Tuesday, December 27, 2011

What Do They Call a President Who Happens to be Black? If You Are Fox News You Call Him a "Ghetto Crackhead"

Malcolm X famously asked, "what do you call an educated negro with a B.A. or an M.A., with a B.S., or a PhD?" The answer? "You call him a nigger, because that is what the white man calls him, a nigger."

Decades later, his wisdom endures.

Malcolm's observation captures the pain experienced by many African Americans, when during their coming of age moment (either before or after the talk about how not to get shot by the police during a routine traffic stop), they realize that being "young, gifted, and black" is not, all things being equal, sufficient for success in America. Malcolm's words also capture the sentiments felt by any black person whose confidence has been described by their managers or peers as "threatening" or "arrogant."

His wisdom also explains the moment when black professors walk into a room for the first time and their students look at each other in shock, wondering if this teacher is "qualified" to teach them; Malcolm's wit also captures the frustration and insult felt by any black or brown person who has been presumptively assumed to be a janitor, maintenance worker, or mail clerk at their job, when in fact, their titles are actually "manager," "director," or "vice president."

Malcolm's comment on the arrogance of white racism also speaks to collective memory: it conjures up family stories of men and women trained as doctors, engineers, and lawyers, but who had to work as Pullman Car porters, maids, and home health attendants because Jim and Jane Crow America was by definition, a system designed to choke out the social and economic mobility of the African American community. Both then and now, white racism does the work of class inequality.

African-American veterans of World War 2, "the Greatest Generation," were denied the fruits of citizenship given by the United States government to their white peers. Black Americans fought fascism abroad. But, at home they were denied access to the GI Bill, and the FHA and VA home loan programs that helped to create the American middle class. In practice, these programs were what Ira Katznelson famously described as "affirmative action" for white people.

The "Double V" campaign would continue against American Apartheid. The Black Freedom Struggle in the face of such stern and deep opposition would eventually triumph. This is an American success story, one which the popular imagination conveniently overlooks.

On the public stage in the present, the lack of faith in black expertise, ability, genius, and competence is on full display whenever the ugly phrase "qualified minority" is uttered by one of the faux populist Right in order to demagogue, and mine the waters of white racial resentment, for cheap political gains.

As the folkism suggests, African Americans have had to do ten times as well, to get half as far as whites. In the post-Civil Rights moment, that margin has diminished quite a bit. Yet, there is more than ample evidence that whiteness still pays great dividends to its owners and beneficiaries in such areas as the housing market, jobs, wealth and income inequality, inter-generational mobility, access to health care, and life chances (more generally).

It is a given that Fox News has no love for President Obama. To point, on the Hannity show last week (and without retraction or apology after the fact), Brent Bozell, of the conservative media "watchdog" group, Media Research Center, described President Barack Obama, "as a skinny, ghetto, crackhead."

This moment was an object lesson on the white racial frame in action, and the truth of Brother Malcolm's deep understanding of the pathologies of white racism, where any black person, however accomplished, intelligent, and gifted, is de facto seen as "less than," a "nigger," as a person who is not equal to even the most mediocre and lowest of white people.

Black people and black humanity are forever suspect, under watch, and viewed as less than by many in White America. To the white gaze channeled by Brent Bozzel, we are perpetual criminals, deviants, over-sexed, libidinous, dangerous, and pathological. These sentiments are a function of the "wages of whiteness," the psychological investment in white supremacy, and white superiority, spoken to perhaps most famously by W.E.B. DuBois more than a century ago.

I am not surprised by Bozzel's mouth utterances. Because they are propagandists, Fox News displays a double concentration and distillation of the impulses and anxieties which drive contemporary conservatism and the Tea Party GOP. In all, if conservatism and racism are one and the same in America, the election of a black man as President has created such cognitive upset that naked racism is the inevitable excreta, an expected outcome.

