Monday, December 19, 2011

Let's Play the Racial Referee: Honest Disagreement or Subtle White Racism?

Time to start our Monday with a mea culpa of sorts.

I missed a great conversation in the comments section a week or so ago. I would like to remedy that oversight.

As readers of WARN know, I bump comments up from time to time when the moment so merits. The following conversation about race, identity, and marriage that came following my post on James Earl Jones and "black racism," is very revealing.

A truism: talking across the colorline is difficult. Dialogue online is hard regarding most matters. Dialogue, when one cannot hear the tone of each other's voices, is even more plagued with challenges and shortcomings.

In this example, I will assume good intentions and honesty by all parties involved. Question: are the problematics surrounding "colorblindness" vs. "color consciousness" (and interracial "relationships"), really that great?

Here on WARN, I let folks do their own thing. We are a small and intimate group, and as such, I am not one to play the mean moderator, banning folks, or overly censoring comments. I like to allow people to fight it out when need be.

But damn, I totally missed this one. Too much Christmas shopping, writing, meditating, and being a sexy beast. I am only human. Consequently, I do apologize to you all.

There could something really wicked in the conversation that follows; alternatively, this could simply be folks of good intentions who are walking different paths, and yet, going towards the same goal(s). In all, much to do about nothing.

Your thoughts?

Let's do the forensics together.

As always, you make the call.


Anon wrote (with my excerpting/selective quoting noted):

As a white man married to a beautiful black woman I am proud to say I have prodcued four beautiful black daughters but here's the rub --- they have been the victims of Racism by darker skinned blacks alll their lives. I was so excited to meet my black wife and marry her. We planned to raise our kids as black. We went to all the cultural festivals in town and even celebrated Kwanza instead of Christmas. I found myself leaving as much as my irish german catholic upbringing behind as I tried to make sure my wifes black culture was upheld. As soon as the girls got into school the name callinng began- "you look white, you talk white, etc. " Soon we found ourselves moving the girls to private school. Their grades shot up but they found themselves with mostly upper middle class and rich white friends. When the dating began my girls would come home reporting how the black boys were saying "You will make pretty babies someday'there was also constant pressure to have sex. My girls were being treated like sexual objects by there own race. I was angry. I had always wanted them to find black men to marry.

In any case moving to current times my daughter just finished Dartmouth recently. She told us on one trip home she had found the man she was going to marry. When we went up there to meet him not only did I discover that he was White but English at that. He asked me for "her hand" which was very touching to me as a dad. I suppose as an academic I am still a romantic. I took out that time to ask him why my daughter. He said she was increadibly beautiful inside and out but then he went on to name the qualities any man would want in a wife, elegant, carried herself well, educated, frugal with spending and an increadible cook.

I credit that to my wife's mother from South Carolina teaching the girls Low Country Cooking when we would go down there in early summers. He loves and values her as a human not a sexual object. He does not have the hatred I see in so many of her own race mostly darker skinned. The wedding is this weekend my wife sits at our other home computer as I write this putting finishing touches on things. His parents arrive from England in two days. We all plan to be in London for the Olympics guests at our new inlaws home. My beautiful mixed race daughter has done me a man born of immigrant irish and german parents the first n his family to get a degree and graduate degree- real proud. I only wish memebers of the black race could value there own.

Maybe the next daughter will find a good black guy but I don't have my hopes up.I agree that the worst racism is in the race but I see it both ways I see dark skinned blacks as just as cruel , angry and vengeful as others. When my daughter moves to France with her husband (he has accepted a position there) I hope they will find a more balanced society.

Oh Crap rebutted:

Maybe the next daughter will find a good black guy but I don't have my hopes up.

Uh-huh. Your daughters are too good for Black men, and instead should end up with an impregnator/fetishizer like yourself. Right? What if they don't even like men? Who, then, smart feller?

And yet, you whimper and complain about "racism" from all us evil negroes.

You and whites like you are not only part of the problem, your whites-first mentality is foundational to the problem.

If you're ever in doubt why white supremacist impregnators o black women like yourself will never be trusted by us, just look over your post to see what it reveals about your attitude towards us.

Like all white supremacist bigots, you kid yourself that we're too dumb to perceive what is blindingly obvious.

Thrasher chimed in:

Thank you once again for your posts one wonders if anon black wife knows her hubby is a racist? I wish I could email her his comments and she could observe the bigoted who impregnated her...WTF


Anonymous said...

Ships in the night. The father has a personal impression of his daughters and their suitors. He reflects on what he saw. Does that make him a racist/white supremacist? Hardly. To pretend that every black kid is good and that knuckleheads don't exist is silly.

CNu said...

Oh Crap's attack on Anonymous was an overwrought hot mess exemplifying all the feminized and useless extremes spawned by the afrodemic diversitocracy. What a bunch of insufferable, whining cry-babies the academy has spawned.

Thrasher's family dollar flava flav impersonation "yeah boi"!!!!! - was par for the course.

CDV - this is precisely what that knuckledragging Randyinsandiego constantly attacked you with at Cobbs. To see it played out here was sweet irony - though not entirely surprising.

nomad said...

There you have it: the great intra-racial class divide. Been going on for centuries. You have entered liminal land.

Anonymous said...

