Sunday, August 5, 2012

White Nationalists Reflect on the Sikh Temple Massacre in Wisconsin: "Don't these people see that they're hurting the White man?"

Two weeks ago dozens were killed and wounded in Aurora, Colorado. Sunday, a gunman shot and killed six people at a Sikh temple in suburban Wisconsin. The "Gunfighter Nation" is apparently eating itself alive; the NRA continues to hand it the silverware and knives.

As I wrote here about  James Holmes and the relationship between Whiteness, media framing, and mass murder, today's barbaric happening in Wisconsin will not lead to a national conversation about "40ish year old bald white men" who go on murder sprees.

As such, we will never see a special investigative report called "White in America: Why do White Men Commit Mass Shootings?" on any major news network in the United States.

Likewise, there will be no special congressional hearing or "Beer Summit" where a panelist dares to ask either "What is wrong with white men?" or "Are white men exhibiting pathological violence in response to the Age of Obama?"

Black and brown folks have a common experience when we hear a news report about a particularly sensationalistic crime. We cross our fingers and hope that "he or she ain't one of us." Why? Because the Other is not allowed the luxury of being treated as an individual in this society; we are judged by the deeds of the few as opposed to the virtues of the many.

By comparison, white privilege is the luxury of radical autonomy, freedom from group stigma, and the default defense and excuse that comes with being an "individual"--one who is "normal"--and as such, is not at all impacted by the negative deeds of others in their tribe.

The Age of Obama has brought many telling moments that reveal the permanence of the color line and the continuing national drama that is race in America. Our national obsession is also one of bizarre moments and strange happenings.

I try to make sense of the madness. To paraphrase Commissioner Gordon in The Dark Knight Rises, I put my hand into the muck, waste, and filth that is the white supremacist online community so you do not have to.

It would seem that some White nationalists are having their own "I hope he isn't white" moment following today's murder rampage in Wisconsin.

Here is a peek inside of the collective consciousness and racial id of malignant racially chauvinistic Whiteness. You are forewarned.

1. This isn't good folks no matter which way you slice it!! Damn...

2. Don't these people see that they're hurting the White man?

3. If this perp is some white neo-nazi idiot, like it sounds like, I'm going to be so f***ing po'd. Typical redneck idiot ruining everything we work for, and try to separate ourselves from. Now this will fuel more liberal bs on all fronts. We'll probably hear how he thought they were muslims and went on some rant. GOD DAMMIT. I'm sick of these god damn idiots ruining the reputation of our race.

4. The hits keep coming. White males of America, I know you're frustrated, but channel that anger into productive, positive ways of helping your people. People say it's poor black males that need role models. WE need role models. We've forgotten how to act when stress goes through the roof.

5. Or someone trying to make us all look like we're hate groups. Sure enough this is probably going to be seen as a racist crime.

6. This was a BIG mistake if White nationalists are involved. Lets hope they are White muslims (which given the bad history between Sikhs and Muslims they probably are).

7. We have two possiblities here. One is we have a white man who did something rash, monstrous and crazy without regard for how it will impact the rest of us. The other is this is the work of someone who was turned into a Manchurian Candidate, and therefore this is another false flag attack. Since it's clear the gunman was shot and probably killed by police, it doesn't look like it would be the work of a Mossad agent, who would prefer to get away with murder literally. This is only going to harm our rights and interests because this isolate incident will be used to paint all whites with the same brush, as well as suppressing the far more numerous hate crimes against us.

8. If this guy is white, or worse a 'neo-nazi' (as the media say) then he is a complete and utter moron, disgrace and is the problem with our movement.Anybody on here agreeing with what he did (if he is white) is also a disgrace, things like this destroy and hurt our views, and completely turn other whites off us. And why the hell did this cretin go for Sikhs!? There are not a major problem, they are relatively few in number, peaceful, and dont cause whites any problems. They are also a lot more intelligent than Muslims and blacks and do not deserve this.

9. Whatever colour they are, they were innocent people and did not deserve this. If you think they did deserve this then you are a sick individual and part of the reason that our views are not taken seriously by the masses.

10. This guy is a grade A scumbag, I pray to god he was not a member on here....can you imagine the media? Please anybody, do not sympathise with what this man did, it just makes us all look really bad and puts many people off coming around to our views, and the truth.