The suggestion that President Barack Obama is somehow evocative of a "ghetto crackhead," is part of a larger constellation of racial slurs, appeals to white racial anxiety, dog whistles, and open bigotry. To this point in his term, it has been suggested that Obama is not a citizen of this country. He faked his undergraduate grades at Columbia, and his success at Harvard Law was the result of "affirmative action." President Obama entertains black thugs at "hip hop barbecues." He is unqualified to be President, is "lazy," "incompetent," and "in over his head." Michelle Obama is a mirror of President Obama's shortcomings, a black radical in drag, who has never been proud of this country.

Furthermore, as offered by Palin, McCain, Fox News, and most recently by presumed presidential nominee Mitt Romney, Obama is outside of the American political tradition, a man who does not understand the country's greatness and is actively working to destroy it. Race is the connective tissue between all of these paranoid and ridiculous claims. Barack Obama is a black American. We are the perpetual outsider and the Other. Where other groups' "Americanness" is presumed, Black Americans, despite our contributions to all that makes this country unique and great--and as a people who forced her to live up to the promise of the democratic creed and the Constitution-- are marked as perpetual anti-citizens.

This pandering to the worst parts of the White racial id, contemporary populist conservatism, and the Fox News public, are textbook examples of symbolic racism.

The personal is political. The rage machine that presumes the worst of Barack Obama, precisely because he is not white, is old hat. Black folks have known that game for centuries. We did not need to read Thomas Jefferson's racist tract, Notes on the State of Virginia, in order to grasp the deep wells of anti-black sentiment which are the beating heart of America's political culture.

My surprise at the claim that President Obama shares anything in common with a "skinny, ghetto, crackhead" is rooted in its absurdity. Obama is human. He is imperfect. I often disagree with his politics. Obama is a man. He is nothing more, nothing less. But a crackhead? Impulsive drug user? A hype? Nope. Not ever. Obama's personhood and habitus, his relaxed and effortless black cool pose (even if some do not possess the cultural framework and lens necessary to perceive it) is obvious--and unapologetic.

The inability by some on the Right to see Obama's full and dignified black humanity, as opposed to a default of black drug use, criminality, and omnipresent, irrepressible "niggerdom," is the source of my hurt. I must ask: If the white conservative imagination can frame a man of Obama's abilities, poise, intelligence, genius, life accomplishments, and talent as a skinny, ghetto, crackhead, how do they see the rest of us?

And we wonder why the colorline persists.

Ultimately, as Obama derangement syndrome has continued to demonstrate, white folks need to get their own house in order; the problem of white supremacy, especially on the Right, is a sickness that only they can cure through intense dialogue and therapy with one another.

If the best and brightest of Black America are just felons and drug users in the eyes of populist conservatives, what of the legions of working class, hard working, regular folks? How do Tea Party GOPers see black bus drivers? Black teachers? Black janitors? Black attorneys and investment bankers? Black parents? Black people who are either no more, or no less, mediocre than the vast majority of White Americans?

I am not sure if I want to know the answer.

We are everyday people. All of us. Sadly, white conservatives such as Brent Bozzel, see all black people as drug addicts and crackheads. Nothing more. That is black humanity in their eyes. White pathology is real. Last week, Fox News proved that fact (again).

They are who we have always known them to be. Ugly. White. Racists. Do keep it classy Mr. Bozzel, for every time you sell your wares, you do the rest of us a favor.


Longtime Blogger said...

If the best and brightest of Black America are just felons and drug users in the eyes of populist conservatism, what of the legions of working class, hard working, regular folks? How do Tea Party GOPers see black bus drivers? Black teachers? Black janitors? Black attorneys and investment bankers? Black parents? Black people who are either no more, or no less, mediocre than the vast majority of White Americans?

I've said something very similar to this post for the past three years, to our supposed allies on the left, who made the opposite and equal cultural error of super-sizing Obama into some kind of Cotton Comes to Harlem Black fantasy who was gonna kick everybody's asses for them.

Never have I seen such demands put on ANY president, by our supposed allies. To be fair, they might have imbued Hillary with equally-unattainable white Wonder Woman qualities had she been the nominee and elected. I do not put that past the left pie-in-the-sky-making machine, either. But that's pure speculation.