This goes out to fellow Blackamericans: Are dark skinned brothers and sisters really so bitter these days? Pro-light and anti-dark, I have heard of--recall the lighter-than-a-paper-bag clubs of the past, the prevalence of light-skinned women on magazines and in movies today, and continued talk about "good hair." As a kid, I remember some being teased for being "red boned" or "high yellow," but it was nothing compared to the outright violence "black as the street" folks sometimes got. But in general, most families I know include a range of shades and features. My immediate relatives include people who could pass for Pocahantas, (a tanned) John Smith, or Shaka Zulu. There could be drama, yes, the lighter ones often getting more perks from Whites--but when the stuff hit the fan, we all knew we were Black. But these days, all I hear are tales of lighter skinned (a.k.a. "biracial") Blacks being attacked by rabid mobs of jealous, vengeful, ax-grinding (and excuse the American) black-as-tar folks. Am I being too naive about the past? Am I out of touch with our present? Is Black unity dead (I wanted to smack Jessie Jackson upside his head when I heard he said Soledad O'Brien "didn't count as Black.")? Has the continued isolation and rejection of blackness in our society resulted in deep rooted resentment among the darkest Americans toward their lighter skinned brethren and sisteren? Or is this more of that "reverse-racism" stuff?

Henri B. said...

Maybe I spend too much time on political forums that are deliberately trolled but this story didn't ring true. In any case, if I had my heart set on trying to limit my daughter to a certain race/type of guy I'd teach her how to shake it at Morehouse.

To Anonymous 11:16-
Has the continued isolation and rejection of blackness in our society resulted in deep rooted resentment among the darkest Americans toward their lighter skinned brethren and sisteren?

Yes, especially when they're condescended to. It's not the the "perks" of being light that dark folks are generally resentful toward, it's the fact that for people who enjoy those perks there isn't any togetherness UNTIL the sh*t hits the fan. But that could be my bias from growing up in Louisiana, the birthplace of black on black prejudice. Your entire post came off like "don't hate me because I'm beautiful" whether you intended so or not.

Anonymous said...

To Tanya: My intention was the exact opposite of what you have concluded. It has been my experience that Black people are more accepting and loving of our diversity than not. My point is that I often hear whites and "biracial" people talking about how anti-light skinned darker or "full blacks" are--but I have not experienced this. To me this sounds like whites who cry "reverse racism." In other words, a bunch of bunk! My experience has been that most Blacks follow "black is beautiful" no matter the shade or features. But I may be living in some kind of 1960's pan-African fantasy. As I have moved to an area that has few Blacks (when ever we see one another, we are happy just to see another person of African descent--spanish or french speaking included), I don't know how things are. You tell me.

Anonymous said...

And if it matters, I am miles away from being light skinned. Most whites think I'm dark skinned. I was not being condescending but honestly asking folks, what their experiences have been. I do not believe that "the continued isolation and rejection of blackness in our society resulted in deep rooted resentment among the darkest Americans toward their lighter skinned brethren and sisteren." But there are those who claim this. What do you think? Sincerely, a Black person who doesn't get to see other Black people that often anymore.

chaunceydevega said...

@Anon1--We are all Nubian Kings! How dare you!

@Randy--Explain some more if you would. What is the Randy-Thrasher parallel. I had never thought of it that way, is this some type of political compass example?

@Nomad. You got a tractor beam to get me out? I like life to be simple.

@Anon. "But these days, all I hear are tales of lighter skinned (a.k.a. "biracial") Blacks being attacked by rabid mobs of jealous, vengeful, ax-grinding (and excuse the American) black-as-tar folks." Where is this happening? On what street corner?

@Tanya. Now I am missing out. Was I not in line the day these "perks" were given out? Where can I sign up?

Anonymous said...

@Sir Chauncy Devega: ""But these days, all I hear are tales of lighter skinned (a.k.a. "biracial") Blacks being attacked by rabid mobs of jealous, vengeful, ax-grinding (and excuse the American) black-as-tar folks." Where is this happening? On what street corner?" My point exactly! (Can't a brother use little sarcasm?) I have never witnessed this, but folks like the gentleman-so-happy-his-daughter-married-an-Englishman and is moving to France--seem to claim this is happening. I don't believe that dark skinned folks (myself included) are resentful--so why are people claiming we are? Is there an attempt to "divide and conquer" the black community? Is this coming from the same place as those when confronted for their White Privilege, cry "reverse racism"?

Henri B. said...


I think I understand your point a little better - sorry if I misunderstood. My experience in Louisiana was that the legacy of paper-bag clubs and the if you're black, get back mentality seemed a lot more ingrained because of the French/Creole population; I used the phrase "good hair" until I became a teenager and realized how ignorant it was. Having not lived in a predominately black city outside of New Orleans I can't really speak to the level of togetherness of other communities but, to touch on something else you said, since I left Louisiana (via the Air Force and being a military spouse) I tend to live in places where there aren't many of us so I do feel that instant connection even with a person I see at the supermarket.

I saw the color divide play out in high school but in all honesty that's what people do in high school - congregate into cliques. Some of the uglier cliques were inappropriately proud of being "high yellow with good hair" and having an undeserved air of superiority will make people lash out at the very thing you use to reflect that superiority. I imagine if you never open your mind past dark skinned people are ugly/light skinned people are wannabes the attitudes will continute to thrive. Despite this rambling post I feel like I'm being way too terse but that just reflects how complex this situation really is; I could write a book on the crap spewed from the original guy's comment.