11. Agreed. The man is scum and the exact opposite type of people we should be aligning ourselves with. If he turns out to be a white nationalist, it will hurt us so, so much. This is not the answer.


mlf said...

I'm glad he finally got around to remember that the Sikhs were affected by this too, not just the white ment. I mean they were murdered, but really, how does that stack up against having your lily white reputation besmirched?

W.B. Reeves said...

CD, what swamp were these culled from? I tried the link but it seems broken.

I'm curious because this lot seems to be turning their back on the whole "leaderless resistance/Phineas Priesthood" strategy of tension.

Makes me wonder what their up to, since I find it hard to believe that they've really given up their "Turner Diaries" inspired fantasies.

chaunceydevega said...

@WB. Whenever I post things from white supremacist websites I do not link to them. They don't need the traffic. If you Google those quotes it will come up pretty easy. The first link was just to CNN and for whatever reason it was broken.

The foreign press is picking up on the white racist pov on this shooting angle and many sites will be talking about this.

Remember, you heard it here on WARN first.

W.B. Reeves said...

Thanks,I thought it might be intentional. I'm old researcher in the field and this has got my antenna wiggling.

CNu said...

Watched Roger Corman's Machine Gun Kelly on AMC this weekend. Made me wonder to what extent being ass-out in the Great Depression became a driver for late 20's early 30's insurrection(and gave rise to the modern FBI to combat domestic insurrectionists)


what extent being ass-out in the ongoing Greatest Depression - whose other shoe has yet to drop - is functioning as a driver for aimless, unemployed/underemployed killer-apes to sow chaos and seek meaning in a Turner Diaries scenario.

Which scenario might relieve them of the loss of status, means, and meaning which long-term unemployment and underemployment has brought into their lives.

Anonymous said...

False flag ops. Create civil unrest and disarm the 85million people standing in their way. Left, Right, Black, Brown, White, has nothing to do with it. Puppet-masters and puppets. They want it all. Every great villain has his minions and they have theirs. They're kind enough to let us vote for them.

Tom said...

""Are white men exhibiting pathological baldness in response to the Age of Obama?"

How can we not?

chaunceydevega said...

@mlf. these are good and honorable people. they are just "misunderstood" is all.

@cnu. and back in the 20s and 30s you could just go buy a BAR or Thompson in .45 at the corner store. Imagine the chaos we would have now if that was still the case. You bring up a good point though, what would have happened if not for the New Deal and all of the programs put in place for returning vets to get jobs and to re-assimilate post ww2.

Most folks don't understand the anxiety among elites about millions of men coming back from the war, many thousands of which had direct experience in killing other human beings.

Anonymous said...

(Wisconsin shooting 8.5.2012) "What is wrong with white men?" or "Are white men exhibiting pathological violence in response to the Age of Obama?"

Yes, I do believe that Christian extremists Whites are committing these acts of violence partly in response to this country’s first Black President being seated in the White House. Obviously, this is causing an abundance of cognitive dissonance. Secondly, these random acts are also happening due to the high rate of untreated PTSD and joblessness that exists amongst former soldiers and a state of constant anxiety amongst Whites in general. It is my opinion that Whites feel a sense of economic loss, social hopelessness, racial meaninglessness and overall, thoroughly unprotected. There is a bright-lined nexus hugging these irrational behavior displayed and manifested by White Supremacists/Christian extremist men who are for the most part, maladaptive species. Generally, this is what happened when you’ve someone privileged primarily because of your skin tone. The inability of Whites to adjust to drastic changes in social, political, economic and their racial status have placed quite a few of them on a quickened path headed towards complete madness.

(I refer to Obama as a Black President because I no longer utilize the term African-American because Africa is not the original name of that continent. Moreover, the name Africa derives from an Italian named Scipio Africanus, a Roman general and statesman. He named this entire continent after himself, after he defeated Black Hannibal, during the second Punic war. Hannibal had the Roman Empire begging for mercy by occupying most of Italy for 15 years.)

In sum, the violent act by Wade Michael Page/Christian extremist Whites will continue to happen. Why? In addition to the aforementioned issues noted above and the eventual osmosis supplanting of Whites as the dominant racial group by a current minority group in these so-called United States of America. In short, a feeling of losing everything to another group of people is the diagnosis here. -Black Sage

Brotha Wolf said...

