Monday, April 30, 2012

Racism is not an Opinion: Elite NYPD Police Told to Shoot Blacks in the Head "Like Animals"; Research Reveals that Unconscious White Racial Bias Hurts Black and Latino Life Chances

Blackness comes with no expectations of safety, care, or security. 

Mediated realities. The pictures inside of people's heads. Life worlds. Bonding social capital. Lifestyle enclaves. The Big Sort. Red State and Blue State America. The color line. Residential housing segregation. Dense and exclusive social networks. The purpling of America.

Social scientists have developed an extensive vocabulary in order to discuss how people live in their own bubbles, and are exposed to a very narrow slice of the broader world. In matters of politics, and the Common Good, this means that what should be clear, commonly understood, and shared priors are often anything but--instead, they are made contingent, circumstantial, and open to debate and evaluation.

These gaps in experience can result in humorous, albeit very revealing, gaffs: Mitt Romney's joke about a 10,000 bet or his suggestion that young people can easily borrow 20,000 dollars from their parents and start a business. Romney had no malignant intent here--he simply does not have any friends who are poor, working class, or even barely middle class. His life world, despite his vast wealth, is limited, by choice, to those like him.

In discussions of race and racial inequality a similar dynamic also holds. While American popular culture is dependent on a type of insincere and false multiculturalism and diversity (black and brown bodies are present, but the lives behind them are often flattened and caricaturized; the white gaze still operates in the popular imagination), day to day life and society remain extremely segregated. For some, this is a result of "Whitopian" dreaming and deliberate action where the good life is defined precisely by one's ability to avoid people of color.

For others, segregation and racially homogeneous friendship and social networks are either 1) just a matter of life because race and class are intimately related to each other in America or 2) the result of a type of rational ignorance where many white folks are happy and secure knowing that they can live a quite normal and productive life (one that is guilt free) in which they will not have to encounter people of color as their bosses, neighbors, teachers, confidantes, or friends--unless they so choose.

Consequently, there are profound divergences in first principles. By implication, it is difficult to find consensus on any number of public policy issues or matters of public concern (see the huge divides in public opinion by race regarding the Trayvon Martin killing).

For example, according to public opinion surveys a significant majority of whites believe that America is a meritocracy, racism is a thing of the past, black people have an equal chance at success in the United States if "they just work hard," black children and white children have the same life chances in America, and the goals of the civil rights movement have been attained.

In addition, 80 or so percent of white respondents say that they have a close friend who is a person of color. If one does even some cursory math, this would suggest that blacks for example have at least 3 close white friends in their social network. Perhaps most absurdly, a significant percentage of respondents in a recent survey believe that racism "against" white people is a bigger problem than discrimination against racial minorities.

Given all of the overwhelming and readily available evidence to the contrary for how race over-determines life chances (and the advantages of Whiteness), this data suggests that a majority (more than 50 percent) of the white American public is in the midst of a type of mass delusion, denial, and psychosis.

In all, because shared experience(s) is/are bisected by the color line, what remains is a veil of ignorance. Thus, the existence of racism, and deep veins of white supremacy in America, are reduced to an "opinion" as opposed to one of the most documented and well-researched facts in contemporary social science. Racism is real. It is not something that people of color imagine and make up for their own narrow and personal "gain."

We are not crazy when we say that racism is killing us. We are not delusional or insane when we say that race still matters. Three recent news items help to remind us that reality is biased in the favor of our standing hypothesis that racism is real, even in post-racial Age of Obama America.

An elite unit of the New York Police Department is being investigated for operating under a standing order where its officers were instructed to shoot black people in the head like "animals"--for dead men tell no tales.

More benign, but no less problematic in its implications, the Russel Sage foundation has released a compendium of research on the relationship between race and class in America. Some of their findings include:
  • Stereotypes are pervasively used in cross-class encounters. Brain imaging scans show that rich people are often seen as competent but cold and untrustworthy, according to studies from psychologist Susan Fiske. By contrast, poor people are viewed as lacking both warmth and competence, and are often blamed for their poverty. In one study, Princeton students reported their reactions to a peer who was described alternately as rich or poor, and lazy or hardworking. Respondents gave strongly negative reactions to both the lazy and hardworking poor peer; by contrast, the work ethic of the affluent peer did not polarize ratings.   
  • Your social class may influence how you are racially identified. Individuals are less likely to be identified as white and more likely to be identified as black if they have ever experienced markers of low socioeconomic status such as incarceration or unemployment, according to psychologists Diana T. Sanchez and Julia A. Garcia.
Recently, the W.K. Kellog Foundation's Healing for Democracy conference brought together some of the leading scholars and researchers on social inequality and public policy. Apparently, the collective subconscious of American society remains sick with the disease of racism:
Hinojosa said it is “irrefutable” what is happening in America today. “We are clearly becoming a more multicultural, multiracial, mixed country. That is the future.” But she noted that the changing demographics are causing tension and fear among the majority. “There’s an element of unconsciousness there,” she said, “but there’s also an element of consciousness which is saying – at this moment I’m in the world of being a non-Hispanic Anglo…I don’t want to become a minority.” 
One panelist, Dr. David Williams, professor of African and African American Studies at Harvard University, cited studies documenting that when Latinos and African Americans were treated by physicians for a broken bone in their leg, they received pain medication significantly less often than white patients with the same injury 
“How on earth do we make sense of this?” Dr. Williams asked. “How is it possible that for the best trained medical workforce in the world to produce… care that appears to be so discriminatory? The answer: unconscious discrimination. Research shows that when one holds a negative stereotype about a group and meets someone from that group, without their conscious awareness, it is an unconscious process and it is automatic. They will treat that person differently and honestly not know that they did it...” 
Dr. Gail Christopher, vice president for program strategy at the Kellogg Foundation, explained that centuries of a racial hierarchy in America has left its mark on our society, especially pertaining to how people of color are perceived by whites. “Our society assigns value to groups of people,” she said. “It is a process that is embedded in the consciousness of Americans and impacted by centuries of bias.” 
During the discussion today, panelists shared insights demonstrating how people make unconscious decisions. Dr. Phillip Goff, assistant psychology professor at UCLA, showed examples of how law enforcement officials can be motivated by unconscious bias not only to race, but also to what they perceive as threats to their masculinity.
The people that are supposed to protect us are in fact killing us. The caregivers who should do no harm and take care of us when we are sick are instead leaving us to suffer. These facts ought not to be surprising.

Nevertheless, they are no less damning.

Ultimately, I don't blame white folks for practicing rational ignorance about the grotesque realities of white supremacy in post-civil rights America. If by birthright and color, I could choose to ignore such matters I would too. Such a choice is unethical. However, I would be saved much mental energy. God and fate have not allowed me such a privilege and luxury. I would not want it any other way.


Comrade Physioprof said...

An elite unit of the New York Police Department is being investigated for operating under a standing order where its officers were instructed to shoot black people in the head like "animals"--for dead men tell no tales.

I was shocked to read this news report, and even more shocked to see that it was almost three weeks old, and your post is the first I've heard of it. If this had been an accusation by white cops that black cops were being told by white suspects in the head, it would have dominated the national news cycle.

Comrade Physioprof said...

Whoah, some of my comment got truncated. Second sentence should be:

If this had been an accusation by white cops that black cops were being told by their black superiors to shoot white suspects in the head, it would have dominated the national news cycle.

Anonymous said...

" The lieutenant was “reinstructed” about his offensive comments in 2010, according to court papers."

I'd like to know what a "Reinstructed" class for racism consists of. This article clarifies what we already know. I am glad this information is now coming out. The more we are made aware, the better. Perhaps our society is such that when you disagree with what someone has said, especially something as deadly as this, all you can do is walk away and shake your head. It is a horrible society where one cannot get out from under the yoke of what appears to be a homicidal sociopath until there is more then one complaint and a lawsuit. No more horrible a society for a group of people who have to chance encountering someone like this and pay for it with their lives. But, we HAVE been arguing about this very thing for weeks now,

Tom said...

When do we look at this kind of thing and compare it to the Nazis? When does that finally happen, not just for the targeted group, but for all of America?

Tom said...

Where's ColorBind?

sledge said...

This is a very good article. It's very thought provoking, although extremely ugly and shameful.

I need to think on this some more.

I'm trying to decide which is worse. The detective unit heads who consciously showed this behavior.

Or the doctors who unconsciously showed the same behavior.

And do the majority of whites fall into one category or another?

And do a majority of blacks fall into one category or another towards whites?

Difficult questions. Now I'm wondering if I'm smart enough to figure out the answers.

Ray Semedi said...


I really don’t think it’s that hard to figure out. Maybe it’s just hard to accept.

We live under a regime of white supremacy and a racial caste system that has existed for centuries.

“Unconscious racism” serves some kind of bio-political function that maintains the subjugation of certain genetic clusters by another parasitic group that benefits from those conditions.

Kinda obvious.

CNu said...

“Unconscious racism” serves some kind of bio-political function that maintains the subjugation of certain genetic clusters by another parasitic group that benefits from those conditions.

oh...., SNAP!!!

Ray Semedi just went hard'n'a'muhphuggah....,

and that, my friends, underscores the absolute futility of conversational anti-racist praxis as a solution to the stigmergy in kwestin.