Having said that, @CDV I used the word "perks" because it was from the post I was addressing; stop acting like you would want any perk related to that anyway ;)

Shellygelly said...

I feel like this guy's main flaw is that he is incredibly stuck up and his classism magnifies his racism.
A form of Noblesse Oblige: "look at me everyone, I married a negro from south carolina...and I celebrate Kwanzaa!!!"
Name dropping...etc: private school, dartmouth, "we shall all be in london for the olympics"
But that should not overshadow his ignorance
I find it incredibly had to believe that negroes of the "darker shades" were the only people who were ever cruel to his daughters, and that all of the white men they ever encountered saw them as whole people and not mere sex objects.
But this is what compelled me to comment:
" I only wish memebers of the black race could value there own."
I'm a child of two parents with engineering degrees, I'm also so dark people assume I'm west african until I tell them otherwise. I've also grown up in a mostly white environment. And get this, white kids would call me oreo.
I think this guy is probably blocking some memories if black people who look like me are the only people who have transgressed against his daughters.
And I wish the new couple all the best in france 'cuz they racist over there.

Longtime Blogger said...

Oh Crap's attack on Anonymous was an overwrought hot mess exemplifying all the feminized and useless extremes spawned by the afrodemic diversitocracy.

Lol where do you come up with this baloney?

In case you've forgotten, I'm female, thus "feminized" and beneath your standards of proper Blackness, I suppose [eyeroll].

Holding up that post as an example of academic "feminization" makes no sense, given I'm not even an academic (I've told you this several times, now). It reveals only your own gender anxieties, which I find hilarious.

Fellas like you are my very favorites.

Longtime Blogger said...


To pretend that every black kid is good and that knuckleheads don't exist is silly.

But nobody is pretending either of those. You are the only person to bring it up.

CNu said...

Lol where do you come up with this baloney?

I extend a thimble to catch a drop from the firehose of irrational spew coming from the likes of you, thus;

Uh-huh. Your daughters are too good for Black men, and instead should end up with an impregnator/fetishizer like yourself. Right? What if they don't even like men? Who, then, smart feller?

And yet, you whimper and complain about "racism" from all us evil negroes.

If you're ever in doubt why white supremacist impregnators o black women like yourself will never be trusted by us, just look over your post to see what it reveals about your attitude towards us.

lol, looka-here Meshell Suhaila Bashir-Shakur Ndegeocello - you really should save all-a-them nappy as steel wool histrionics for the wymyns' coffee clatch or somewhere where other lunatic fringe harridans give a dayyum.

In case you've forgotten, I'm female, thus "feminized" and beneath your standards of proper Blackness, I suppose

My wife and daughter are black, female and feminized, but not out of their minds with hypersensitive rubbish and a crock full of priors sufficient to choke a mule.

Holding up that post as an example of academic "feminization" makes no sense, given I'm not even an academic (I've told you this several times, now).

The academy and selected closed online forums are the ONLY places that even remotely tolerate such lunatic spew.

It reveals only your own gender anxieties, which I find hilarious. Fellas like you are my very favorites.

rotflmbao@gender anxieties...., I would have your monkey tail judicially caned and in the span of 30 seconds bring you to the epiphany of existential oppositionality and a war you have no conceivable possibility of winning, or, put an end to all of your self-indulgent, delusional, and masturbatory shit-talking. In your specific and special case OC, there is little chance you'd put up and an overwhelming probability that you'd take the simple lesson and shut up. Everything else is merely conversation....,

Longtime Blogger said...


In any case, if I had my heart set on trying to limit my daughter to a certain race/type of guy I'd teach her how to shake it at Morehouse.

Yeah but hopefully she wouldn't run into a Herman Cain type, ugh.

The one drop and the social perks (or not) that it delineates/ed has left an indelible mark on us as a people.

I, too, thought Anonymous was full of crud, which is what in part prompted my response.

If true, who cares who his daughters marry. I just hope if the other turns out one of us queers, she too can marry who she likes and who likes her back.

The entire post seemed to me a pretext for trashing and displaying ire against what he perceives as "dark-skinned" people, whatever that is.

In another comment here, we have Anonymous talking in terms of "full blacks", whatever those are supposed to be.

At the end of the day, the anxiety about "interracial relationships" cracks me up, since I'm convinced that EVERY Black person posting here is the literal product of them.

Unless you're something like Parsi Zoroastrian -- people who are literally fucking themselves into oblivion -- none of us are pure, especially not the so-called "whites" or any other race in America. And not even all the Par-zors are pure, either.

We Blacks in the west have our issues with class, color, race/ethnicity, paper bags, "she think she cute cuz she's yella", yes. But anyone unfamiliar should read up on the Parsis in India. That is some serious race/color/class/privilege pathology. I've seen it up close and frankly, I prefer our brand.

Digression, sorry.

Longtime Blogger said...

lol, looka-here Meshell Suhaila Bashir-Shakur Ndegeocello - you really should save all-a-them nappy as steel wool histrionics for the wymyns' coffee clatch or somewhere where other lunatic fringe harridans give a dayyum.

Yes, tell me more about your personal fantasies about me.

I would have your monkey tail judicially caned [blah blah]

Of course you would!

I bet you say that to all the girls.

Any guy with something to prove can do it really easily, while on the internet.

CNu said...

lol, I see we've already vaulted ahead to your entirely predictable "I know you are but what am I?" endgame.

