Since You Asked

Thursday, February 12, 2015

A Conversation with Actress April Parker Jones About Life, Acting, and Her Role on the OWN Network's Hit Show 'If Loving You is Wrong'

On this episode of The Chauncey DeVega Show, I chatted with April Parker Jones. She is cool folks. She also happens to be a co-star on OWN's hit show If Loving You is Wrong.

April has also appeared on TV series such as Scandal, Lost, ER, and NCIS. and How to Get Away with Murder.

For the "ghetto nerd" set, April portrayed a recurring character on the great cult TV show Jericho.

In this nice and fun conversation, April generously shared some great wisdom about working in Hollywood, breaking into the business, her thoughts on maintaining one's self-respect and dignity in what can be a very cut throat and exploitative business, what it was like to audition for and eventually work with Tyler Perry, and offers some wonderful life advice about success, being pragmatic, and one's personal obligation to always be true to oneself.

During this episode of The Chauncey DeVega Show, I share my thoughts on what it was like to 'break the Internet" for a few days with my viral essay on ISIS and white on black racial terrorism, and reflect on my amazement at the overreaction and histrionics in response to some basic truth-telling about the colorline in the United States. I also read a palate cleansing animal-human friends story about penguins and sweaters.

April was so kind and honest. I greatly appreciate her generosity and openness. I suspect that you will also enjoy her sharing and wisdom as much as I did.

This episode of the podcast known as The Chauncey Devega Show can be listened to below or "watched" on the official Youtube channel for

Hosted by Kiwi6 file hosting.

Download mp3


  1. Downloading the podcast now...and at the risk of sounding like a hormone-charged teenager....she is HOT!!

  2. Behave yourself. Goodness. All those hormones! She is cool folks and was very generous and honest.

  3. Good podcast, as always. You've kept me up way past my bedtime. It's been a crazy week, huh? I love your positive energy through all the crap.

    Never watched Jericho. It's not quite my genre which is dystopias whereas Jericho looks to be apocalyptic/post-apocalyptic. I want to watch it for April though. Happy to have six more episodes of Continuum though... Life is good!

  4. Kind words. Just keeping going. This one will heat up over time. The podcast should be on Itunes next week. More eyes, Lansdale's conversation is a classic. My rule is a simple one: would I listen to this conversation? There are a few shows that will not be posted because the answer is "no". His? A resounding "yes".

  5. There are a few shows that will not be posted because the answer is "no".
    You're dropping stuff on the cutting room floor? Noooooooooooo!

  6. ...And it was a fantastic podcast--she really is very cool and I have to admit I just said "Awww...." when she was talking to her daughter.

    Again, great work Chauncey.

  7. Thanks. She was cool. Hopefully more eyes will get on it with time when the show returns to air. Should have dropped it earlier but waited. Lesson learned.