Fully functioning humans are of course obliged to make themselves aware of this sphexish proclivity innate to some of the humanoids in their midst - however - anything short of a program of scientific delineation and prospective eradication - is merely idle conversation.

gelada413 said...

Not for weeks, this argument has ensued for some hundreds of years.

gelada413 said...

The answer won't come overnight. The more we talk about, think about it, debate about it, answers will come.

ColorBind said...

@Tom: Actually, I wasn't going to make any comments because it's so blatantly obvious that what these cops did is despicable.

But, since you asked, I will note that Chauncey says a majority of America is in delusion and denial, that the "collective consciousness" of America has a problem, and that "shared priors are open to debate and evaluation".

By his own words, Chauncey would seem to be saying that there is a minority that doesn't fit into his absolute view of all people, and that his rigid beliefs are open to debate.

Kinda what I've been saying, isn't it? Thanks for asking.

sledge said...

@Ray Semedi

So if it is kinda obvious which type of racism is worse. Conscious or unconscious? Or are they equally evil in their own right?

As to the question does the black population have the same unconscious and conscious issues towards whites. I think you answered that one.

Prospective eradication of humanoids is a little out there and would no doubt end a little differently than you daydream about.

Maybe you don't think talking about these issues is worth the effort or will lead to something better. I don't know either. I hope at some point they do.

That's why I'm willing to keep talking right up to the point that someone physically touches or attacks me or a member of my family. Then the talk is over.

I hope that day never comes. I'm starting to suspect that you feel differently.

Tom said...


Understand you're feeling combative in this forum, but I'm taking what you say in good faith (with the exception of racist feelings, which people just have). In my personal opinion every person who sees evil behavior and comes out and says so, they're helping change the culture very slightly. Only very slightly, because we're only talking, but still.

Because the fact is, some of the flak you're catching is because there are a heck of a lot of folks out there who take the line you're taking on Zimmerman, and then find some kind of excuse to support the perps in blatant cases like this.

Not knowing you personally, I was wondering which way you'd go.

Tom said...

I think you may also have assumed that I am a blind supporter of our host's views. I'm not.

Ken S said...

"a significant percentage of respondents in a recent survey believe that racism "against" white people is a bigger problem than discrimination against racial minorities."

The problem is that equality under the law is being compromised. Consider that many people who are particularly sensitive to 'reverse-racism' probably did not vote for the party known for the policies that do this (of course I'm sure they are not so keen on equality under the law in some other matters, but the policy is still the correct compromise to take). A recent EEOC policy on criminal background checks is a good example of this, and disparate impact in general has a large potential for perceived or true unfairness. And no, all the 'well researched facts' out there haven't fully explained the differences in group outcomes yet, and many pundits/activists and even some academics have thoroughly discredited themselves on this issue. Until we know more there is always the threat of adopting unfair policies that will stir the hornet's nest and brings these 'unconscious' biases into the public consciousness.

CNu said...

As to the question does the black population have the same unconscious and conscious issues towards whites. I think you answered that one.

Really? Please explain as best you're able. {I'm 99.9999% certain you haven't the foggiest understanding of my gist - how's it put hereabouts? "your priors may be insufficient"}

Prospective eradication of humanoids is a little out there and would no doubt end a little differently than you daydream about.

All of humanity is hostage and prey to a subgroup of atavisms and psychopaths in your demographic midst. What exactly do YOU propose doing about the problem of these parasites? Talk to them about their issues? rotflmbao...,

White folks started this evil shit in all its particulars and it is morally (psychologically and evolutionarily) incumbent upon white folks to end it because you are its carriers, primary perpetrators, and principle and most pervasive cognitive victims.

Don't get it twisted Sledge, the point sources practiced on their own in Europe for centuries before they introduced their particular brand of sadistic, affect-deficient parasitism into the global market and differentiated it according to skin color.

Though I must grant that you've collectively made a little progress since the sadistic heyday of actual genocides and slavery, the winding down of day-to-day cruelty and inhumanity of Jim Crow culminating in the civil rights movement, to now where you've got a manageable minority in your population of active and powerful individual point sources who still manage to keep it hot and bubbling because it's profitable for them - and - a much broader demographic that I estimate at about 20% which is profoundly psychologically vulnerable to the instigation of these point sources.

The question all revolves down to what are you going to do about the regressive and knuckle-dragging atavisms in your population who refuse to do better?

I've already clearly shown you my unmasked contempt for ignants and ignant sympathizers who refuse to uphold a basic standard of civility and civilization, what do you propose doing about the vastly more numerous and more closely integrated white folks who've shown themselves incapable of evolving to a human level of comprehension and behavior?

If you take a anosgnosic exemplar like colorbind, for example - wtf exactly is there to do with something like that?

How much more serious then, are true busters like the Koch Bros. who would love nothing more than to take anglospheric civilization back to the middle ages, and their young stumpfenfuhrer protege Kris Kobach - who in my estimation is good looking, articulate, intelligent, and utterly amoral racist equivalent of the anti-christ?

sledge said...


Well you've pegged me. I've never professed to be brilliant. My talents lie elsewhere.

As to how to answer the question of the ignorant across the color spectrum. There are all sorts of answers for that which would make us no better than them.

We could eradicate them as you suggest.


We could ship them all off to Puerto Rico and let them settle it amongst themselves.

A creative list could go on for pages.

But the only way that it will actually be accomplished is in the way that it is already being moved forward. Peer pressure, and consistent reinforcement, created within each group that such racial belief systems are unacceptable.

If the experiment of America does in fact survive it's coming tests. The racial problem will in time be self solved. This country is going brown and intermixed.

Many people, black, white, already brown, don't like it one little bit. It makes no difference. It is where this country is going and it is unstoppable.

To be sure there are going to be problems and resistance along this path. None the less, it is inevitable.

That old saying, "Love" will overcome, is in fact our future.

Tom said...

The question all revolves down to what are you going to do about the regressive and knuckle-dragging atavisms in your population who refuse to do better?

Yeah, this is a core issue. The 'draggers need to be afraid, not just mildly worried about being 'victimized' by 'political correctness.'

Tom said...

I'm far more liberal than CNu, though. I believe a relatively small number of object examples, simple prosecutions and imprisonments, would suffice to control our (whites's') knuckledraggers. This can be done, I believe, with far less collateral damage than the so-called War on Drugs. We control the damn legal system, which is an ideal tool for the job, and we need to get our house in order in that respect. With respect for facts and the rights of the potentially-innocent, as ColorBind has championed, we need to seriously impose some very high personal costs on behaviors that put our fellow Americans' lives and property at risk.

We need to grow up.

Currently we leave standing up to racism up to the victims! We let racism be the Black people's, Latino, Asian people's problem. That's very wrong. It's not a damn game, set up two sides and let it run on. No way, we need to end it.

chaunceydevega said...

@Ken. "And no, all the 'well researched facts' out there haven't fully explained the differences in group outcomes yet, and many pundits/activists and even some academics have thoroughly discredited themselves on this issue."

Who has discredited themselves? Examples? Of course, there is much to learn. But, the idea that race over/undetermines life chances for specific groups is a finding that goes back at least 70 or so years (or earlier), some would say even to the 19th century...which is why it is exhausting to have to explain to folks who are in denial because of their own local and narrow interests.

sledge said...


I'm not liberal by any stretch of the imagination. But on this topic, we can find common ground on your ideas of costs involved with racism.

sledge said...

Along the lines of thought that Tom got me on. I read it here somewhere that being a racist isn't illegal.

Why the hell isn't it?

The Constitution says that "ALL" men are created equal with the described unalienable rights. These rights are today held for all citizens.

If a person is a racist they have already violated the Supreme law of the land, the Constitution.

That is illegal, it is a crime, and there should be costs associated with that crime.

Tom said...

Well, if you *infringe* the rights, that's one thing. If you just sit & spin and daydream about hate, I dunno, it could be harmless.

Somewhere I read, if some lady stomps on my foot, I don't care whether she "is a foot stomper," I want her off my foot, stop the behavior.

Same deal with child molesters, if they don't molest anyone, we have bigger fish to fry. They touch the kiddies, we take them down.


Tom said...

Sledge, When I say 'you,' I don't mean you, hope that's clear, it's just how I talk. I mean 'some dude.'

nomad said...

Speaking of liberals. Dan Boyd has been silent on this issue. I was certain, after his initial comments on Zim and Tray, we would be hearing more from him.

Tom said...


Oh, yeah, um, about teh white liberals? I wonder if we maybe want to maybe try to pitch this whole "Antiracism II--The Prosecution" thing at some friendly group of conservatives first, if we can. See, the WLs are trying hard to find racism--and once they do, they'll be absolutely 100% against it, you bet--but a funny thing happened on the way to the political process ... see, it's more important to take out the conservatives FIRST, you see, and hten, if you'll just be patient for a couple years, we'll get right on that, once we have the power, if you get me, it'll work better that way.

sledge said...


You have a point. But I'd be willing to bet that a person that sits & spins and daydreams about hate is going to get around to the infringing part in due time.

From what I've seen people who have a hate inside them are rarely able to keep it to themselves. They tend to want to share it.

Ken S said...