All that's required to dispense with your tedious gas is to ignore it. Your claims of racism are a priori ridiculous and unworthy of any further time or attention.

That old clock on the wall is winding down on the deck of the American titanic for all you preposterous "ism" chasers...,

Longtime Blogger said...

How interesting, since I mentioned no "isms" anywhere in any comment on this entire blog, including under this story.

Yer seeing things/fantasizing again. It seems to be one of your many talents.

Anonymous said...

I am more concerned with Hollywood's desire to write an episode about comparing the use of the expression "Dumb Pollak" with the use of the word Nigger, as if to assert that in the 70's or 80's the use racial slurs toward black people were less recalcitrant than slurs against people of other races. Let me make this clear, there is no worse racial slur than the word Nigger because it represents the obliteration of 115 million people in the slave trade the lynching of hundreds of thousands, the torture and expirmentation of innocent children, and the voluminous raping of enough black women to intentionally amalgamate the black race to posess a lighter hue. The fact is that we were only called Nigger after slavery, but when the world's intellect was in its burgeoning stages, we were called Berbers, Moors, Cushites, Hamites, ect. but never Nigger. This word didnt apply until we became enslaved. In 642 AD when general Amru captured Alexandria,he reported to the Caliph that there were four thousand palaces, four thousand baths, forty theatres, and twelve hundred grocery stores. The word Nigger is a boast about the destruction of the black civilization that was capable of this type of sophistication in ancient times. Hollywood wants to make us feel like we are in the same boat as other races who are discriminated againt, but this couldn't be further from the truth. No other race of people has accomplished what we have accomplished becaus no other race of people proginated all of humanity. We were the first to do everything, this is factual. By American Law, anyone that is of African descent is a Negro, since humanity comes from Africa, we all should be offended by Hollywood trying to lessen the degredation in the the word Nigger.

CNu said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
CNu said...

How interesting, since I mentioned no "isms" anywhere in any comment on this entire blog, including under this story.

You'ze a lyin sack of potatos too? This whole post is about your histrionic accusation of poor anon's racism - or as you clutched your little orange and green plastic beads and mouth-breathingly huffed; If you're ever in doubt why white supremacist impregnators o black women like yourself will never be trusted by us, just look over your post to see what it reveals about your attitude towards us.

Like all white supremacist bigots, you kid yourself that we're too dumb to perceive what is blindingly obvious.

Blindingly obvious to who?

Let me hep you out with that OC - only to somebody so preoccupied with their carefully cultivated auditory hallucinations of "hidden racism" and compulsive need to validate those shared hallucinations - that they unselfconsciously fling pejoratives like white supremacist impregnator to describe a black woman's white husband and some black womens' white father.

Yer seeing things/fantasizing again. It seems to be one of your many talents.

lol, nigaro puh-leeze...,

look here missy "crush on Sarah Palin" once again - this whole and entire post is about the imaginary nappy-wymyns'-studies dog-whistle racism that you and only you and your Meshell Suhaila Bashir-Shakur Ndegeocello fangirls (oh, and your opportunistic hypeman the professional jiggaboo Thrasher) can see.

Go head Crap, proudly own your unique brand of crazy!!! Don't go soft cause I don't share your fruity delusions and call them out for the ridicule that they richly deserve.

fred c said...

I would have hoped that it were possible to have this discussion without resorting to name calling, but evidently I would have been wrong.

So here, just to distract you all, I will make you angry. I have only ever met two people who were actually black, and they were a couple. They were in their late thirties, and they were a shade of black that y'all can only dream of. They were coal black, black-cat-at-midnight black, piano black, their gums were black, the palms of their hands were black, they were so black it seemed 3-D. A lovely couple, very sweet people, their smiles were shocking.

And the really, really white people, let's face it, they have a medical condition and should have no interest for us herein.

The rest of us are in the middle somewhere, and it doesn't really matter where, now does it?

There is a valid discussion point here though, because it all really does matter to some people. It's even interesting, as much for what has not been mentioned in this string so far as for what has. So please, discuss! Respectfully would be nice.

CNu said...

I would have hoped that it were possible to have this discussion without resorting to name calling, but evidently I would have been wrong.

No fred c., sorry, it's not possible to have that discussion without a bit of quid pro quo.


white supremacist impregnators

white supremacist bigots

starts it off, sets the tone, and demands a response commensurate with its pseudo-victimized hypocrisy.

OC don't even like men, and it's hardly a subtle antagonism that radiates through her victimological screeds.

Since CDV has plainly put her on blast as as a digital pinata, might as well play the game and take the requisite gratuitous whacks at this pompous poster child stuffed to the gills with false emotional "candy".

AFAIC, she exemplifies the hyperfeminized diversitocracy that is now a forty year long plague on the academy.

It has nothing useful to teach.

It was an elite counterinsurgency that has born bitter fruit for black folks in the academy and all across America.

Long overdue time to pull it all up by the roots and leave it by the side of the road to wither and die for lack of funding.

Tom said...

I don't know. A pox on both your houses.

Plane Ideas said...

Nice effort to make discourse civil but I prefer to keep it real and full of emotion ...I reject any and all attempts to legislate communication when we put filters on it from my vantage point it takes away it's authentic nature ..I will always use the words nigger , bigot , white supremacist whatever as I do fit ..I reject those efforts that restrain my efforts to define and articulate the evils which have hurt my community

Plane Ideas said...