No, friends, he is Mister Tibbs, has always been Mister Tibbs and will very likely go to his grave Mister Tibbs.

Because he hasn't run around with his dingaling hanging out for the past 3 years, he's a "disappointment". Well, f' that, and f' them.

And if they treat him that way, how in the hell are they going to treat the rest of us?

Rhetorical question, for Black people and our *actual* friends.

nomad said...

It's an outrage. How dare they use racial slurs to describe a black politician!

CNu said...

lol, nomad condensed all that vapor to a single drop...,

White folks need to get their own house in order; the problem of white supremacy, especially on the Right, is a sickness that only they can cure through intense dialogue and therapy with one another.

Can you persuasively show that this "sickness" correlates with or is causative of the failure of their political economy and system of governance?

the Tsaritsa said...

I'm white, a Democrat, and I think that Fox News clip was absolutely disgusting. That being said, how am I supposed to connect with that type of person in order to get them to open their eyes and change their mind? I've tried having conversations with conservatives before but it's the equivalent of talking to a wall.

How on earth do we make the right wing less hateful? I wish I knew the answer.

CNu said...

A conservative estimate would place the number of intractably racist whites at ~20%. A minority among whites in general, but still demographically substantially outnumbering blacks in America in total.

As long as this killer-ape, collective security club ethology continues to have military and political value to the ruling establishment, it will be catered to rather than curbed.

It cannot be reasoned with, medicated, or otherwise therapeutically addressed.

chaunceydevega said...

@oh. Liberal racism/conservative racism. same old song, no?

@nomad. Sad we are so used to it, no?

@Cnu. Can't always be peak oil, water shortages, and the like. That is why you are here to help us keep our eye on the ball. Speaking of which, do you have Ron Paul's gold stored in a U.S. Army ammo box in your basement? Have you seen the ad?

rikyrah said...

The inability by some on the Right to see Obama's full and dignified black humanity, as opposed to a default of black drug use, criminality, and omnipresent, irrepressible "niggerdom," is the source of my hurt. I must ask: If the white conservative imagination can frame a man of Obama's abilities, poise, intelligence, genius, life accomplishments, and talent as a skinny, ghetto, crackhead, how do they see the rest of us?

And we wonder why the colorline persists.

this was the heart of what you wrote. thanks for the column. I feel ya, and I'm gonna post ya.

chaunceydevega said...

@Rik. How kind. I had intended to write five paragraphs and send it to the NY Times, my next goal, but this one got away from me and just had to what it did.

eveingeorgia said...

If the best and brightest of Black America are just felons and drug users in the eyes of populist conservatism, what of the legions of working class, hard working, regular folks? How do Tea Party GOPers see black bus drivers? Black teachers? Black janitors? Black attorneys and investment bat thinkers? Black parents? Black people who are either no more, or no less, mediocre than the vast majority of White Americans

You have said what I have been feeling. What hurts me most is what
this does to our kids.
Too many times I have had to run interference with my sons' teachers because of these same preconceived notions.
I worry about my grandson for the same reason.
Tsaritsa asked a question which I cannot answer:"That being said, how am I supposed to connect with that type of person in order to get them to open their eyes and change their mind?"
Until someone can, voices like yours must be heard. Send this article to the NYT and others.
Thanks for this. I am going to save it for posterity.

CNu said...

Speaking of which, do you have Ron Paul's gold stored in a U.S. Army ammo box in your basement? Have you seen the ad?

lol, nah, but I did get the little boy and AKMS so that I have some alternative use vectors for the mass quantity of 7.62x39 stored hither, thither, and yon..., 7.62x39 is worth many times its weight in gold.

If the best and brightest of Black America are just felons and drug users in the eyes of populist conservatism, what of the legions of working class, hard working, regular folks?

talking heads in suits with nothing to show for their 2nd and 3rd line inheritance of the fruits of the civil rights movement are the "best and brightest"....,


chaunceydevega said...

