro."

  142. Sure, I know why elites create institutionalized racism - it's about creating an authoritarian top-down hierarchy. Once the elites have successfully stripped the civil rights of one segment of the population they continue to strip the rights of more and more citizens while maintaining the hierarchy. It's all about wealth, power and capitalism. That's all logical and predictable from the elites' point of view.
    What I have a hard time wrapping my head around is why do we as a population fall for this old ruse?

  143. Because, dangled before our very eyes is the illusion of upward mobility. Like Steinbeck said

    “Socialism never took root in America because the
    poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily
    embarrassed millionaires.”

    As to our gullibility, perhaps it's some quirk of our psychology / biology. Even Japanese snow monkeys have an elite class. Next time you see one of the fuckers chilling in a hot spring, know that they're actively excluding other snow monkeys from getting in the lovely water. Primates are cunts.

  144. ctmany, America is not an engine of capitalism, it is a proselytizer of it. Capitalism is Americas state religion. If it were actually Christianity, following the words of one of the original Marxists, Jesus, then things would be very different today. But that's not what happened. The profits over people mantra is now devouring white people, and we're all like "No, not us!!!"

  145. Aerial bombing these days seems to involve burning people up. And the U.S. is always bombing someone, somewhere.

  146. I don't understand why anyone would write an article that basically excuses torture and murder by pointing out that other people used to do it all the time and they got away with it. I think this article downplays the current horrors one extremist group is inflicting on society, and thereby creates an even more dangerous mindset that we should keep tolerating and excusing this kind of behavior just because they are doing it in the name of God. It's like trying to win an argument with your spouse by slinging mud and bringing up old arguments, we know what happened let's stick to the current events and correct them before they too spiral out of control.

  147. Chauncey, surely you know that this was all made up in a Hollywood backlot by White Liberals, right? No, seriously, it was like The Lord Of The Rings of its time - it was pure fantasy and it was never intended to be taken seriously. You know, sorta like that Black lady who lied about writing the movie The Matrix before it was a movie?

  148. i meant engine as in we are a major if not the major economic (capitalist) superpower.

    i agree with proselytizer as well.

  149. Whites in the past abused blacks. So what!!! Every race has been abused at some point in history. That was the Past!!!! Blacks actions now are the problem !! Crime, living off government, HIV AIDS. They have no room to talk about destroying any race. They are TODAYS MONSTERS!!!!!!

  150. Blacks do nothing but Lower the Quiality of Life for everyone. Even blacks don't want to live around other blacks. Blacks are Now doing to each other all the bad things they say were done to them by White People in the Past!! Blacks are the problem Today!!!!! The past is the past!!!! Today is the time we all live in

  151. very well written and the term "social cement" very effective and as you indicate, it's still being done today,whether it was trayvon, michael or the "cigarette" guy in n.y. of the little boy up in milwaukee or a city in that region.. "The rendering of spectacular violence against non-whites paid a psychological wage to white people that helped to create a type of social cement for White America, one that covered up its own intra-group tensions of class, religion, and gender. This racial logic continues in the present with a racially discriminatory criminal justice system, the murder by police of black and brown people, and how white Americans support such unfair treatment." EXCELLENT EXCERPT WHICH I WILL USE AS A TEASER FOR SHARING THE ARTICLE ON MY FB PAGE, IF THAT IS OK...

  152. No, the greatest disrespect is to look someone in the eye and distort the truth. Not lie, but give them a distorted version of the truth. This is the greatest disrespect, and they do it all the time, and actually argue with us and call US liars when we speak the truth about them.

  153. Hey....Chauncey DeVega...
    Why the hell are still here in America with us horrible Whites?
    Please leave...if you can't save enough of your welfare money to buy a ticket to Africa.....just tell a few Whites you want to leave.
    My bet way in hell will your whiny, welfare supported ass ever leave negro scum!
