Thursday, January 12, 2012

An Inside Con Game? Why Would Cornel West Go On the Hannity Show?

Last night, Brother Cornel West appeared on "Brother" Sean Hannity's TV show. Lord. "Brother" Sean Hannity? Save me now. I cannot stomach Fox News; only a few seconds of viewing leave me spent and exhausted--their lies and distortions are that burdensome.

In all, this an entertaining interview. But, it left me with many head-shaking moments, and a few questions.

One, why would Cornel West go on the Hannity Show? Fox viewers are not going to buy his books, they see him as a crazy negro intellectual leftie Commie, so what is the point? Is Brother Cornel just putting his head in the lion's mouth for a cheap thrill?

Two, why would Cornel walk back his observations about Herman Cain being on "the symbolic crack pipe?" You are on enemy territory, why not go hard and stick to principles? And yes, it was fun to hear Hannity mentioning some of my talking points on Herbie Cornbread Imagine There is No Pizza Cain (once more, I had a moment when I regretted not going on Fox News those months back). One day, I will get my metaphorical hands around the throats of Hannity and company, I just have to wait for the moment of my own choosing.

Three, are the talking heads all in bed with each other? Is this a big charade that the true believers, marks, and the low information voting public don't realize is a sham? Left and Right need a good fight, just like boxers who feign hatred for each other to build up the gate. Is this a dynamic present in the Cornel West Fox News interview?

Fourth, do Hannity and the Conservative Jesus Christ hates the poor and loves the rich Christian Nationalist Dominion crowd really believe the crap they spew? I am not a "Christian," but the Right-wing prosperity gospel war monger types have always been the object of much fascination on my part. What mental gymnastics do they use in their biblical hermeneutics? Can their pastors, ministers, and other oracles be brought up on charges of biblical malpractice?

Finally, who the hell are the "so-called" rich that Hannity defends as an oppressed and aggrieved public? What leaps of faith are necessary for listeners to sustain a belief in, and adherence to, such Orwellian fictions?

The lie isn't even that persuasive, even for the most superficial and dim of viewers. Why does it have any traction at all?


John Kurman said...

"Brother Cornel just putting his head in the lion's mouth"

WTF? Hannity? Hannity?

My opinion of Hannity, and I'd make a serious money bet that this absolutely applies to him:

You've heard of the Irish curse, right?

Oh, yeah.

CNu said...

One, why would Cornel West go on the Hannity Show?

Because he's an entertainer, plain and simple.

Not a scholar.

Not a moral authority.

Not a black leader.

Just an entertainer. The cardinal rule of entertainers holds that "all publicity is good publicity", correct?

"Bro." Cornel belongs to that dangerous and misleading class of 2nd/3rd line inheritors misnamed "public intellectuals".

Tom said...

Three, are the talking heads all in bed with each other? Is this a big charade that the true believers, marks, and the low information voting public don't realize is a sham?

Well, yeah.

Tom said...

Abstentus said...

I don't personally know Dr. Brother West. I've read a couple of his books, and I think I can make a safe guess here. I think he is happy for the chance to have a crack at those FOX viewers who are usually sucking on the symbolic crack pipe that is the delusions and distortions usually spewed by FNC. I sort of like how he not only explained the metaphor, but how he later brought up the idea of righteous indignation. And, he did not fall for Hannity's bait.

Most interesting part to me was when Dr. West schooled Hannity about how Obama was not a socialist. That was where things actually got deep. And that's when Hannity, true to his slimey form, changed the topic. God forbid they get that far down the road, on his pgm.

But ya know? Even if I think this election year is going to be the most racist fuled election ever. The class warfare thing is big now too. It's such a thrill to see the wing nuts going after each other re that vulture capitalist Mitt Romney. What Dr. West was saying about Obama ties in to that. It's so much about who's got the money and power. And Dr. West knows that stuff well.

Anonymous said...

Dear Absentus:

Honey, if Pres.Obama invited Cornel West over for a Hip Hop bbq and West found it more profitable to be his friend, West wouldn't be saying any of the shit he said on Hannity.

but you keep believing and supporting that grfter.

CNu said...

Anonymous is truth!!!

Accept no substitutes...,

Longtime Blogger said...


The lie isn't even that persuasive, even for the most superficial and dim of viewers. Why does it have any traction at all?

Showbiz: there's nothing like it, I've heard.

Adam said...

Why would Cornel West go on the Hannity Show?

I have to raise a slight criticism hear about the overarching take of West's motivations. It requires us all to play a little game for a moment. I call it, 'let's pretend that some people do believe in an absolute truth, and this is there primary motivations for action'.

This may actually raise just a bit of irony:

@CNU: The cardinal rule of entertainers holds that "all publicity is good publicity", correct?:

I won't argue with you there, but I will say that this cardinal rule holds for most religious people as well. It's amazing how many right wing christian fundamentalists allow themselves to be interviewed by comedians who inevitably make them the butt of jokes.

Likewise, religious people tend to make appearances for the same reason. They feel duty bound to spread there gospel, however fool hardy they may look.

Whatever might be said about Dr. West's intellect, and leadership, he has been one thing over the past 4 years, and that is consistent.

Long before OWS and the like he has been calling to his same bottom line (Poor and working class), and he has done so through a more universal medium than Liberalism or Conservatism: Christianity.

In short, I think West is Values driven, and sees it more important that people gain empathy for poor and working class, than help elect someone who gives them the best chance to realize those aspirations. I really hope someone criticizes this, as it is very off the cuff.

CNu said...

OK Adam.

Point taken.

West is working the premium televangelist end of the spectrum. You know, the one with limos and Learjets, but no corny hypnosis and faith healings, just a %.000001 call to value "the least of these".