@Cnu. I do want to learn how to shoot--on my list, where I live, not too easy though. It would be great to have at least a reliable pistol, a machete and/or tomahawk type weapon, and a proper bugout bag. Seriously, what would you suggest re: a solid and reliable multi-tool?

CNu said...


you tickle me brohamm...,

How in the world is it possible, where is it possible, to be a genuine ghetto nerd without even the barest hint of guns, gold, and grain sensibility?

Are you substantially under the age of 40?

go to peoria and ask one of the PhD students of economics what you need in order to survive the clampdown.

chaunceydevega said...

@Cnu. Knowing in the abstract is different from asking someone with experience. I can read all manner of websites, messages boards, and magazines. Better to ask a person directly who has thought about these matters.

Chicago is a pain for such things, i.e. arming oneself legally. That is a law that needs to be changed.

nomad said...

Well, I was thinking, there is a double standard being applied here. Criticizing the use of racial slurs by whites, when you use the same language yourself. I know, it's justified because you yourself are not white; and besides the brother you were talking about actually behaved in a way that evoked the stereotype. I get that. But when you then criticize a white person for using the same mode of attack, you are being inconsistent. Question. If the black politician that Bozell denigrated had actually behaved in a way that evoked a stereotype -let's say he was talking about Herman Cain- would his comments then be acceptable?

For my own part, I think the comparison of Obama to a ghetto crackhead is an insult to crackheads.

CNu said...

CDV, can't you answer any of my kwestins simply, directly, and honestly?

Is you is or is you ain't under the age of 40?

Reason I'm asking, is because of the generational changeover in sensibilities I witnessed during my own brief stint as a student at MIT.

As for the rest, I have no idea concerning your functional movement capabilities. sheeeeeiiiitttt..., I just resumed running as one of my new years resolutions with my 12 year old.

I'm in serious pain as I type this. A few years ago, I could run 4 miles in less than 30 minutes, do the chinese splits, and feel like a champ, now, I'm struggling to run a mile.

Two weeks from now, it'll be all good, but right now it sucks like nobody's business. Anyway, I have no idea concerning your basic capacities, much less your capacity for personal force projection, or, experience with basic martial movement.

I have no idea concerning your size, speed, empathy, etc..., and no idea concerning your personal force projection capabilities.

Down to particulars, both of my children have 5 years of shao li taiji under their belts http://hongmark.com/wushu/bio.htm

for these two, and for myself, I swear by the United Cutlery slimline tactical machete; http://www.888knivesrus.com/product/UC1184/UNITED-CUTLERY-1184-BLACK-RONIN-NINJA-SWORD-SLIMLINE-MACHETE-26-78.html

What possible good is that to you brah?

chaunceydevega said...

@Nomad. Damn. Comparing Obama to a crackhead is an insult to the latter. You need to be on Fox or Limbaugh with that one. Talk about hate--and a grossly inaccurate comparison. I don't play the "n-word" police. It is childish. You have all these fools trying to censor books and use baby talk to discuss one of the ugliest words in the English language.

Cain, like we have said a million times, is a minstrel. If any person, of any color, qualified it correctly I don't have any problem at all. I don't play the false equivalence game either--which you are hinting at with the if white people said x you would react this way. Yes, there are things that blacks and others can say that ought to be verboten for those outside of the tribe.

It is no skin off my back. That is why I laugh at white people who feel there is some double standard because how dare they with their privileged butts be denied the use of any word.

@Cnu. Thanks. And yes, it is of use.

Brotha Wolf said...

"If the best and brightest of Black America are just felons and drug users in the eyes of populist conservatives, what of the legions of working class, hard working, regular folks? How do Tea Party GOPers see black bus drivers? Black teachers? Black janitors? Black attorneys and investment bankers? Black parents? Black people who are either no more, or no less, mediocre than the vast majority of White Americans?"

That's easy, they see them as most white people see black people: lazy, dumb, hypersexualized, criminals or potential criminals, welfare queens, thugs, pimps, gangstas, hoes, and juvenile delinquents. After all, the TV tells them so, and if it's on TV it's gotta be true. SMH.