I knew of the risk that I would get asked that question, of course I am not going to name anyone but I hardly regret bringing it up. :) I reckon it is how many people feel, and because of this it just isn't possible to employ crude and marginally relevant facts to get them to compromise on deeply held principles or preferences. They can just as easily find equally crude or irrelevant facts to support their own position, and they do. It is not really a matter of 'learning' to resolve the life chances issue either, since facts that can make a sufficient enough argument to convince the skeptical or uncommitted appear to be lacking at the moment. Under these conditions the conservatives are probably closer to the correct position: leave it to the people to decide what to do about racism and don't go nuts making potentially bad government policy that will be seen as illegitimate.


I suppose if I had to start putting together a list of names I would use Pinker's book The Blank Slate as a jumping off point. The history and actors behind what Pinker has coined the Trinity may be an adventure in narrow and local interests in of itself.

chaunceydevega said...

Ken. "Under these conditions the conservatives are probably closer to the correct position: leave it to the people to decide what to do about racism and don't go nuts making potentially bad government policy that will be seen as illegitimate."

Be careful, if we left it up to "the people" i.e. the majority, with its tendency to be tyrannical and self-interested, blacks would still be slaves, Jim and Jane Crow would still be the rule of the land, and the forced 2nd class citizenship of people of color would de jure and not de facto.

Seen as illegitimate by who? Be careful with normalizing whiteness and white public opinion as "right" or "natural." White folks have been wrong on good number of major public policy issues of the 20th and 21st centuries.

I could care less if white people, libertarians, and colorblind racists, see my full citizenship, and the State's role in ensuring it, as fair, illegitimate, or uncomfortable.

The people need to be led, government can have, and has, a positive role to play on these matters, and the changes many want to tout, i.e. the civil rights movement, were the result of political elites in the context of a the cold war, responding to pressures from black and brown folks, to get the mass of the white public to come into the 20th century.

Don't have too much faith in joe q. public. This is especially true if you are a person of color, poor, gay or lesbian, or a woman in this society.

sledge said...


Just a point. Joe Public is people of various colors, poor, gay, or lesbian and women.

Joe Public elects the representatives that make up the government that plays the role you are discussing as beneficial.

I agree that the Government has a role, but Hoe Public had better have a role too in setting standards of behavior.

One confusing or should I say aggravating thing that occurs is when the Government ignores Joe Public. Such as when over 70% didn't want the banks bailed out and it occurred anyway.

I think Joe Public is only listened to in election year. And then it's usually just lip service.

sledge said...

Hoe = Joe

Ken S said...


I could hardly be accused of having much faith in joe q. public. My advice precludes any changes in government in the other direction too. But I do believe the government is going about things the wrong way to make any more progress, at least on some fronts. People can be led to everyone's benefit but there are limits imposed by consistency and coherence with existing morals and past behavior by 'elites'. In other words you can't underestimate joe q. public either or fully control who they will consider their leaders. I am far less worried about atavisms than CNu or yourself may be, but I probably can sympathize with the viewpoint, at least a little bit.

"Seen as illegitimate by who?"

Well, I hope equality under the law is not exclusively a 'white' idea, and I never meant to imply that it was. But the people who are grumbling about reverse-racism like to cite it and I don't think I would fault them for this.

chaunceydevega said...

@Ken. Those same "reverse racist" types are also amazingly myopic and self-interested, they cry victimhood but are amazingly silent when they benefit from white privilege. I always refer back to the equal protection clause and the tons of evidence about labor, housing, job, and hiring discrimination in the present. Not that it moves them...polite "principled" racists are among the most difficult to deal with.

Brotha Wolf said...

A fellow blogger sent me a link to an article about this. It's disheartening, but I can't say that I'm surprised considering the NYPD's reputation which could rival that of the LAPD.

Anonymous said...

"Not for weeks, this argument has ensued for some hundreds of years."

I was referring to a single case.

Constructive Feedback said...

My dear friend Chauncey DeVega:

1) Have the NY Police recently shot ANY Black person in the head - escaping a multi-million lawsuit in the process and Federal JD sanction for doing so?

2) If I find you a list of Street Pirates who have shot Black people in the head recently would you be interested in talking to them to determine if there is a common force that is motivating their aim?

3) If WHITE PEOPLE believe that one can work hard and achieve - and thus this is an indictment of their grasp on the realities of America - DO YOU believe that the operatives who stood before Black America and told us to VOTE OUR WAY INTO SALVATION also propagated something that is askew to the real world - for the same purposes of denial and opportunism that the WHITE FOLKS you speak of are motivated by?

Tom said...

"ColorBind said...
@Tom As I wrote to you several hours ago, my aim is not to be combative, but rather to plead that all sides should have equal rights."

ColorBind: Yeah, I read that comment of yours. Can't find it now.

I set up a post on my blog where folks can duplicate & back up any comments that might otherwise be lost. (Full disclosure: I have approx zero readers, so it's useful only to make sure you can link somewhere.)

sledge said...

Not to sideline the thread. I just thought a minute of respect was due. Who doesn't remember the first time they saw this movie and heard this sound.

Shaft Theme

NASHVILLE, Tenn. — Charles "Skip" Pitts, the longtime Memphis guitar player for Isaac Hayes whose distinctive sound helped define soul and make "Shaft" cool, has died. He was 65.

Tom said...

Constructive Feedback --

Got some C.F. for you. When you post comments like the one above, I get what you're saying crystal clear. When you use your own private terminology (critters and so forth), I get completely lost.

chaunceydevega said...


At first you were interesting. Then you became bizarre...but still useful and entertaining. Now your comments, obsessively about Trayvon Martin, have become annoying, distracting, and derailing.

I have deleted some of your comments as a friendly warning. You are welcome to chime in on other matters, but in the future if you insist on referencing your theories about Martin/Zimmerman I will delete any comments you make in that regard.

I have never taken these steps before. I do hope this will be my last time. I generally have little use for blogging by proxy, if you are so dedicated to this matter you should go start your Zimmerman is Innocent Project and get some of that money floating around for his defense.

Comprende me?

Anonymous said...

I'm going to read this article to some friends outloud. It's been my observation that any time anyone wants to cross a color line, a significant effort must be made. I notice that African Americans make this effort all the time. Whites have the luxury of complete ignornace and obliviousness--- hey, a policeman won't gun them down, they are treated well by medical professionals, they aren't on the magins.

I feel nothing but outrage--just what will it take for whites to admit that racism is real, incideous, cruel and the product of a mentally dead society?

Anonymous said...

P.S. There should have been screaming headlines about the NYPD white cops and their instructions to shoot black people dead! This is the first I've heard about this.

No excuse! This blog exists, whites can read it and learn... no excuses, we can't afford this fantasy life in American anymore!!!

fred c said...

No doubt most of White Americans live in a dream world, but they're not the only ones. I can think of some Hispanics and Asians among my personal acquaintances who are right there with them on the post-problem nature of the current state of racism. Blacks? Not so much. American Blacks are one of the most reality based populations in the world.

Of course racism is not dead, or even much diminished, to think otherwise is stupid, and, well, delusional. Post racial my ass.

These New York cops are a good example. Read up on the George Whitmore Jr. routine from the early '60's. This stuff is common knowledge, and there is general agreement that it was a bad time and the then typical behavior of the cops (term of endearment) and prosecutors was horrible. Look around today though and it's clear that the mindset still obtains. Not just this "shoot 'em in the head" thing, but generally.

Look beyond the platitudes on recruiting posters (for cops), and the careful statements of police officials, and the rote-learned public utterances of the cops themselves, and you'll find that cops today still feel like their job is to protect one group from another. (Or from several, cops don't go to lightly on Hispanics either, although they do get a better deal than Blacks.)

Re: solutions, it's not my specialty. I don't trust Government or individuals to get it done. Government paints with a big brush, and seeks big pattern solutions that can do more harm than good. (And that's the Disney version.) Individuals generally do what is stress reducing, which in this case is counterproductive. Individuals do nothing to counter the bad behavior that they see, which reinforces the behavior.

I don't know where that leaves us. This turned into quite the little Epistle to the Thespians, sorry about that.

CNu said...

American Blacks are one of the most reality based populations in the world.


uh..., no Fred.

Don't confuse "acutely aware of racism" with "factually, economically, and situationally grounded in reality" - American Blacks are some of the most status-seeking, shallow, delusional, unprepared, and dependent people on the face of the earth. I consider our modest access and exposure gains canary-in-a-coal-mine fragile.

The percentage of public agency employment is staggering and the precarious nature of public agency funding in this economy is bleak. The current state of urban public education is profoundly dysfunctional and incompetent 2nd/3rd line inheritors are clinging to their incompetently run satrapies for dear life, much as incompetent 2nd/3rd line inheritor politicians are clinging to their elected offices and patronage franchises for dear life too.

This turned into quite the little Epistle to the Thespians

Spittle on the Lesbians?!?!?!?!

Dood, you nassssssstiddy........,

fred c said...

Touche, CNu. Between writing mine and reading yours I also realized that many Black Americans subscribe to religion, which is of course a disqualifier for reality based status.

I do still think that the truth lies somewhere between my rather casual statement and your own stern evaluation.

CNu said...


I plumb forgot about that great big glaring hole in the collective bucket.

And the "church" a la Dr. Jamal Bryant, Bishop Eddie Long etc.., is a VERY far cry removed from my grandmother's Calvary Baptist from whence the power of prayer and unitary organization was literally capable moving and shaking reality.

D. said...

Yes. I've really come to loath the Black Church, the parasitic monstrosity. Everyone's poor, but the preacher has a new car. Everyone's waiting for Jesus to save them (read: New Black Leader), but few realize we have the power to save ourselves.

nomad said...