CNu has a fixation over my persona notice his constant need to call me names...and yet he had audacity to post about decorum ..,WTF

Plane Ideas said...

I revisited the highlighted post and I simply see no reason to change my views I co/sign OC 's comments reading the patronizing comments of the good noble white liberal dad just pissed me off again ...

I just retured from NYC checking on my colored kids and I went to art gallery where white Jewish folks were selling offensive black slavery dolls they got defensive and told me the shit was educational and they know what is best for us...I asked them could I sale some holocaust relics at a flea market!!They remind me of this white dad..WTF

CNu said...

Thrasher, you're the Special Ed IED poster child for the diversitocracy. You know, the denizen of his mother's basement who couldn't finish the two-year program in black studies at the community college - but who nevertheless ubiquitously, pervasively, and gratuitously runs his mouth.

You single handedly set these already set-back folk generations,

Tom said...

My pox is vectored at the entire houses & their feud, not at anybody in this discussion.

CNu said...

lol, take a side Tom, step right up and get in the game. Don't be scurred that OC and her newly sanctioned hype-man Thrasher will give you their overwrought side-eye treatment.

If they do, do like I do, and punch'em right in it.

Plane Ideas said...


Really I am responsible for all of that ..WOW..Who the power of a Free Black,lol,lol

CNu I understand your shortcomings you are a wounded Black man still stained by the oppression and pathology of white racism like many Black folks instead of waging a noble battle with these evil forces you instead live to condemn and beat down any evidence of Black behavior which seeks to liberate itself from the stench and legacy of white racism..From your weak platform people like me and others don't act right we always are messing up shit for noble Black elites like yourself..

With regard to CD's query color consciousness/color blindness are derivatives of white supremacy ..From my platform understanding this fact I ca understand the tragic reactions of Black folks in all hues as such I refuse to disregard nor disconnect from this reality..White folks need to own their racism and the residuals of said pathological behavior...They created the tales of white husband's like anon who wants his colored daughters to not engaged or interact with field niggers..They created low self esteem affirmation seeking appeasement Black males like you who feel they must slay the Big Bad Booggie Man the likes of people like Thrasher and others..

Well fuck that reality CNu..I am a Free Black man a living work in progress unemcumbered by any paradigms your wounded ego or thise of white culture has designed for me..

CNu unlike you an intellectual coward that hides behind an alias in a chat forum my footprints have altered the lives of real people..

On Yeah..Happy Kwanzaa ( you should let your boys celebrate it),lol,lol

Tom said...


Bleh. As you know, I pretty much believe the philosophy Oh Crap and Thrasher are spelling out. The Montagues have all the unfair advantages and should back off and acknowledge that the Capulets have it tough.

I just think everybody's leaving Romeo and Juliet out in the cold.

"Impregnator," the insult Oh Crap slings at Anonymous, is exactly how Anonymous seems to be characterizing his daughters' Black boyfriends/suitors/whatever.

Who started it? We know who started it. What's the plan now?

I know how Anonymous feels. I don't want to see any stupid oblivious smug idiot young men dating my daughter when she's older, either. (Orbitter, self-absorbed, infected-pierced-navelled young women either, thank you.) Plus I'm a Montague from way back, and Capulets especially give me the screaming meemies. I'm just being realistic about those low-down Capulets and their impregnating ways.

Internet Race Theory, bless its cold algorithmic heart, seems to always end up saying that love and sex are mutually exclusive. I can't live with that. Uncorrelated, maybe, but not mutually exclusive! That view is to dark even for me.

I dunno. Whatever.

nomad said...

"Scotty! Scotty! Beam me up!"

It is simple, CD. It's just that it's kinda loud. Once upon a time in a kingdom far, far away, there were these two brothers. One slave. One free. One black. One half white...

Plane Ideas said...


I acknowledge your perspectives as a parent I want the best for my kids as well..Yet the white dad inserted the "race card" ..

As I noted in my initial comments I bet his Black wife has no idea he feels that way about his wife's Black father and Black brothers!!

Classic white liberal racism they love to deflect and have negroes chasing down the usual red neck hillbillie types while at the same time wearing gloves while they shake our hands..

Just like the white jewish art dealers I encountered in NYC holocaust relics of course have more stock and moral value than the Black slavery items from our domestic holocaust here on America's soil ..It was interesting how these bigots had worked up scripts to object to Black folks like me who had a problem with the sale of these items YET they look like red faced fools when I went off script and asked them could I sell some holocaust items at a flea market..In the racial food chain in America for all whites Black life will never obtain parity with theirs..WTF

CNu's of the world simply refused to deal with this truth so beating down negroes and coloreds give them capital in America's white racial currency..

CNu said...

"Impregnator," the insult Oh Crap slings at Anonymous, is exactly how Anonymous seems to be characterizing his daughters' Black boyfriends/suitors/whatever.

The man quite naturally deems himself "what's best" and equally naturally, wants to see "what's best" reflected in his daughter's suitors.

OC and her hype-man are without spouse and/or children - hence - they collectively and respectively have no useful knowledge whereof they speak, but of course, ignorant, asinine wiseacring speaking - they will surely insist upon and dare you to say otherwise!

Who started it? We know who started it. What's the plan now?