Werner Herzog's Bear said...

Just wanted to say that I've been reading since this blog since the beginning, and I think this is a Hall of Fame post, one of your best. All kinds of bigoted comments I've heard over the past three years by folks who assumed they were in a "safe space" because they were surrounded by other white people confirm the truth of what you're saying here.

CNu said...

Nomad is correct.

Obama's appropriation of black moral sanction is a terminal abuse and the absolute end of the same.

Obama is a materialist, militarist, sold-out politician of the very worst possible sort under mimetic cover of the black cool pose...,

That the afrodemic and bourgeouis rhetorically leap to his defense has more to do with oxygen-thief identity politics than with whether Obama is a meritocratically superior CIC.

That y'all seemingly can't tell the difference is a testament to the shallowness of the 2nd and 3rd line inheritors of the civil rights movement...,

parvenu said...

I recall an incident in the political career of Senator Edward Brooke (MA -Republican). Brooke's historical achievement was that he was the first African American elected to the United States Senate since the days of reconstruction. Brooke proved to be extremely popular among all segments of Massachusetts voters during the early part of his political career, as the Attorney General of Massachusetts. His popularity was the main reason that he was able to win his first term Senate seat by an overwhelming popular vote.

During his re-election campaign in 1972 a local AM radio talk show host was discussing Brooke's achievements in the Senate with various people calling in to the show.

I recalled, as I listened to the broadcast, hearing a woman who called in to express her open contempt for Senator Brooke. After her opening tirade, the host attempted to engage her with some questions trying to get her to specify exactly what her political complaints were against the Senator. They went back and forth without any success. Finally the woman, obviously highly irritated blurted out, " I don't like him cause I'm better than him!" The host countered by saying, "How can you say that? Ed Brooke is a United States Senator!" The woman yelled out, I am a 56 year old white woman, and yes I'm on welfare; but since I'm white I'm still a much better person than he will ever be and I don't give a damn if he is a U.S. Senator!"

It could be easy to say that the racialist attitude of this white woman essentially constituted a majority opinion of white people back in 1972. However, the overwhelming amount of racist derogatory remarks dominating the American main stream media since President Obama's election would factually contradict the assumption that racial attitudes among whites have improved significantly in 2011 over the racialist attitudes prevalent among whites back in 1972.

CNu said...

that 20% white racist demographic hasn't undergone significant expansion or contraction over the past 60 years...,

Longtime Blogger said...

@The Tsarista

That being said, how am I supposed to connect with that type of person in order to get them to open their eyes and change their mind? I've tried having conversations with conservatives before but it's the equivalent of talking to a wall.

You're quite right. You have a lot of work to do.

nomad said...

"That y'all seemingly can't tell the difference is a testament to the shallowness of the 2nd and 3rd line inheritors of the civil rights movement...,"

Ditto dat. A traitor is worse than a derelict.

nomad said...


"Obama is a materialist, militarist, sold-out politician of the very worst possible sort under mimetic cover of the black cool pose...,"

Damn that's well said! Wish I had come up with it.

Longtime Blogger said...


Obama is a materialist, militarist, sold-out politician of the very worst possible sort under mimetic cover of the black cool pose...,

These comments don't have the strike tag enabled, so it's just better said that "Obama is a ... politician."

We vote for politicians to represent us, thus, politicking politicians are what we get.

Welcome to America.

Anybody dumb enough to expect more out of a career politician than political careerism deserves to wallow in their protracted Disappointments.

Cripes, it's part of their basic identity-constition, at this point.

Nothing will ever cure them.

CNu said...

Obama has put a black face on all the very worst attributes of the American system of production.

In so doing, he has identified American black folks once and for all - with all those very worst traits - and flushed the highest and best aspirations of King et al right down the toilet.

Obama has traded ruthlessly on black social capitalo, leaving nothing in our account for justice or moral propriety - and only an opportunistic and self-serving IOU for perceived racial slights in its place.