"American Blacks are some of the most status-seeking, shallow, delusional, unprepared, and dependent people on the face of the earth."

I wonder if that's a racially specific flaw? Or or they just a microcosm of the delusional culture to which they almost belong. Is it cause dey black?

nomad said...

And for all that "blacks is churchy religious" stuff. You certainly couldn't prove it by this site. Heathens!

CNu said...

I wonder if that's a racially specific flaw? Or or they just a microcosm of the delusional culture to which they almost belong. Is it cause dey black?

Read Black Empire.

It's because over the last 40 years, a flood of technically and operationally incompetent pretenders who know how to dress, speak, and act the part of managers and administrators (but don't really have a depth of hard-won knowledge, experience, and grasp) have been permitted to run municipal, educational, and a fair number of governmental operations into the ditch.

CNu said...

but the preacher has a new car. Everyone's waiting for Jesus to save them (read: New Black Leader), but few realize we have the power to save ourselves.

There it is. Misled by folks talking, acting, and dressing the part - status seeking and status getting from their underserved constituents...,

nomad said...

"folks talking, acting, and dressing the part - status seeking and status getting "

No argument there. But who are these "underserved constituents" you're talking about? Aren't they the
"shallow, delusional, unprepared, and dependent people on the face of the earth."?

Given your perspective I'm tempted to read your "underserved constituents" to have the subliminal implication: "undeserving constituents". The case the constituents apparently have a matching leadership. I would think you'd deem that appropriate.

nomad said...

Or something like that.

Tom said...

"American Upper-East/West-Side Yuppies are some of the most status-seeking, shallow, delusional, unprepared, and dependent people on the face of the earth."

Yeah, that works.

CNu said...

lol, my last 6 years of concerted anti-warsocialist, anti-bankster, and anti-psychopathocratic news aggregation comprises an impeccable record of anti-parasitic oppositionality.

You cats know anybody phukking with it harder and deeper - post a link ______________________?!?!?!

My 3 years prior to that of operationally savvy, entirely original Black partisan writing at comprises an impeccable record as well. You cats know anybody who phukked with it harder and deeper than I did, post a link___________________?!?!?

Nomad, your emotional negroe whining makes me tired. If you feel like making a compelling case that ignants and their 2nd/3rd line inheritor misleadership have a value proposition that I'm somehow missing (though I know, see, interact, and work with the whole panoply of these daily - and know full-well whereof I speak) you go head on and drop your thesis.

Tom, your East/West-Side yuppies - do they depend for their daily bread on taxpayer funded sources, or, did they or their forebears steal it properly via legitimate parasitic financial "services" and other sundry mainstream economic hustles?

Tom said...


No, they are spending down an accumulated base, one they would have no idea how to replace. And, worse, naively & incompetently blowing parts of it by doing what they call "strategy."

I always understood "strategy" to mean a bonfire of someone ELSE'S money. But that's me again, always getting hung up on the little stuff.

Tom said...


You know I am not attacking you. I'm just rotating the inkblots and taking another look.

sledge said...

CNu said
"If you feel like making a compelling case that ignants and their 2nd/3rd line inheritor misleadership have a value proposition that I'm somehow missing (though I know, see, interact, and work with the whole panoply of these daily - and know full-well whereof I speak) you go head on and drop your thesis."

I'm not nomad and I doubt I could write a compelling intellectual thesis.

I don't believe you actually think they don't have value.

The only reason the "ignants" are ignant is because they haven't been lead and inspired to think otherwise.

I don't often agree with Louis Farrakhan. But I do give him credit for inspiring and setting standards for those in his group.

You, yourself through your interactions and work with those you refer to a ignants has probably helped or inspired some that you aren't even aware of.

CNu said...


I'm tyed, tyed, tyed of the "it's not us, it's the American way" excuse making. Assuming for discussion's sake that were true, would it make it any more acceptable under present very "interesting" circumstances?


Believe it.

I consider children innocent constituents who should not be given up on. Grown ignants and incompetents - OTOH - gotta go, gotta go, gotta go...,

Tom said...


No. It's freaking suicidal.

nomad said...

What's with the personal attacks, dude? I don't play that.

But I can.

nomad said...

"Nomad, your emotional negroe whining makes me tired."

Who the fuck do you think you're talking to?

Anonymous said...

" It's because over the last 40 years, a flood of technically and operationally incompetent pretenders who know how to dress, speak, and act the part of managers and administrators (but don't really have a depth of hard-won knowledge, experience, and grasp) have been permitted to run municipal, educational, and a fair number of governmental operations into the ditch."


Anonymous said...

"I wonder if that's a racially specific flaw? Or or they just a microcosm of the delusional culture to which they almost belong. Is it cause dey black?"

It's certainly not a racially specific flaw. I think that CNu's point is, and I could be wrong, that considering the history of this country, considering the position blacks still remain in to this day, that we ought to, should, know by now that we of all people are the least that can afford to be any of these things, regardless if others are or not. The scales have never been tipped in our favor and likely never will, so we waste energy complaining how wronged we were/are because we will never reach the scale of equality we are looking for.

CNu said...

Sistah Bee is truth!!!

Accept no substitutes....,

nomad said...

"I think that CNu's point is, and I could be wrong, that considering the history of this country, considering the position blacks still remain in to this day, that we ought to, should, know by now that we of all people are the least that can afford to be any of these things"

Yeah you could be right. Maybe that is what that motherfucker meant. Him so damn coy and mysterious.

CNu said...

lol, emotional negroe whiners crack me tha-phuk up.

start some, then want it to just go away.

but it never goes away.

only children get a pass, not childlike adults.

if you're grown but infantile, there's no excuse for you, and you're a liability.

assing out is - as it ought to be - forever....,

nomad said...

That describes u CNut.
"start some, then want it to just go away."

You're the ignant that started this shit. U cain wish it away.

I ain't come here fo dis shit. I'm not going to spend too much energy on it. But you can't wish me away. Personal attacks is not going to stop me from challenging your inverse racist ideology. That jiggaboo smoke screen ain' gon' work.

nomad said...

"emotional negroe whiners"
I wonder why this dude don't cast racial epithets at white people he disagrees with? Maybe it's only black folks he deems inferior. Just sayin...

CNu said...


Nomad, the truth is not in you.

You labelled me a black anti-black racist and proceeded into your persistant Thrasherian "blacker-than-thou" fugue - now updated into "inverse racist ideology".

Anyone that stupid, that lacking in fundamental insight and discrimination is an automatic permanent write-off.

good riddance....,

nomad said...

As I indicate by the "t" I've added to your moniker. You're delusional. The only place that happened was in your imagination.

nomad said...

Yo honor I was jes minding my own bizness when this authoritarian guy started harassin me. I guess I mus a said the wrong thing , you know, grown folks was talkin and you know, I guess the guy thought I was not entitled to my own opinion and he sez:

" pull your pants up, take your grill out your mouth, and be a more respectable negroe....,"

I honestly had no idea what he was talkin about. Then he called me jiggaboo. And of course, he can't imagine why I would get offended. What colossal hubris.

I didn't turn and bash his head in the concrete, though.

He thinks he's rid of me. A permanent write-off. No, dood, a permanent critic of your perverse (since you don't like inverse racist) ideology.

"start some, then want it to just go away."

LOL! Not a chance.

CNu said...


I'm quite certain that like Thrasher, you'll be on my digital johnson for the forseeable.

In due time, perhaps you'll figure out why imaginary "nigga moments" give you a feeling of meaning and purpose - and - why it's so important to you to be important to me...,

nomad said...

There you go again with that nigga shit. You are totally and incorrigibly deluded by your own narcissism and the cynical mendacity by which you attempt smear others with racial slurs. Inverse racism is an apt name for the discourse you use.

D. said...


I really don't like defending others who probably rather I didn't, but I digress: CNu isn't anti-black. In fact, he's about as pro-black as one can be. He's just extremely cynical and doesn't have the patience to explain his world view to anyone he doesn't explicitly know is a child/ young adult.

Anonymous said...


CNu is an angry low self esteem person he simply cannot handle people who dare to challenge his aressted development...

This is why he resented Thrasher so much. Thrasher besides being smarter than CNu was not afraid to express his opinon and fuck with CNu's head and nonsense..

CNu is a tragic figure I can't wait until Thrasher returns to WARN to put CNu in his place. I recall CNu being very envious of Thrasher on a number of levels...

Anonymous said...

I agree D. It took me a while to see where CNu was coming from. We all express our frustration in different ways. That is his way. And really who isn't frustrated with those who don't know or care to know what they should know by now or are at least seeking to?

In a sense, I can see where justified outrage has been used as a tool to keep us blinded to the ineffectiveness of our leaders. However, outrage has gotten many of us to sit up and take notice. If outrage can be a means by which more of us realize the game and how it is being played and come to recognize that unless we start looking at things differently and taking action accordingly, then it can be an effective tool.

The truth if the matter is many of us, not necessarily on this board, are going to be in a world of hurt when the carpet is finally pulled out from under us. For those thinking it could not happen, one need but only look at several minority communities across this country where the case has been made that they are a drain on state resources and have been taken over despite the results of their elections. Yes, we know that there are predominantly Caucasian rural communities who are just as reliant on the public dole but those are not being targeted.