There's another thing about whiteness that should be noted. White people see themselves as a monolith of greatness, morality, and decency. Any act of cruelty or insanity is an individual act as written in this post.

On the other hand, black people are seen as a monolith of stupidity, violence, unethical behavior and worthlessness. Plus, any form of achievement or greatness is separated from the narrative of the "typical black person". Those acts are individualized and seen as exceptions to the rule.

fred c said...

Now wait, Brotha Wolf, let's hold that one up to the light. (Counts slowly, one, two . . .) Oh, shit, Brotha Wolf got it right.

Now what do we do about it? Except cry, I mean. My own efforts, I have to admit, have been real finger-in-the-dyke measures. I have a couple of bigger ideas but I keep them to myself. Nothing that could be implemented in this new conservative, economist reality anyway.

This guy ("Sikhs? Muslims? kill them all and let God sort them out.") and the Batman guy are interesting examples of the two streams of the river of "lack of capacity." The Batman murderer might be crazy; the Sikh Temple slaughterer might be low functioning (the new stupid).

They both knew what they were doing though. They both knew that they were killing people, and that killing people is frowned upon. That buys the prison time.

Where's the silver lining in all of this White rampaging? For one thing, it sure reminds us that Black Americans are, by comparison and in general, peace loving.

CNu said...

That is unless you peep last weekend's murder stats in Chicago, or Kansas City....,

OTB said...


If these massacres are a response to a black in the White House, why are the targets not predominately black?

Also, while anyone involved in mass murder qualifies as extremist, why do you call these killers "Christian"?

Daddy Love said...

My guesses are:
- "white nationalist" will end up being defined so that the shooter is not one somehow.
- It was a clever plant (the "false flag" operation) by the Obamanator.

Anonymous said...

OTB said...

If these massacres are a response to a black in the White House, why are the targets not predominately black? - OTB

If you’d review my post, you’ll notice that I wrote: I do believe that Christian extremists Whites are committing these acts of violence partly in response to this country’s first Black President being seated in the White House. Obviously, this is causing an abundance of cognitive dissonance. Secondly, these random acts are also happening due to the high rate of untreated PTSD and joblessness that exists amongst former soldiers and a state of constant anxiety amongst Whites in general. It is my opinion that Whites feel a sense of economic loss, social hopelessness, racial meaninglessness and overall, thoroughly unprotected.

OTB, you will never be able to pigeon-hole me with any of your narrow questions. I said that some of these acts of terror committed by Christian White extremists are manifested IN PART due to a Black President being seated in the White House, not solely because of his skin tone. Again, and to specifically answer your thin question, the targets are not primarily Black because the anxiety that Whites are experiencing include economics, politics and a reduction in social status as well. In short, I surmise that Christian White extremists view Obama being seated in the White House as a loss of political power. Furthermore, I gave you a broad answer which included other reasons as it relates to Christian White extremists. Your attempt to pigeon-hole me with a stringent question by omitting the other causative reasons stated above will never work with yours truly. Therefore, I suggest that you try this stunt with someone else. Additionally, what portion of my post that you failed to understand? – Black Sage

Also, while anyone involved in mass murder qualifies as extremist, why do you call these killers "Christian"? - OTB

Again and again, you appear to be unable to comprehend my post. Everyone else seems to understand it quite easily. And to answer your question, I refer to these murderers as Christian White extremists because we supposedly live in a Christian country. Secondly, I’ve turned my television on many times and have listened to pretty much everyone of these newscasters refer to Muslims as Muslim extremists when a bomb is detonated in or near a cafĂ© of some sort. Furthermore, referring to these recent Christian White extremists is an opportunity for you to see how it feels when an entire religion is looked down upon, denigrated and disparaged for no other reason because the perpetrator looks different from you. That is not a good enough reason to throw an entire religion down the toilet. In other words, it’s an opportunity for you to see how it feels when you’re given the chance to walk in someone else’s shoes. Again, if you’re having trouble wrapping these answers around your head, please inform me so that I may further enlighten you! – Black Sage

OTB said...

Enlightenment is always appreciated. No, I did not try and pigeonhole you. I asked what, based on your comments, were fair questions.

As you stated a black in the White House was a cause of these shootings, it would be fair to ask why blacks weren't therefore the targets. Do you disagree?

