When you call out black (and brown) conservatives for their race hustle in the service of the Tea Party GOP, and its stated policy of ginning up white racism in order to defeat Barack Obama, their protectors always take the bait.
As I pointed out here in my short piece on how the Republican Party is betraying the legacy of Frederick Douglass, the Tea Party GOP and those shuffling, grinning, buck dancing, black conservatives who support disenfranchising African-American voters, are truly a beast with two backs.
I have pained them: Fox News Nation and Newsbusters are crying foul at this "racist" observation. As they always do regarding these matters of race and politics, the Right and its foot soldiers prove once more that they are addicted to bigotry, prejudice, and a propagandized version of history that is totally and completely disconnected from empirical reality.
In all, the Right and the Tea Party are addicted to political meth; in the Age of Obama they freebase white racial resentment to get their high; Mitt Romney, Fox News, and the Right-wing echo chamber are their pushers.
As I enjoy doing, here are some particularly entertaining and noteworthy comments from the Fox News, Newsbusters peanut gallery.
These are the very same folks who believe that President Obama is not an American citizen, that Dr. King would support the Tea Party GOP, and that white folks are oppressed by lazy, welfare scam artist negroes who are engaging in widespread voter fraud that is aided and abetted by the Black Panther Party and Attorney General Eric Holder. Comedy gold. Priceless.
I have spent my adult life around such people in the south. They really are that stupid. It's one thing to see it online. Having to be around them must be the result of something I did in my past life.
Once again, the racist white supremacist conservatives come to the racist white supremacist "defense" of their House Negroes whenever you or any other real black person calls them out for their ongoing Aunt Jemima Behavior/Mammie Behavior (Kira Davis, Rashonda Barber, Deneen Borelli, Amy Holmes, Tara Wall, etc.), and/or their Sambo Behavior/Uncle Ruckus Behavior (Herman Cain, Larry Elder, Tim Scott, Allen West, David Webb, Lloyd Marcus, Walter Williams, Joe Oliver, Ron Christie, Michael Steele, Harry Jackson, Ken Blackwell, etc.). These racist white supremacist conservatives think that you and/or other blacks will avoid criticizing them if they have the racist white conservative Republican slavemasters coming to protect them, and you and others like you are always happy to prove them wrong every time.
Obviously judging from the racist response of the resident white supremacists, you hit nerves close to home.
"Wow, what an a**hole. In his view, if a black person isn't a lefty democrat then they must be sellouts and 'house boy's. Amazing. Never for one second does he think that conservative blacks might've arrived at their position through their own independent thought and views on the issues. That they're incapable of independent reasoning and honest rational differences of opinion. Can you imagine the outcry if a black conservative said this about liberal blacks?"
Well, Allen West hasn't been asked to resign, so...
You should feel honored. You obviously struck a nerve with the white wing.
My only issue here is that we should organize in a way that both parties would court us instead just the "D's". Letting the right wing ignore our interests and use us as scapegoats opens up the space for them to go ever further to the right. We don't want a well funded openly white nationalist party. We are just about there. No more "dog whistles" moving forward. Expect armbands.
Chauncey DeVega is a Bad Boy: Fox News Nation and Newsbusters Are Upset that I Called Out Their Black Conservative Human Props - ChanuceyD
CD, apparently you’ve ruffled the feathers of these troglodyte mentality Right-Wingers.
However, and on a more serious note, both of these parties have betrayed Black Americans time and time again with empty promises. What party has done it more often truly doesn’t matter. As Black Americans, we will only see some semblance of freedom when we as a people begin to wean ourselves off of the White man’s political titties and begin to do things on our own and without assistance from either the Democrats or the GOP/Tea Party.
You don’t see the Native Americans, Jews, Pakistanis, Iranians, Chinese or any other group eagerly attempt to assimilate with White folks and in the process, negate who they truly are and their own culture in the process. How more silly could Black Americans become? We need to stop begging for sh&t and start taking sh&t!
Yes, CD, you hit a nerve and the guilty parties are too busy howling about how offended they are to conduct a much needed self evaluation. Oh, well, at least they are predictable. Outrage is always their first reaction to anything they find offensive. IMO, this lack of the ability to closely examine themselves, their actions, and their motives for doing things, is a major reason the GOP is in its current predicament.