We need to find a better way. We need our leaders to propose alternatives not string us along under a system that is not set in our favor, leaving to majority of us to find our way. We need our " superstars" to get on board and we need to be prepared for when it does happen. Else , the resulting backlash, when it does happen, is going to make us easy pickings for slaughter.

Batocchio said...

I heard that Democracy Now segment when it aired, and it's stunningly disturbing. Thanks for the additional stats, context, etc.

CNu said...

The truth if the matter is many of us, not necessarily on this board, are going to be in a world of hurt when the carpet is finally pulled out from under us. For those thinking it could not happen, one need but only look at several minority communities across this country where the case has been made that they are a drain on state resources and have been taken over despite the results of their elections. Yes, we know that there are predominantly Caucasian rural communities who are just as reliant on the public dole but those are not being targeted.

Sistah Bee makes much too much sense!

We cain't have that.

Better to content ourselves with emotional outrage and imaginary nigga moments..., you know, fiddling while Rome burns.

CNu said...

CNu isn't anti-black. In fact, he's about as pro-black as one can be. He's just extremely cynical and doesn't have the patience to explain his world view to anyone he doesn't explicitly know is a child/ young adult.

If you're thirty and you don't get the urgency of the situation, you're in a whole heap of trouble.

If you're fifty and you don't get the urgency of the situation, then I guarantee you're an indispensable part of what blinds folk to the problem, and keeps them focused on events, personalities and "issues" - instead of durable projects and institutions.

nomad said...

Yay for the support CNut squad. Maybe he ain't antiblack.I'm just misinterpreting the poor innocent guy. Maybe he just likes casting racial aspersions. In any case, let him cast them at someone else.

nomad said...


"doesn't have the patience to explain his world view to anyone he doesn't explicitly know is a child/ young adult."

What in the world does this mean?

D. said...


It means that in his eyes, you either got the picture or you don't, and he doesn't much care to illuminate you himself.

The picture being that calling White people racist, and doing the sort of things Tim Wise does will accomplish nothing. Anti-Racism is a failed movement. So, where do we go from there: take care of ourselves like a micro-nation, or continue to wallow in oppression?

CNu said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
CNu said...

lol, It means I'm anti-stupid, anti-weak, anti-impotent, and anti-easily distracted.

quite obviously Nomad, that means I'm anti-your motherphukking monkey-ass - and yes honeybunch - that makes you an expendable digital pinata in my world.

until or unless you wise up - you and I have a great many Thrasherian nigga moments to look forward to together...,

Tom said...

CNu, What is the thinking behind throwing rocks like this?

nomad said...

"CNu, What is the thinking behind throwing rocks like this?"

It is what it is, Tom. And it is what I've been calling it. Mendacious. He sets up an absurd position that he fabricates out of his own obsessions. Then proceeds to attack the paper tiger he himself has created with racial ad hominems. Hey, if it quacks like a duck, it must be a duck.

I said when I first started posting on this site that there are some games I don't play. To continue with the racial insults, regardless, is the height of disrespect. That's why I talk to the jerk the way I do. He who doesn't respect me is not deserving of mine.

nomad said...

He sets up an absurd position that he fabricates out of his own obsessions. -projects that upon me, as if I actually hold that position- Then proceeds to attack the paper tiger he himself has created with racial ad hominems.

nomad said...

D. you didn't answered my question. You just elaborated on the aspersions cast by CNut.

"doesn't have the patience to explain his world view to anyone he doesn't explicitly know is a child/ young adult."

What in the world does this mean?

What does this child/young adult issue have to do with the discussion?

It would seem to me that if CNut cared and he thought he was dealing with a child or young adult that would be all the more reason to take patience in explaining his world view. The bottom line is if you talk as if you're a pompous ass I'm going to treat you like the pompous ass you apparently want to be.

Anonymous said...

CNu is a tragic example of a waste of intellectual capital

D. said...


D. you didn't answered my question. You just elaborated on the aspersions cast by CNut.

The question, "What in the world does this mean", is really open ended.

"It would seem to me that if CNut cared and he thought he was dealing with a child or young adult that would be all the more reason to take patience in explaining his world view."

You would think, however there's nothing you or I could do to change that.

"The bottom line is if you talk as if you're a pompous ass I'm going to treat you like the pompous ass you apparently want to be."

Understandable. I only meant to clarify that Cnu is not anti-black. He does, however, loath anti-racists and Black foolishness. Continue your spat with him if you please, I won't interrupt.

CNu said...


If I recall correctly Tom, sticks and stones actually break bones - but here in the realm of pure and purely attenuated language, one is compelled to rely on a different set of discriminative faculties.

Nomad's have failed him.

Having decided - despite overwhelming direct evidence to the contrary - that I am a pathological black anti-black racist or inverse racist, or some such slave-catching figment of his UFO-soaked imagination - I have stepped on the young man's mental-egoic sneakers.

Those imaginary sneakers are worth more to him than anything.

We must now make haste to proceed from the senseless to the inevitable.

CNu said...

Greg Thrasher is an odious example of a waste of skin...,

CNu said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

My mentor Mr.Thrasher is a lion and truly a living standard for being a Black Man circa 2012.

He was quite accurate about your aura you are pitiful as you wallow in misery ..

Anonymous said...


Why are you making excuses for CNu's backward and negative persona? You post like a patronizing liberal or someone who likes having a Black conduit speak to your feelings but you lack standing to utter the same thoughts

nomad said...

A hypothetical situation and pardon the language I'm going to use. You may have had a white friend who you thought shared your political perspective until some incident revealed that that was not so, that person actually held anti-black (racist) views.

That's not the hypothesis a suggestion about the social dynamics underlying the hypothesis.

Suppose you were talking to a white buddy and the moment you disagreed with you he started calling you 'redneck' or 'white trash'. I hope that gives you some idea how livid I am.

nomad said...

"you disagreed with you"
That's how livid I am.

"you disagreed with him"

D. said...


You have me wrong. Cnu is less than friendly, however you sell him short.

As for myself: yes, I can be patronizing but I'm not a liberal, I'm a radical. I do not need a Black conduit to speak my feelings. That Cnu and I have come to similar conclusions has nothing to do with me liking him. I've had several mentors, accumulated and processed a lot of information.

Also, it's quite hypocritical for you to accuse me of that seeing as you have undying respect and loyalty to Thrasher. That is, if you are not Thrasher yourself.

Anonymous said...

I respect my elders I am not their doormats or servant.Yes I respect Mr.Thrasher because he is real person not a chatter class lemming,

Clearly you have an agenda validating CNu's contempt for Blackness

D. said...

Well. . . that depends. I have no contempt for myself or Black people, and while I don't hate Whites, I will align myself with Black people over them. However, I do have a problem with "Blackness" as it pertains to the Struggle. Frantz Fanon wrote that White and Black are illusions. Beyond describing our physical appearance they have no more meaning than we assign them. Without one another, White and Black loses purpose.

What defines us is not our color, or our race, but our history. A history that is unique to the Diaspora of the USA. That our history is conflated with our race is only a consequence of America's brutal history, but we cannot confuse the two; we aren't the same as Haitians or Afro-Brazilians.

I reject "Blackness" in that the sole purpose of Blackness is to be oppressed. Let's not mince words; if we continue to define ourselves as an oppressed people I'm afraid we've already lost. Marching will not save us, legislature will not save us, wallowing in our noble victimhood will not save us, but economic and martial power will.

To obtain that power we need an identity that is holistic, not one that is one half of a perpetual struggle against White. That is not to say we shouldn't be aware of racism, it exists and does harm us. However, victory over racism using conventional tactics requires Whites to miraculously start loving us, and that's not happening.

Remember, freedom isn't negotiated or given out of love, it is taken by brute force if necessary. With power, we make ourselves our own masters, and we can crush whomever dreams of oppressing us. If your elder and mentor, Mr. Thrasher, isn't invested in obtaining such power, I'm afraid he is wasting time.

sledge said...

Anonymous said..

"Clearly you have an agenda validating CNu's contempt for Blackness"

I was going to stay out of this. I might still wish I had followed my own advise.

But from what I've read I don't think your statement is exactly correct.

CNu doesn't hold contempt for blackness from what I can tell exactly the opposite.

He does seem to hold contempt for some attributes some people of color display and then claim as the attribute as one of many examples of blackness. (Does that make sense?)

For instance he loathes baggy pants being described as an example of blackness.

I think you would understand him better if instead of describing what blackness isn't. That he described some of the attributes he see's as proper examples of what blackness is.

Tom said...

Nomad, that would hurt pretty bad.

nomad said...

Given your earlier comments, I'm not surprised you would say something like this.

"I reject "Blackness" in that the sole purpose of Blackness is to be oppressed."

Boy or you confused.

nomad said...

"CNu doesn't hold contempt for blackness from what I can tell exactly the opposite."

Sledge, you're looking at this issue thru CNut tinted glasses.

CNu said...

You may have had a white friend who you thought shared your political perspective until some incident revealed that that was not so, that person actually held anti-black (racist) views.

That's not the hypothesis a suggestion about the social dynamics underlying the hypothesis.

Suppose you were talking to a white buddy and the moment you disagreed with you he started calling you 'redneck' or 'white trash'. I hope that gives you some idea how livid I am.


SMDH at No-mad.

Suppose the "disagreement" with your black buddy consisted of his unexpected disclosure that he's deep in the clutches of nigga synthesis?