The plan now - as it should have been from the outset - is to dismantle the little oxygen thieving segregated islands of "ism" studies in the academy and replace them with qualified admits across the crucial STEM departments. Everything else is conversation, most of it unqualified, infantile and destructive of any type of meaningful and enduring social engagement going forward.

Longtime Blogger said...

Oh brother.

Btw, C, I do like the men as well as women, but you already know this from posting with me for 3 years.

You're gunna have to find a better way to deal with those violent, impotent ideations, friend. I know it bugs the shit out of masculinity-anxious types like you that you'll NEVER be in control of what I say or do. I know it hurts.

But yeah, keep up the weird displays of i'm-ignoring-u/i-need-your-attention ambivalence. Hilarious.

CNu said...

CNu's of the world simply refused to deal with this truth so beating down negroes and coloreds give them capital in America's white racial currency..

Beating you down tickles me and keeps my teeth shiny and white jiggaboo...,

Longtime Blogger said...


So please, discuss! Respectfully would be nice.

I missed something - what are we supposed to be discussing now? Your characterization of the Black couple?

CNu said...

I am a Free Black man a living work in progress unemcumbered by any paradigms your wounded ego or thise of white culture has designed for me..

I know it bugs the shit out of masculinity-anxious types like you that you'll NEVER be in control of what I say or do. I know it hurts.


that acute strain of thrasherian jiggabootosis is evidently easily transmitted and highly contagious - with neither class or education conferring any form of immunity...,

CNu said...

But yeah, keep up the weird displays of i'm-ignoring-u/i-need-your-attention ambivalence. Hilarious.

Meshell Suhaila Bashir-Shakur Ndegeocello Oh Crap I Have a Crush on Sarah Palin got jokes....,

Plane Ideas said...

I will admit I do love it when I see CNu engaged and off his script..Of course it is easy to push is scripted tired,lol,lol

I have encountered so many shallow elitist like CNu they seem compelled to singled out themselves as the arbiter of what is best for negroes and colored folks..Always clinging to the notion that thier efforts will be observed by management when the moment comes for the Xmas bonus often a honey baked,lol,lol

Plane Ideas said...

When the so-called 'reset' takes place in America..I am going to distance myself as far as possible from frauds like,lol,lol

Yahoo's like CNu fill the air with thier ballon blowing fumes take them away from thier pc's and chatter class venues up close and personal not only are they ordinary forgettable people but they have zero presence...So observing him chest pounding is funny..BTW nobody works a room and dominates the moment like me up close and personal..I think this is what really pisses off internet ballons like,lol,lol

CNu said...
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CNu said...

BTW nobody works a room and dominates the moment like me up close and personal.

NO DOUBT Ji-Ji-Ji-Jiggy!!!

I bet you be holdin it down like no other....,

Plane Ideas said...

CNu ...just like I plan to do at your company holiday party with my high gloss yellow suit and Charlie Wilson hat combo Durga hook up ... Lol lol lol
Then we get to go to your space for late note drinks(yak of course)...I will tell some good colored jokes for your white peers and maybe even show off my temptations walk lol lol

Tom said...


Yeah, I agree Anonymous started the food fight. (Tanya maybe has a possible point too, but I guess our host is asking us to take the letters at face value.)

If Mrs. Anonymous thought Mr. Anonymous had totally bought out of the whole Capulets and Montegues toxic bull crap, then, yeah, I imagine she'd be dreaming. (Now there's a play, Romeo and Juliet at age 50, just trying to deal, not even with their insane in-laws but with their own surprised hereditary animosity toward each other.) But is it realistic to assume she's that naive?

And but so, sure, ok, we don't really like each other. Your sacred remembrance is my flea-market tchotchke. And you're not doing the same back to me, and I stand there and pretend it's ok. It's not ok. It's insane.

But ... it is only natural. Nomad pointed out, unfortunately we're family. And it's holiday time. Of course we trash each other's sacred stuff. Of course we can't stand the sight of each other.

A bunch of white yuppies and bisexual Black women and God knows what else, all taking too much gravy and rolling our eyes and kicking each other under the table.

Youse guys done with the cranberry sauce down at the end there? I mean, take your time. Take your time. Cheesus.

Plane Ideas said...

I don't post on WARN to appease others nor in 21th century do I care about the sensibilities of a culture of people whose daily reality is full of negrophobia as a matter of course
To be candid with you your post missed the mark with me it was all over the map... Just have a position and own it is what makes me pay I noted to CNu I am a free black man living and evolving now intel ,data and whatever cultural insights think they know about black folks has zero currency with me...I am a living black icon right here right now .... Lol lol lol

Longtime Blogger said...
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Longtime Blogger said...
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Longtime Blogger said...

Third time's a charm...


As I noted in my initial comments I bet his Black wife has no idea he feels that way about his wife's Black father and Black brothers!!

Hard to say, that is, if Anonymous' yarn is even true. I suspect she does - it's been my consistent experience that anti-Black bigots think they are hiding it from Us Big Dummies, but anti-Black-male sociopathy at that level never stays under wraps for very long.

His nasty attitude expressed about Black daughters are bad enough. Thankfully, he's not the father of Black sons.

Plane Ideas said...