The right have always had contempt for what is right .., lol lol lol
Racist michaelnouka said:
"Wow, what an a**hole. In his view, if a black person isn't a lefty democrat then they must be sellouts and 'house boy's. Amazing. Never for one second does he think that conservative blacks might've arrived at their position through their own independent thought and views on the issues."
What a racist white supremacist (choose your expletive) that michaelnouka continues to be. In his world, black America should idolize the collection of anti-black colored coon-servatives who pledge racial inferiority to him and his racist peers, and that we are in the wrong for criticizing their racially treasonous actions and their ongoing displays of coonery for his and his racist peers "entertainment."
As for the alleged "independent thought" that he says black conservatives used to become conservative, these colored coon-servatives stopped thinking indepdendently the second they became "conservative minstrels". They think, do, and say, what he and other racist white conservatives tell them to think, do, and say. And they get paid for the privilege of being their Rent-A-Ruckus/Rent-A-Jemima.
Here's some inconvenient historical facts for racist "truth"-wins and other racist white conservatives, AND the anti-black colored coon-servatives:
1. Barry Goldwater, the 1964 REPUBLICAN Candidate for President, OPPOSED the passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, AND voted against its passage, and it was one of the centerpieces of his presidential campaign.
2. George Herbert Walker Bush Senior, who was the 1964 REPUBLICAN Candidate for the U.S. Senate in Texas, campaigned AGAINST the passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act when he was running for the U.S. Senate that year. Racist Bush Senior called the 1964 Civil Rights Act "...an affront to the United States Constitution."
3. Racist Republican Ronald Wilson Reagan, who was making his first run for political office as the 1966 REPUBLICAN Candidate for Governor of California, told a Los Angeles Times Reporter that if he had been in either the U.S. House or the U.S. Senate in 1964, that he would have voted AGAINST the passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Racist Reagan called the 1964 Civil Rights Act "...unfair to the South."
My Dear Friend Chauncey DeVega (And You Too Greg Thrasher):
You say "Black Conservative" when you should more accurately say "Republicans Who Are Black".
They wear the burden of their party on their backs - and are heard doing apologies and clarifications more than articulating why their party is the better choice.
IF your intent was to be more transparent then you would call into question Black Progressive Fundamentalists. If you would be so kind as to recall that the former "Tavis Smiley And Friends - Black Community Agenda" show was last hosted by MSNBC and your friend Ed Schultz.
While this, to you, might seem to be an advancement because your ideology is affirmed - TO ME - a BLACK CONSERVATIVE who is watching YOU and all the other cogs in the wheel this is further proof of the INTEGRATED CONSCIOUSNESS of Black people and how RACISM CHASING is, in balance, a POLITICAL STRATEGY that no longer identifies the MATERIAL injury to Black people as it used to.
I call them colored conservatives who are ANTI-BLACK. Most of the colored conservatives are more racist against their own race, and racist against themselves, also known as harboring racial self-hatred for themselves.
What you refer to as acting as apologists, I refer to, as I paraphrase Dr. Ron Daniels when he substituted for Warren Ballentine on his radio show earlier this month, I refer to as the colored conservatives being groomed to be the black faces that spew and repeate racist anti-black statements and agendas from the Republicans of today.
Question to Constructive Feedback:
This week, the anti-black colored conservative Republican candidate for Congress in Utah, Mia "I Hate Black People" Love (Mia Love hates black people), whined about white racists sending racist pictures and/or racist e-mails to her. She whined about "Obama supporters" allegedly sending her the e-mails. Isn't Mia engaging in the very same racism chasing that you attack Professor De Vega and other real black people for allegedly doing?
I say Aunt Jemima Mia IS Racism Chasing, AND Aunt Jemima Mia is also playing the racist right wing conservative Republicans' right wing racist race card. Aunt Jemima Mia has been, and still is, SOLICITING SUPPORT from the very same white racists that she claims to be the victim of! Some of these white racists are likely her racist white conservative neighbors and racist white conservative "friends." She seeks out the company of white racists, and then complains and whines about being a victim when they call her the N word on paper.
Second, Aunt Jemima Mia is playing the race card. Her incindiary charge about President Obama supporters allegedly sending the racist e-mails to her is code word for saying that "racist liberal militant black leftists, and/or "militant angry black talk radio" sent the racist e-mails to her, as Aunt Mia is trying to increase her support among white conservative racists by whining about allegedly being the victim of racist attacks from black people.
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