Suppose you're unaware of your buddy's allegiance to trifling riff-raff, you inadvertantly stepped on his imaginary sneakers and the two of you experienced a nigga moment?

No-mad stayed mad cause nigga synthesis is incompatible with the ruthlessly and mercilessly discriminative subrealist oeuvre.

No-mad stays mad cause SeeNew sees through all his petty jiggaboo hokum - and neither values or respects it....,

D. said...

"I reject "Blackness" in that the sole purpose of Blackness is to be oppressed."

Boy or you confused.

It's metaphorical and based on this quote:

"White" depends for its stability on its negation, "Black." Neither exists without the other, and both come into being at the moment of imperial conquest. -- Frantz Fanon

It cuts both ways; what is Black without White? We weren't Black or Negro before, we were Igbo, Fula, etc. Names that existed wholly within themselves, not as an opposite of another. I'd rather have an identity with or without them.

nomad said...

"disclosure that he's deep in the clutches of nigga synthesis?"

Listen to this shit. See what I mean by delusional? The only place this happened was in his warped imagination. But go ahead, CNut, keep shooting at that paper tiger. I think that any with eyes to see know what's going on here.

nomad said...

Okay. I see you take the non sequitur approach to argument.

"I reject "Blackness" in that the sole purpose of Blackness is to be oppressed."

'because you can't have black without white'.

Yep that certainly explains why "the sole purpose of Blackness is to be oppressed". Doesn't that phrase sound a bit strange to you? Oops, what am I saying. You already prefaced your hypothesis with the declaration 'I reject "Blackness"'. It just indicates the degree to which inverse racism influences black people today (assuming you are black). Tis a sad legacy of the Civil Rights movement indeed.

nomad said...

Not bad. Not quite as effective as "CNut" though.

"No-mad". It has a ne sais quois.

I might adopt that.

D. said...


If our oppressors were African, would we call ourselves Black? We've accepted negro, colored, Black, but oddly enough we are, generally, loath to be called African-American, or god-forbid simply African. Madness lives in a person who would create a name that doesn't reference color altogether. Why is that? It seems to me that Black only exists when in a relationship with White, a relationship that is currently abusive.

Let's say equality was accomplished and we no longer give race any importance whatsoever. Black and White would be merely physical descriptions, unless cultural differences still persist. Would we still call our unique culture Blackness? What about the Islanders, can't their culture be Blackness too? And Continental Africans have several cultures, are we to put them all under one broad umbrella of Blackness?

The more I think about it, the more Blackness seems empty. I could be wrong, that's just my opinion. What's yours?

D. said...

I reject the word "Blackness" itself. I feel it doesn't do us justice.

Anonymous said...


You are out of your element interpreting Blackness on any level for any Black Person in this forum.

Anonymous said...

CNu does not deserve any excuses nor affirmation given his extreme contempt for Blackness in here .CNu issues blanket indictments of Blackness based in part on his twisted and backward ego .

I will continue to reject his ignorance and beat it into the ground .Educated fools are lethal even in this venue they have cheerleaders!!

CNu said...

STFU "anonymous" mensroom attendant jiggaboo (Thrasher)!

sledge said...

Anonymous said...

"You are out of your element interpreting Blackness on any level for any Black Person in this forum."

I couldn't agree more. It is entirely up to the black community to define what the world see's as the defining interpretations of blackness.

I think this is exactly where CNu and you are having issues. On what those defining interpretations should consist of.

I'll bow out no. As you suggested in your comment. This is work for the black community to do. We whites have enough troubling issues of our own to keep us busy.

sledge said...

Bow out now.

nomad said...

'STFU "anonymous" mensroom attendant jiggaboo'

Surely what it utters is its only stock and store,
Caught from some unhappy master
Whom unmerciful disaster
Followed fast and followed faster
Till his song one melancholy burden bore:

CNu said...

Sledge, borrow a pair and tell Thrasher to go fuck himself.

CNu said...

No-mad stays mad angrily identifying with and defending an endlessly wratchit nigga synthesis - as if it was blackness...,

Anonymous said...


For once we are in agreement then.. As a rule as a man I never speak for a woman I invoke this same posture other areas of course I never speak for whites as well..

BTW CNu is trying to speak for ya something as you know I would never do...Just Sayin..

nomad said...

Didn't you forget to say "jiggaboo"?
I know that's your fallback argument.

CNu said...


How's that joint defense of nigga-synthesis working for you and your mentor jiggaboo-prime No-mad?

nomad said...

As for that video: Way to propagate them black neoliberal ethnic stereotypes. I wonder why this cartoon was/is so popular? It reinforces ethnic prejudice. It's disgusting to put such hateful words in the mouth of Martin Luther King. Yep, inverse racism has infected this post Civil Rights generation of blacks. It's one thing to demonize these people. Gives you a kind of self righteous satisfaction to think "Thank God I'm not one of them! I'm the exception." While that may feel good for the moment until you go out into the world and encounter the fact that racists make no such distinction. What applies to them, applies to you too. Smear them, suffer the consequences that you intended for them.

CNu said...


How you even fix your mouth to say clownish shit like "black neoliberal ethnic stereotypes"?

While that may feel good for the moment until you go out into the world and encounter the fact that racists make no such distinction.


And THAT son, is the fundamental difference between you and me. I ain't scurred a no racists, but I guarantee you there are quite a few racists who are terrified of me!!!

What applies to them, applies to you too.


How long till they become highly responsible, self-disciplined, moral, profoundly well-educated, exceptionally competent, and professionally indispensable functionaries on the cutting edge of societal development?

That's what I thought...,

Weak, degenerate, unfit, and incompetent elements - squandering scarce resources, making no societal contributions, and making no discernable effort to do better - gotta go, gotta go, gotta go!!!

Oh yeah, and their emotional negroe apologists need to go right along with them for the unpardonable sin of perpetuating the mis-identification of blackness with dysgenic dysfunction.

nomad said...

And that, ladies and gents, is the essence of inverse racist discourse."- gotta go, gotta go, gotta go!!!"

He'd make a good eugenicist, don't you think?

nomad said...

CNut keeps trying to pin this prevarication upon me.

"perpetuating the mis-identification of blackness with dysgenic dysfunction."

Never happened. Like a say. Dude is delusional.

sledge said...

CNu said...
"Sledge, borrow a pair and tell Thrasher to go fuck himself."

LOL! Now see. That's the kind of comment someone who doesn't know me personally or casually would make.

Cnu I don't worry about words too much. He, you, or anyone else can say anything they want and it will have little affect on me. I let it blow right over.

Words aren't worth confrontation and argument to me anymore. Whether in person or on line.

You don't have to agree with someone else to respect their right to an opinion.

Anon knows I agree with you on most of the basic issues you are discussing. I don't have to shout it at him.

nomad said...

"Anon knows I agree with you on most of the basic issues you are discussing."

Of course you do. CNut tinted glasses.

sledge said...

nomad said...
"Anon knows I agree with you on most of the basic issues you are discussing."

"Of course you do. CNut tinted glasses."

So nomad. I'm not sure where you formed the idea that I can't look at something, analyze it, and form my own opinions. Because as a matter of fact I do possess that ability.

What CNu has said about much of this is opinion I have already formed. Is it surprising that tow people would come to the same conclusions? Although, I disagree that anyone needs to go, go ,go.

You yourself agree with mush that Anon has been saying. Does that mean that you have Anon tinted glasses?

sledge said...

Spell check is a bitch. Anon has said much not mush. Sorry about that.

CNu said...

Yep, inverse racism has infected this post Civil Rights generation of blacks. It's one thing to demonize these people. Gives you a kind of self righteous satisfaction to think "Thank God I'm not one of them! I'm the exception." While that may feel good for the moment until you go out into the world and encounter the fact that racists make no such distinction. What applies to them, applies to you too. Smear them, suffer the consequences that you intended for them.

CNut keeps trying to pin this prevarication upon me.

Never happened.,

Anonymous said...

Sledge that is the tragic feature of your cheerleading for CNu you become a supporter of his contempt for Blackness this posture of yours allows to orchestrate your agenda in here(of course when you misstep I have to remind you of your cultural arrogance in thinking you can speak to Blackness of course no doubt away from this forum I am sure you are not passive in flushing out views about Black folk

Anonymous said...

CNu demonizes the Black valet which is sad of course this brother is working for a living

Anonymous said...

Being ghetto is not blackness. Being ignorant is not blackness. Walking around unaware of where you fit into the scheme of things is not blackness. Living life as if you don't care about things that may or may not affect you is not blackness.

That I reject these things does not mean I reject blackness nor does it make me a cheerleader. It just means that I am not willing to accept everything that is ascribed to blacks as blackness.

nomad said...

"Being ghetto is not blackness. Being ignorant is not blackness."

Who said it was?

That is a straw man set up by CNut.

Let's agree about that and elevate ourselves above the CNut jiggaboo smokescreen phony diversion.

nomad said...

"CNu demonizes the Black valet which is sad of course this brother is working for a living."

It wreaks. I guess he'd rather the brother be out robbing somebody. Either way he's prime for extermination.

nomad said...

@ Sledge

"What CNu has said about much of this is opinion I have already formed. Is it surprising that tow people would come to the same conclusions? Although, I disagree that anyone needs to go, go ,go."