In Anon's yarn he has already polluted his daughter who is now going to marry a white man clearly his contempt for Black men has hit the target of course his wife's also had some impact as well since she married one of,lol,lol

I revisited this blog and and others where many whites post here on WARN...Unlike the CNu's who intentionaly cultivate white appeasement at the expense of Black folks I just don't have the currency to wait for white folks to evolve even white liberals who I am suppose to give a pass and be nice around

From my perspective it is more unearned benefits to a majority culture that continues to gain value at our expense..

I am so tired of remarks like CNu's that a candid Black man sets back the race with good white folks..Prvivledge begets privledge is not a policy I follow nor endorse..ANON thinks he did a noble deed by getting married to a Black woman and having bi-racial kids ..ANON's entire narrative is based upon his center and reference..

My parents and other BLack elders would always counsel don't rush white folks you moving to fast Greg..

I of course said fucked that advice TIME is the same for all of us..I am not educating white folks to be progressive on my time..I am using my time for me and my community if whites need to catch up then it is on them... I educate mysef about the potential of danger and discrimination I expect from a culture with a legacy of pure inhumanity towards the majority of Black folks on this soil..Of course some of my best friends are,lol,lol

Plane Ideas said...


I wrote this commentary with you and Herman CAIN on my dart board..

CNu said...

Wait, Herman didn't stop through and leave a comment at your spot?

So Ji-Ji-Ji-Jiggy.., aside from filling up and dominating the countertop in the local mensroom, what exactly is it that you purport to Do for your community?

Plane Ideas said...


I knew that dick size question was coming from,lol,lol

I don't hide behind an alias and call myself CNu..

With regard to my other assets and community endeavors please send an email to my press agent c/o

Plane Ideas said...


Ps: I am also a Role Model.:-)

fred c said...

No, OC, I don't want to change the subject here, that Black couple would be another subject altogether. That guy, though, he could school us all in remaining calm about things. He was just out of prison where he'd done eighteen years of a twenty-four year bid in the single worst case of prosecutorial mischief that I've ever heard of. And still he could be gracious about it all, he was much less angry about it than I was, he seemed mostly still a little bit surprised that it had happened.

I was just trying to tease the thread onto the real issue herein. Another clue: Nomad hinted at it in his reference to the brothers.

fred c said...

I don't mean to be disingenuous, and mystery, I think, doesn't become me. I only hoped that the issue wouldn't come from me, because in that case it may be polluted at the source. The issue that I see here is the White blood.

The racism of the White dad is a given, and I agree with the general condemnation of that fool herein. The White blood, though, and it's perceived advantage for some people, and the horror that it correctly represents for Black Americans in general, those are serious issues and interesting discussion points.

A bit touchy though, don't you think? I share the horror of it, the horror that it represents, but it's much easier for me to accept it and move on, because I'm just a foolish old White man who loves you all equally.

CNu said...

Ps: I am also a Role Model.:-)

so there's a black bathroom attendant's guild and you're an archon or a basilius or something?

CNu said...

The White blood, though, and it's perceived advantage for some people, and the horror that it correctly represents for Black Americans in general, those are serious issues and interesting discussion points.

the horror that it correctly represents for Black Americans in general????

Fred, are you completely off your gourd?

Normal, sane, well-adjusted black folk (i.e., "Black Americans in general") give no more thought to white folks than they do anyone else.

Yes, there is an intractably racist 20% or so of the white population that comprises a dedicated political, economic, and potentially existential enemy.

Just as you will find an approximate 20% of ignorant, isolated and cut-off black folk prey to all manner of unexposed/underexposed nonsense, of precisely the sort cultivated by essentialist practitioners of negroe hokum and the privileged pedannts of "ism" studies in the academy.

Chitown Kev said...


As far as the wife is concerned, I suspect that she knows about her husband and may have gone through some of the things that her daughter went through (and that I, myself, went through).

Yes, it's easy to throw shade at anon....lawd knows he deserves, but these types of ignorant comments coming from other black people (not necessarily darker-skinned blacks) do get nerve wrecking after while.

But...yeah, anon is a racist.

CNu said...

Anon is not a racist - but the purveyors of negroe hokum in response to anon's comments (Oh Crap and her sidekick Thrasher) have certainly got a lot of spineless suggestible fools bending over backwards pretending otherwise.

What's patently obvious at this juncture is that none of you has ever had first hand exposure to an old-fashioned practicing white american racist.

Cuh-learly you pussies would be absolutely terrified....,

Anonymous said...

I don't doubt Anon's story. I think Anon is only guilty of generalizing black men based on the experiences his daughters have had. No one can seriously deny that society, not only black men but society as a whole is oversexualized. This being true why is it a stretch that the likelihood of his daughters running into oversexed youth be they black or white be a surprise? This is a man who as he writes practically eschewed his own identity to promote a positive identity of blacks that he thought his daughters should experience, be it at his wife's behest or not. Maybe his mistake was in placing too high expectations on what he thought should compose the black race. Who here is not guilty of generalization and high expectations? The very topic that sparked this exchange was the generalization that lighter blacks are condescending towards darker blacks. Of course, I think the end conclusion that he drew from those few exchanges are a bit much and should not mar his reflection of all blacks. However, I think the replies to him were off base too and should have been couched in a manner that was an attempt to understand. I think all it did for him was to confirm what he was probably thinking in the first place. IMO

Chitown Kev said...

I apologize, that "acting white" stuff that was discussed in the letter was triggering.

1) Actually, as far as the colorism angle is concerned, lighter-skinned blacks can throw the attitude right back at darker-skinned folks, so I really want to know that side of anon's story.