And as to my second question: other than this being a "Christian country" as you claim (and which Obama denies), why do you call these extremists Christians, when to the best of my knowledge none of these murderers have ever been associated with a Christian church?

If those are unfair questions, please do enlighten me as to why.

Alliyah Gallows said...

Here is a peek inside of the collective consciousness and racial id of malignant racially chauvinistic Whiteness. You are forewarned.

So...the worst part about innocent people getting mowed down is damage to white folks' image?

tfgray said...

When skinheads call you an idiot, you know you've got a problem.

chaunceydevega said...

@All. be mindful that OTB's style of "discourse" is to exhaust people with basic questions. It is a misappropriation of the Socratic Method because he is not working from intellectually open, transparent, and sincere first principles. Proceed with caution and manage your energy accordingly.

OTB said...


As BlackSage apparently had no response, thanks for chipping in.

Why are you put off by a simple question? Wouldn't it be less exhausting merely to answer it, rather than misdirect?

Why are you against two way discourse?

I asked two simple and direct questions, based specifically on the words of the person I responded to. What on earth can be wrong with that?

If you decide to respond to me, please answer the question rather than going on an exhausting detour that discourages honest discourse.

In my humble opinion, what is exhausting is going in these loony circles rather than addressing the issue at hand. Some people ask an honest question because they want an honest answer. That's my "agenda".

chaunceydevega said...


I have gone a few rounds with you before. Not interested. I will let others dialogue with you if they are so inclined.

OTB said...


Thank you. Your non-interference is appreciated. (You are the one who chipped in here, suggesting that others not respond to honest questions).

And here, I thought the Socratic method was asking honest questions and seeking honest answers without diversionary tactics.

In the end, an honest question got no honest answer.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
@OTB, I’m sorry to disappoint you, but it isn’t at all a fair question. I gave you a broad answer as to why this Christian White extremist may have massacred innocent people while they were worshipping. Apparently, you want me to answer the way YOU want me to answer. I assure you, that is not going to happen! Generally, when people refer to Muslim extremists, they have no knowledge whatsoever is this individual is practicing Islam or not. So, why is it that proof must be put forth to someone like you, that Wade Michael Page is not a Christian White extremist? Why should there be a different standard when an individual who commits a massacre, with people of color primarily being the target, is adorned with Caucasoid, physical features?

Additionally, merely because I gave an answer to your question, doesn’t necessarily make it a dishonest answer because the answer that was given is not what you were expecting. Sorry OTB, try again!

In the alternative, are you telling me that you are throwing your unimpeded, full-blown support behind Whiteness in it murderous rampage? - Black Sage

@Chauncey D., it took me a while to answer because I just got done amusing at OTB’s circular questions.

OTB said...

Let's try again.
1) Kindly tell me what was unfair about my question.
2) I don't care how you answer a question, but I would expect a direct response, rather than a diversion.
3) I don't support murder whether it is done with whiteness, blackness, brownness, or any other -- ness.
4) What proof do you offer (since you mention proof) that Page is a Christian? (That would be my original question). He is clearly white. He is clearly extremist. I have yet to see anything showing he is agnostic, atheist, Muslim, Hindu, Zoroastrian, Buddhist, Jewish, Jain, Wiccan, Mormon, Santaria, or (wait for it).....
What do you have? You charged him as a Christian. Surely you must have some evidence.
Thanks for playing....

chaunceydevega said...

@Blacksage. Told you. It gets tiring very, very quickly.

Anonymous said...

@Chauncey D., you're correct regarding OTB. Well, at least I know where to go if I'm in need of amusement! - Black Sage

OTB said...

@Chauncey and BlackSage:

Yes it is tiring -- Trying to find "just the right words" to get a response.

What evidence is there that Page is a Christian, as charged?

That is a direct question. Thanks.

Steven Aronoff said...

A very interesting conservative tactic has been evolving in America in the last few years. Conservatives of all bents, racist or not, have been co-opting the same language and the same words that liberals have used for decades, only substituting their own causes and themes for the liberal ones. It is an effective ploy because, for instance, it associates the language of the civil rights movement, giving a sort of perverted legitimacy to what they say, that is, if you're not paying close attention to how things are said. This sort of thing needs to be brought forward to the people and condemned for what it is.