Glad to hear that. But you have to know what you're agreeing with when you agree with CNut. No you didn't necessarily derive your POV from CNut. You guys just simply think alike. Perhaps you use the same source material. Perhaps that shared source is what tints your glasses.

sledge said...

Anonymous said...
"Sledge that is the tragic feature of your cheerleading for CNu you become a supporter of his contempt for Blackness this posture of yours allows to orchestrate your agenda in here(of course when you misstep I have to remind you of your cultural arrogance in thinking you can speak to Blackness of course no doubt away from this forum I am sure you are not passive in flushing out views about Black folk"

Anon you should try that arrogance meter on yourself. I suspect you would peg the needle.

I don't have an agenda other than to see what I can learn about race relations. And that's a variable thing because not all blacks and whites are the same or think the same.

What I know about black culture I learned from backs that I know, talk to and observe.

You are correct. I am not timid about saying what I think. It doesn't matter what color the person is. People don't have to worry that I say one thing to their face and another behind their back. That's not the way I operate.

I deal with everyone in an upfront fashion and insist they deal with me in the same manner. If I find that they are holding back or aren't being straight with me I'll say something about it. Depending on what it is that could be in a joking or more serious fashion.

You don't know me. For you to predict what I do or don't do is out of your area of expertise.

sledge said...


I agree with you that the valet is doing honest work and shouldn't be put down. He could be feeding his family or he could be working his way through college.

It may not be glamorous, but as long as it pays the bills there is no shame in honest work.

I remember digging a few ditches way back when. Hot, hard work, but there was no shame in it.

CNu said...

It wreaks

No mad.

It REEKS - and that mensroom stench in which a Thrasherian pressure-beggar dwells is only compounded by an unwanted oxygen thief's unwelcome insertion.

Move out the way, I can shake my own johnson.

Move out the way, I can squirt my own handsoap.

Move out the way, I can get my own paper towel.

No thank you, I have my own breath mints.

No, there ain't a dayyum thing you can do for me but move the phuk outta my way!

nomad said...

"It REEKS - "

Yeah, I knew you'd fall for that. Thanks for agreeing.

nomad said...

And this coming from a guy who never met a word he didn't want to misspell. Phuk him.

CNu said...

Who said it was?

You did. Along with a lot of "blacker-than-thou" whining about class, elitism, black anti-black, inverse racist and then the ultimate clencher. "Black neoliberal ethnic stereotypes"


Blacker-than-thou jiggaboos have more terms for "you just don't like me" than an eskimo has for snow.

sledge said...

CNu said...
"Move out the way, I can shake my own johnson.

Move out the way, I can squirt my own handsoap.

Move out the way, I can get my own paper towel.

No thank you, I have my own breath mints.

No, there ain't a dayyum thing you can do for me but move the phuk outta my way!"

Here's an area we disagree.
That man doesn't want to shake your Johnson. You've got him confused with the guy still down in the stall tapping his foot and writing his number on the wall.

The valet would probably rather be somewhere else. But he needs to make some money and he's doing it honestly.

We don't have valets here. Too small. Actually I've only seen one in the past few years in Orlando.

I bought some stuff from the guy for no other reason than I respected him doing that rather than standing on a corner with a sign that lies about him being willing to work for food.

I hope the "get out of my way" guy didn't forget to mention, "Sir, before you leave you have some tissue dangling from the back of your pants leg."

Anonymous said...


What a simple minded post revealing of course the obvious


You did confirm my post of course and to learn at the feet of a man with such low self esteem as CNu is nothing I would affirm


I think your banter with CNu has been measured just my mentor'interactions

sledge said...

Anon you think CNu has low self esteem? I think you're way off on that one. His high self esteem and pride in himself is why he gets disgusted by the things he see's other doing.

I do find your disparaging remark of concerning me learning at his feet very odd. Considering that you put this Thrasher guy up on a pedestal in something akin to the Golden Calf of biblical times.

Yes, I'm referring to the worship of false God's and such.

nomad said...

@ Anon

I think your banter with CNu has been measured just my mentor'interactions"

I'm just getting started.

Anonymous said...


You apparently know little about Black self hate CNu reeks of it.He reminds me of a locker room bravado glory pussy hound all talk and fiction

Yes I will agree my respect for mentor is high but he has delivered on his words and actions

sledge said...


I've never talked to or met your Mr. Thrasher so I haven't got a lot to say about him.

I will say this and it applies to anyone who tells you they have all the answers.

Listen to what they say and consider it. But don't let accepting what they say replace you thinking for yourself.

This world is chock full of people, black, white, and every other color who let other people do their thinking for them. It might be easier that way but it has sure produced a screwed up mess.

Even when you think people are wrong on the whole, take a closer look. There is usually a little truth in there somewhere.

CNu said...

I'm just getting started.


Let me know when that happens..,

p.s., Sledge, the Anons you're bantering with ARE Thrasher. There's nobody else up in here representing for that old crusty skidmark - and if you had any question whatsoever about how fundamentally pitiful Thrasher is, his Sybil impersonation should put that to rest...,

Anonymous said...


I am not Mr. Thrasher even though I will admit I have copied a lot of his posts. I was upset when he stated he was tired of WARN because of the same circular race chatter.

I will also admit I tired of your contrarian posturing in here always in a state of anger so I decided to clone his words. Now I do Mr. Thrasher but only as a social connection.

I am now bored with this site knowing OU are always here to umpire and steal glory from CD.

Sledge your last couple of posts have really been on point and I have changed my opinion of you ..

Anonymous said...

" What a simple minded post revealing of course the obvious"


And what obvious would that be? I've been entertaining this weekend and haven't the time to write a dissertation to your liking. I still have a mess of dishes and such to clean but, if I need to elaborate for you, I will. The point of my post is that if one accepts all that blackness entails all of the negative descriptors that CNu rails against, then it is easy to see why one would be offended by it. If one recognizes that he is referring to a particular type of people, (in my opinion that would be people who reinforce negative stereotypes and proudly proclaim them to be blackness) then unless they view blackness as inclusive of this, they should not be offended.
When I started reading this site, as I said, it took me a time to figure this out. I thought CNu was a bit rough myself and had decided that I was just going to ignore his posts. (No offense CNu and apologies for that little spat) Taking a more reading and less reactionary stance, I began to read his words and follow his links and his style became more apparent to me.

Is it my style? No. But, I don't begrudge him his style especially when it is hard to argue with his stance. Besides, some people can be reasoned with, in order to wake up to the realities that await them. Some people need to be slapped upside the head, CNu is that slap upside the head. It is their choice to be so offended that they close down and choose not to be receptive. That is my view of it, but then, I'm not on some quest to redeem anyone's name or honor so, I suppose that allows me to be open to the message and not the words.

sledge said...

Well, I don't know who's who, but I don't guess it really matters. I just have to trust that people no matter what opinions they have are dealing from positions of good faith on their beliefs.

By the way I really like sabrinabee's description of CNu.

Quote: Some people need to be slapped upside the head, CNu is that slap upside the head.

LOL! That's pretty good. She sure has a way with words.

nomad said...

'Quote: Some people need to be slapped upside the head, CNu is that slap upside the head.'

Cept she got it backwards. CNut is the one that needs to be slapped.

"Let me know when that happens..,"
Oh, you already know. That's why you flailing.

CNu said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
nomad said...

Yeah, like CNut says. It's about propagating stereotypes.

"Oswald Bates gibberish signifying the fact that even in his feverish race-trader imagination - it's nothing more than an emotional negroe bargaining chip"

nomad said...

People. You've got to use this thread as a FAQ to CNut's ideology. This here is classic:

"How long till they become highly responsible, self-disciplined, moral, profoundly well-educated, exceptionally competent, and professionally indispensable functionaries on the cutting edge of societal development?

That's what I thought...,

Weak, degenerate, unfit, and incompetent elements - squandering scarce resources, making no societal contributions, and making no discernable effort to do better"

The degeneracy of these others, excepting himself and probably a couple of other Negroes, is inherent. Now where have I heard similar notions? Let me think. Nazi Germany? South Africa? Modern day Israel? I'll get back to you on that.

CNu said...


reality fit'na correct each and every instance of non-evolutionarily stable "strategy" currently on display in a hood near you.

No one else need lift a finger...,

nomad said...

Don't you mean "Bwahahahaha"?

nomad said...

Elaborate, man! How is this going to take place? Reality? That's pretty broad. Gummint? Nature? Economics? Tell me, oh prescient one, how shall the jiggaboos be eliminated?

Anonymous said...


Yep I had it right the first time your latest post does nothing for me ..More instructive is that you still found some safe harbor foe CNu's backward and underdeveloped contempt for Blackness..

There is nothing of note about a crude Black person vomiting on aspects of his own being and cultural legacy..

As I have noted to CD many times there is nothing courageous or progressive about beating down poor people and finding fault with people under extreme duress and oppression

Nor it is fuctional or effective demonizing the Black elite who have navigated the insanity of white supremacy etc( white privledge, negrophobia, etal)..

CNu does not offer sober or candid analysis instead he provides unwarranted indictments and attacks on those who are always easy to demonize and wage a cultural war against..

Anonymous said...

" he provides unwarranted indictments and attacks.."

And how are you unlike what you claim CNu to be? You who above called my post simple-minded and have drawn some obviousness from it yet will not elaborate on your conclusions. What have YOU contributed aside from criticizing CNu's posts? I think your obsession reveals more about you than whatever you think my post reveals about me.