This is why he is unswervingly supported by Jack and Jill bourgeouis gatekeeper jiggaboos - who have themselves irresponsibly and unprofitably traded on black social capital - in the process leaving us collectively worse off than before they first undertook their parasitic plunderings.

nomad said...

"Obama has put a black face on all the very worst attributes of the American system of production."

another good point.

In so doing he has tarnished black America's moral authority as champions of oppressed here in the US, and as exemplars of the struggle for civil rights and allies of the oppressed around the world. Through our almost unanimous support for Obama we become the advocates of American imperialism -a murderous brutal imperialism I might add. We, black Americans, become the oppressor.

CNu said...

and it's not as though our popular cultural exports over the past 15 years or so had brought us any respect or goodwill either.

the identification of blackness with degeneracy, barbarian culture, and the antithesis of moral propriety - does us a phenomenal amount of long-term harm.

the 2nd and 3rd line inheritors of the civil rights movement are worse enemies to blackness than the most strident white supremacists....,

Plane Ideas said...

CNu continues in his lust to demonize Black folks it is tragic to observe such self hate manifest itself on a progressive site like WARN

Imagine the comfort and aid contaminated Blackd like CNu provides for Fox News whites...

CNu rage seems to get even darker as the velocity of Black folks trauma increases...WTF

Plane Ideas said...

CNu of course is the very offspring of the 2nd & 3rd generation of our tribe he equates with being as lethal as white supremacists this truth reveals a lot about his contempt for his own skin ..

CNu said...


when you gonna finish law school, pass the bar exam, and get up out ya'mama's basement jiggaboo?

CNu said...

Nomad, I had despaired of anything useful coming from this president looooong before he was elected, but when this hideous beezy turned up managing the brand - you just knew it was all over with except for the crying....,

Plane Ideas said...

According to CNu "A conservative estimate would place the number of intractably racist whites at ~20%"

Black apologists like CNu operate like FOX News types creating and inventing fiction to butress thier agenda always operating under the premise that by inventing phony claims and themes it will give them credibility..

Yet I understand the need for ballon blowers like CNu to flow these fictional kites it augments his rants and inner low self esteem..

Tragic but nevertheless it must be rejected ..

To observe Black folks like CNu mimic this paradigm is revealing yet like the fiction and myths FOX News creates it folds under analysis like CNu's attacks against Black folks.

CNu said...

Actually three sides when you take into consideration 2nd and 3rd line inheritors (jiggaboos) - tired, tired, tired of parasitic jiggaboos - crying racism and plundering black social capital now for 40 years....,

Plane Ideas said...

The shelflife of white supremacy and the creation of instruments like Fox News requires the behaviors of comrades like CNu and others..

Just like the 'good germans" of Germany there exists Black folks like jews and others who give quarter to the shelflife of white supremacy etc..

This behavior of course is not new and is a fixture of groups contaminated by the pathologies of white supremacy its damages the host aggregates as well as it's intended victims..

Longtime Blogger said...

Obama has put a black face on all the very worst attributes of the American system of production.

Well no, that same argument can be said for any of his forebears, starting at least with Booker T.

Yeah, he fucks up, no he's not perfect. That's because he's human, and not some cartoon Black Superfriend both Fox and the Progressive Dissapointeds have elevated him to.

Stop expecting Cotton Comes to Harlem from Mr. Tibbs. It will never happen.

All leaders are flawed, including ours.

CNu said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
CNu said...




In about the same way that Denzel Washington is the "leader" of a Hollywood production that happens feature his name on the marquee.

Stop expecting Cotton Comes to Harlem from Mr. Tibbs. It will never happen.

lol, and settle for Priest loyally and faithfully pushing his black cool pose for Commissioner Reardon?

Inasmuch as he's willing to address certain truths and evils that the bought and paid for Hon.Bro.Preznit durst not do - Ron Paul has greater utility for black folks than Obama.

Other than putting a black face on parasitic militarism and relentless materialism, what is it EXACTLY that this imposter has done for American masses?

