Sunday, October 13, 2013

Manimal is None Too Pleased: Yes, Black People are "Dog Biscuits". But, the LAPD's Dogs are Only as "Racist" as the Police Who Direct and Control Them.

I feed pigeons, geese, squirrels, and other animals to recruit my man-beast army. We are coming for you...kneel and pay homage now as opposed to later my friends if you want to survive.

I know that dogs are better than people. Part of his belief was nurtured by the time I spent during my formative years riding around in a "Cadillac car"--as my friend's grandfather called it--he who was a bootleg black preacher with a homemade talisman on his rear view mirror that read "Dog equals God". 

I miss all of my doggie friends who I have lived with over the years: they gave me and my family love, affection, loyalty, and smiles more than we ever game them in return.

Dogs have been an evolutionary and competitive advantage for human beings which helped us to become the dominant species on the planet. They are our Frankenstein monsters. We made dogs; thus, we have a sacred obligation to them. But, in their special role, our canine friends have also been used by European colonialists and invaders to kill indigenous people and to hunt down runaway slaves. Dogs are only as "good" or "bad" as their owners.

In all, dogs take on the character and temperament of the people around them. Dogs are similar to children in that regard. As such, we cannot blame our doggie friends for their "bad" behavior.

The UK's Independent has a story about research by the Police Assessment Resource Centre which details how the Los Angeles police are more likely to use dogs against black and brown people. This should be no surprise. Police are more aggressive, deadly towards, and exercise preemptive and unnecessary violence against both people of color and the poor and working classes.

Ultimately, it is a given that police would describe black people as "dog biscuits", and brutalize he latter whenever given the opportunity.

Pardon the obvious pun, the only "dog" in The Independent's story about "racist" police dogs is the comments section.

Black life is cheap. American history and the present has repeatedly demonstrated the truth of that fact. 

We also know that white racists love any opportunity to justify police brutality against people of color. The Internet makes the world much smaller; consequently, a story on a British newspaper's website about supposed black criminality and police brutality attracts White Supremacist trolls from the United States and around the world. 

Isn't globalization a wonderful thing?