I am not going to continue to sit here and argue CNu's philosophy to you. He's quite capable of making his own points. What I will say is, I am one of the first to acknowledge that there are factors that hold us back, keep us impoverished, barriers that we have to fight. Recognizing or admitting these things does not mean that we should make excuses for not trying to do better.

When I encounter people, my people, who refuse to even have a discussion on what their future as it relates to society holds, or are met with "give it to God" or what happened on somebody's housewife the night before, I can see exactly where CNu is coming from.

Unless we can have a general conversation about solutions there will be none. Your Black Elites have platforms, have had for years, been able to determine what insanity they were up against. Why has there been no alternatives to bashing their heads against the walls of white supremacy? What is preventing them from recognizing what isn't, hasn't been working, discarding those and offering suggestions? Why are they still working within the framework of looking to those very abutments for assistance, aide, solutions?

Tell them to take their hands out of the collection plate and look around. The people they need to reach are not only visible during elections. The people they need to reach are outside the church and voting booths. They need more than bible verses and prayer advice. They need to know how dire their situations are. They need to know how they are being manipulated, how they are being oppressed and what it is that is hindering them from being effective leaders. But first and foremost, THEY need to come together and determine WHY they are ineffective.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
nomad said...

'I am not going to continue to sit here and argue CNu's philosophy to you.'

I hope not. Have you actually read what CNut has been writing? Have you listened to his rhetoric? Why in the world would you want to cosign that. Make no mistake, the moment you disagree with him you're a jiggaboo too. I'm still waiting for his answer about how "reality" is going to eliminate us. What, does he envision some kind of jiggaboo internment camp?

sledge said...

nomad said...
"I'm still waiting for his answer about how "reality" is going to eliminate us. What, does he envision some kind of jiggaboo internment camp?"

I doubt Cnu will respond to that because he see's you as lost. But I will.

You are close. But I doubt they will be segregated. But then there are no guarantees.

I came on here to learn more about race relations because I think they will be even more important in the future than they are today.

I've studied pretty much everything that Cnu has said because I'm fascinated by the fact that he has been paying such close attention to what is going on and how it relates to issues of race. Not to mention the well being of the black race in what's coming.

I'll tell you straight up that CNu is one smart cookie. You don't think so because you don't see what he see's and aren't aware of what he is aware of. The vast majority of people do not have his comprehension.

I think unfortunately it is genetic with all races. Most would rather be told everything is ok and getting better.

You and the other guy Anon, are obviously intelligent guys. What I say next is absolute truth which you will come to realize.

You both would be well served to contact CNu by back channels or email and find out what he knows and what you can do for your own well being.

Take it or leave it. But you are running out of time.

nomad said...

It's hard forcing myself to read CNut's tripe. Now let's take a look at this serial prevarication.

Sabrina"Being ghetto is not blackness. Being ignorant is not blackness."

Me "Who said it was?"

CNut "You did."

You've made this accusation several times and since it is the entire basis of your assault upon me, perhaps you would be so kind as to point out exactly where that happened.

nomad said...

"I'll tell you straight up that CNu is one smart cookie. You don't think so because you don't see what he see's and aren't aware of what he is aware of. The vast majority of people do not have his comprehension. "

You're still drinking the CNut koolade. I never said CNut wasn't smart. And believe me I am not as ignorant as you think. I said he was nuts. There are a lot of smart nuts in this world. They run it. Please, answer for yourself. And let CNut answer for himself. If he chooses not to, that's fine. I already have enough material here to roast him for days. point by point.

nomad said...

"You both would be well served to contact CNu by back channels or email and find out what he knows and what you can do for your own well being."

Let me make this very clear. Fuck CNut and the broom he rode in on.

sledge said...

So be it.

Tom said...

My 2 cents each on 2 points:

1. Sledge, yeah, have you noticed CNu experiencing any difficulty speaking for himself?

2. This nut/mad stuff. What I value most about both CNu's and Nomad's sites is that both are willing to pursue discussions down avenues the mainstream would consider crazy. Years ago I put it something like "If we're trapped in a bottle then it might be more important to get OUT of the bottle than to get to the absolute most comfortable perfect spot on the inside." Surely both you guys (and certain others here) can relate to that on some level?

When we call each other crazy w/r/t the mainstream, aren't we just saying "Dude man, you're on the wrong spot on the inside of the bottle, kay?" YES, most times discussions outside the bottle are going to turn out to be genuinely nuts. That's part of why people are afraid to discuss 'em.

So anyway that's my plea, buried in there somewhere, that willingness to pursue crazy-sounding avenues of discussion not simply become collateral damage here.

Bleh, whatever.

Tom said...

(Dunno who threw the first stone. Rocks were flying when I tuned in.)

nomad said...

Someone crossed a line. I'm just standing my ground.

nomad said...

The line? Very simple. I can handle paternalisticism, though that is pretty close to the borderline. You know, phrases like "Who do you *call yourself* defending" with it's denigrating subtext. I can overlook that. But you really cross the line with me with racial epithet. That's it. Case closed. "What? You say you do this routinely?" That's sad. Nevertheless, it don't fly here. Not jiggaboo. Not Sambo not nigga, not boy not even son. I mean, you can cross the line if you want to, but I cannot be held responsible for the consequences. And mendacity and false accusations. Don't cross that line either. That don't go over too well with me, either.

sledge said...

Hey, I was just trying to help Nomad and Anon out.

No skin off here. :)

Tom said...

Yeah nomad I probably should have thought twice before I even posted.

Anonymous said...


Stop whinning get over being corrected in here..Your post was pedestrian at best..What a fragile ego you have revealed in here


Are you serious you have already been taken to task for speaking outside your pay grade about Black folks so now you want us to seek advice from a backward and anal personality like CNu..WTF


You need to get out more often and wow your standards are woefully low..


I feel ya..I refuse to accept nor tolerate anyone like CNu he is represents a way backward not forward by any measure..

Anonymous said...

In closing the various narratives that have been on display here clearly illustrate a few theme
CNu and his apologists trend toward a negative analysis of Blackness
Nomad and I offer a positive narrative protrait of Blackness..

I rest my case

sledge said...


Man, you have more lines of sh@t than most I've come across. I'll give you this, you are one smooth talker.

Wait just a minute.

Have you got a teleprompter? :)

Tom said...


Yeah I was afraid people might take my comment as inclining toward CNu or toward Nomad. I wasn't. I've been a CNu groupie for a long time but Nomad has made it crystal clear why he can't tolerate the language. That makes perfect sense.

What I was in fact annoyed about was the ridicule CNu directed at UFOs. We're flies in a bottle and UFOs are outside the bottle. To me that indicates they deserve some respect. While I don't believe in the popular picture of extraterrestrial visits, what is belief worth? ... as an analogy, even an agnostic--even an atheist--can be offended and angered by some of the obnoxious atheist rhetoric that's out there.

I'm not in this food fight, Thr ... anon.

Anonymous said...


I speak for me not Mr.Thrasher nor Nomad but your post is acknowledged

Anonymous said...


I explained myself above and until such time as I find it necessary to rethink my position, I stand by what I said. On a side note, I didn't realize that you wrote a blog as well. I'll be sure to pay it a visit. Always willing to learn from others.


To borrow from the only thing of interest you have posted on this blog thus far; YAWN!

Corrected... smdh. LOL

Anonymous said...


You keep reminding me of how fragile and grudge impacted wuss you are...YAWN

Get over,lol,lol

nomad said...

sabrinabee said...

I explained myself above and until such time as I find it necessary to rethink my position, I stand by what I said.

Well, I don't think I actually disagreed with you. You were arguing against a position projected upon me by the cynical Mr. CNut.

nomad said...

What CNut meant.

(comment from another thread)
"You may also gain a simultaneous understanding of my intentionally provocative and oddly unforgiving rhetorical stance in response to certain definite "types"."

This he offers as justification of his indiscriminate use of racial slurs. Those (blacks) whose opinions he construes to contradict his are the "certain types" he's referring to. Mind you, they don't actually have to contradict his to be relegated to that category. He only has to imagine they do. Or, mendaciously, pretend that he believes they do. In either case, it's an excuse for CNut to use his racial smear tactic.

CNu said...

Leon, get a life before you wind up catching a foot in your pathetic old ass...,

nomad said...

like the one you catchin right now.

nomad said...

In case you meant that physically (typical nigga) make the trip, dude. I'll be standin my ground.

CNu said...


I cut you three weeks ago.

and you been bleeding out, festering internally, and slowly dying ever since.

psychological cripple...,

nomad said...

You may be right. You may be crazy. But I told you the way its going to be. I'm a permanent critic of the inverse racist aspects of your ideology. Espouse them; I douse them.

CNu said...

lol, if you say so Leon.

But I strongly recommend that you staunch your own psychic bleeding first...,

nomad said...

What do you say when you can't defend your own position intellectually? Threat first. Then "Look over there! Hemorrhoids!"

CNu said...

What little you know for certain is that I hold low-class, oppositional cretins in contempt. You've also discovered that I hold nigga-synthesis apologists in even greater contempt.

Having identified yourself as a "livid" representative of this latter group Leon, I've done the bare minimum necessary to keep you properly offended and enflamed.

nomad said...

Now tell me the one about the three bears.