Plane Ideas said...

CNu, Nomad and others who purchase this contempt for Black people and leaders like Obama reflect the raw power of the legacy of white supremacy..Demonizing a public personality like Obama provides people of CNu's ilk with an elitist occupation within the Black masses..

The creation of underdeveloped personalities like CNU, Nomad and far to many other wounded Black folks only confirms the deep impact and presence of the influence of being a 'good german" with the hue of colored skin..

Fox News and Black apologists like CNU, Nomad and others are the offspring of the agency of white supremacy even accepting the flawed premise of CNu's metric that only 20% of whites are white racist still leaves quite a lot of operatives to conduct they daily contempt of Black folks.

As we leave the year 2011 it is incumbent upon those of us who are no longer wounded and fractured by the 20% (I will appease CNu's fantasy)to construct a series of best practices that expands our personhood and value as citizens of the world..

Looking forward to 2012 and my body of work here on WARN and in many other venues where my brand is present and impactful..

nomad said...

Yep. You called it. In 2008 I was benighted by mainstream media. (No internet access). Even so, I sensed something fishy about the way Obama was being shoved down our throats. It was the marketing coup of the century. Of two centuries.

Plane Ideas said...


Are you serious? Did you make the same inference abou the campaigns Bush and Clinton??

Yet now you cast yourself as a CNu cheerleader pushing his nonsense from the 2nd & 3rd generational Black folks to the evil Obama...

White folks can dodminate the white house for centuries but when a Black president resides there he was shoved down your thoat...WOW..

You are quickly losing credibility with me on WARN.. WTF

nomad said...

Let me put it this way. When it comes to Presidents, I'm colorblind. Remember how you felt about George Bush? When he was white? Well that's the same way I feel about him, now that he's black.

CNu said...

You are quickly losing credibility with me on WARN..


Ice cold Corona, straight through the nostrils...,

Plane Ideas said...


I never posted any of my feelings about Bush!

SouthernGirl2 said...

Good Post!

You broke it down & went to the brass tacks! So brutally true and so painful.

How long, Lord? How long?

Longtime Blogger said...


When it comes to Presidents, I'm colorblind. Remember how you felt about George Bush? When he was white? Well that's the same way I feel about him, now that he's black.

What an odd thing to say, that you're "colorblind" when it comes to presidents, yet all you've done over the past two years here is bark about Obama's inauthentic blackness, as a president.

Longtime Blogger said...

Ron Paul has greater utility for black folks than Obama.

Sure, he does.

And now that Cynthia McKinney is in bed with American Free Press and Willis Carto, I bet that makes her presidential material now e_e

What is with this sudden Black promotion of literal neoconfederates and neo-Nazis. Lol!

nomad said...

@ Oh Crap
"all you've done over the past two years here is bark about Obama's inauthentic blackness, as a president."

Not because of his (black) skin color. Because of his (white) mind/policies.

nomad said...

I know it seems like 2 years...two excruciating years...but it's only been about 6 months.

Longtime Blogger said...


Not because of his (black) skin color. Because of his (white) mind/policies.


Sorry, but that tragic mulatto drivel belongs back in 19th century melodramas and silent films from 100 years ago.

Don't you know...you can't take fiction literally? That's cuz it's fiction.

nomad said...

2 separate issues. Lots of mulattoes are decent people. His fault lies not in his mulattoness but in his lack of humanity.

CNu said...

Nomad is truth...., accept no substitutes!

Longtime Blogger said...



Not because of his (black) skin color. Because of his (white) mind/policies.

So much for all that colorblindness you profess.

Unless you're in an opthamologists' office, that whole concept has always been a hoax, anyway.

nomad said...

@Oh Crap
I'm not quite sure what you mean. I guess I wasn't clear about what I mean. I sometimes conflate notions inadvertently or for poetic effect. That's why I presume to know how Thrasher felt about Bush, though, as he pointed out, I've never heard him state his opinion. I presume he was as outraged by the Bush administration as I was. On that presumption I refer to Obama as the black Bush. I see no appreciable difference between them, once you look beyond the arbitrary trait of skin color. Obama is indeed a president that happens to be black. So I don't judge him by that. I judge him by what he does. His policies are identical to George Bush, so he doesn't get a pass from me because he's black. I'm colorblind. I see him the same way I see any white President. The color of his skin is of absolutely no consequence.

Longtime Blogger said...


Presuming anything about anyone is your first error.

Your second is that no one here is giving Obama "a pass because he's black"; that is a white prog/con, race-anxious fallacy you've bought into, so there's no need for you to chestbeat against it.

As for the absurd notion of "colorblindness" in America, see this post.

There is no such thing as "colorblindness" as a metaphor, not with our history. Kid yourself if you like, but you're not kidding me.

nomad said...

@Oh Crap
Thanks. But that's nowhere near my first mistake. I appreciate the compliment but I'm not perfect, you know. See how easy that is? To pretend to misunderstand the essence of a statement? I can then go on and argue about my narrow literal interpretation of your statement and how that narrow literal interpretation cannot be true. But instead of trying to prove to you that I am literal colorblind about the race of our President, I will simply repeat my last statement. The color of his skin is of absolutely of no consequence. I'm judging the man on his record.

Longtime Blogger said...


Why are you trying to prove anything to me, at all? You don't really think I believe you need my validation, do you?

nomad said...

The first error you made was presuming I'm trying to prove something to you. I'm making a statement. If it happens to convince you, all the better. But I don't think that's possible. That's usually the case with beliefs, unfounded and otherwise. No matter how much damage Obama does to the progressive agenda -or "the black agenda"- you will still believe he's doing a good job. "My President, right or wrong!" http://blackagendareport.com/content/there-limit-black-tolerance-obamas-police-state-assassinations-and-wars

CNu said...

No matter how much damage Obama does to the progressive agenda -or "the black agenda"- you will still believe he's doing a good job. "My President, right or wrong!"

Nomad, I don't think it's a question of "belief". The Manchurian president IS pursuing the Jack and Jill/Boule agenda.

I'm sure you've noticed by now that argument from facts and issues is non-existent hereabouts.

EVERYTHING boils down to "relationship", "conformity", and "consensus".

9_9 eyerolling...,

e_e exasperation..,

Ebony Magazine alternate reality.

I've never seen a more feminized hot mess in my entire life....,

nomad said...

I shocked. This past 6 months represents my first excursion into the so-called black blogosphere. When Obie put Soc. Sec. on the chopping block I was sure I was going to find some outraged black bloggers. Instead I find... acquiescence.

CNu said...

This is the "issue" I tried to get some of these Ford Foundation jiggaboos mobilized on. As it turns out, not only is the Broad economic hitman program not on their list of pre-approved relationship, conformity, consensus talking points, I'm now convinced that these Ebony Magazine kneegrows are complicit in this shit.

Notice that Lansing MI restroom attendent Thrasher is conspicuously AWOL on this particularly odious piece of perpetration and devastation taking place in his own backyard....,

Longtime Blogger said...

Welcome to The Internet, fellas, where you just mightas meet up with people who live at variance with you.

(Control freaks have issues with this aspect of the internet, I've found.)

@CNu, castration anxiety pervades most everything what you write. I think it's funny, but also kinda sad. ;_;

nomad said...

Oops. Obama just signed that bill giving him the power to indefinitely detain American citizens. And I just want to say how very very very very sorry I am about all those nasty things I said about him. In retrospect, I was way off base. Way off. What I meant to say is he's doing a fine job. Excellent! I'll be pulling for him in 2012.

nomad said...


CNu said...

Nomad, you must resolve in the new year to do what Don Cheadle did and quickly and humbly renounce your colorblind tragic mulatto efforts to prove yourself to the jack and jill vagina dentatists hereabouts.

nomad said...

Word. I ain't messing wit' nobody who er...is as kind and benevolent in the implementation of his political discretion as our dear leader.