2) Lost in all of this is the extent to which black people internalize all of the messaging vis-a-vis the virtues of being light, bright, and damn near white.

Plane Ideas said...


As I noted earlier I love it observing you get emotional..Now you are calling folks pussies and only you have face the experience of a real white racist....Yeah,lol,lol..

With regard to the other posts from whites and those not Black..I am ignoring them ...They don't know shit about being Black...


Longtime Blogger said...

I could really give a crud if Anon is "a racist". What, would he be the first anyone had ever encountered?

What bothers CNu so much is someone expressing an opinion that differs from his without his approval. Typical of his ilk, who speaks only from sour grapes as of late, anyway.


The White blood, though, and it's perceived advantage for some people, and the horror that it correctly represents for Black Americans in general, those are serious issues and interesting discussion points.

Lol what does this even mean?

There is no such thing as "White blood"; if there were, white supremacist bigots would not have needed one drop rules to reassure them of their supposed purity and thus privilege.

If you want "touchy", go over to VDARE or stormfront and read just how touchy people can get on the topic.

Those are the types who burned down our parts of town on rumors that somebody looked crosseyed at a white. They are also the types who devised racial hygiene laws, the Racial Integrity act of 1924, positive and negative eugenics, and could never get it right on the census who was "what", all in an effort to give themselves more government perks and bennies.

Interesting topic? Sure. So long as it's not your relatives getting lynched and burned out, or your grandmother being shut out of higher education due solely to gender and [perceived] race/color/ethnicity.

We don't have that kind of "touchiness" in our communities. Probably because we know better than any group just how "mixed" we are, and also how "mixed" purity-anxious "Whites" are, too.

Longtime Blogger said...

@Chitown Kev

I apologize, that "acting white" stuff that was discussed in the letter was triggering.

What about it is "triggering"? I sound like a white chick from Riverside, always have, probably always will...taunts of "acting white", "u wear faggoty-looking white shoes", and other such petty tags are inconveniences, not traumas.

Sorry, but they are just not on the level of institutional and social white supremacy, they are a product of it.

CNu said...

What bothers CNu so much is someone expressing an opinion that differs from his without his approval. Typical of his ilk, who speaks only from sour grapes as of late, anyway.

What bothers me is that your attack on Anon as;


whites-first mentality

white supremacist impregnators of black women

white supremacist bigot

is a preposterous and overwrought misrepresentation bordering on a lie - and it's the type of specifically hyperfeminized and preposterous lie that "ism" chasers in the academy have gotten away with for decades now.

That your misrepresentation was picked up on by a useless bathroom attendant like Thrasher - whose sole and exclusive value proposition consists of whining about racism to anybody who'll listen - is entirely unsurprising - but who really gives a dayyum about anything coming out of Thrasher's piehole?

On the other hand, well-meaning and sincere folks who are loathe to give offense - also feel compelled to accept and repeat your characterizations - or - beat a hasty retreat to literary indirection - because they durst not crack hard and call you Meshell Suhaila Bashir-Shakur Ndegeocello.

OC - your powers of persuasion are very formidable and with great power comes great responsibility.

I'm not mad at you, don't want to control you - cause you know I love you like a play cousin anyway - but I won't hesitate to call you on some old irresponsible bullshit.

That's precisely what I did on this thread.

Ms. Bunny Easter said...

I not buying the Anonymous story. It's bunk. As a matter of fact, it's either the work of a racist white troll, or a demented African American.

The first hint was the self-description. He defines himself as an an academic and a romantic. But then he mentions, "My beautiful mixed race daughter has done me a man of immigrant Irish and German parents the first in his family to get a degree and graduate degree- real proud."

Not only did he contradict himself here, but for an academic, his sentence structuring, as well as the description of his daughter, is ignorant, and subtly racist.

Furthermore, academics usually don't express themselves with phrases like:

.here's the rub
.their grades shot up
.when we went up there
.when we would go down there
.how the black boys were saying

But what I found absolutely hysterical was the future son in-law's qualifications for a good wife. Here we have an educated Englishmen in 2011, about to marry a Dartmouth graduate, requiring a wife to be elegant, carry herself well, frugal and an incredible cook. It sounds like something out of a 1950's sitcom. It also sounds contrived. The whole Englishmen, Dartmouth and moving to France thing- sounds a bit like a made up fairytale.

Moreover, the blatant racist statements are worth examining as well, For example:

*they have been victims of racism by darker skinned blacks

*my girls were being treated like sex objects by their own race.

*He does not have the hatred I see in so many of her own race mostly darker skinned.

*I only wish members of the black race could value there own.

*I see dark skinned blacks as just as cruel , angry and vengeful as others.

In summation, if a black man wrote it, he is most likely dark-skinned man with a white wife. I'm just sayin, The obsession with dark-skinned black people reveals much. Usually white racists are not that meticulous when describing us. The term dark-skinned blacks is one of our creations. Also his manner of speaking, his framing of sentences sound like an African American.

On the other hand, this could be the work of a a white racist-merely phuccing with us. After all, black blogs are infected with folks from Crackerdom. As you are aware, they post using black names and avatars. Some are just vulgar racists with no apologies.

I'm hoping Chauncey will not permit them to ruin his blog. Thrasher is right about WARN. It is well written and the comments are great.

CNu said...


What a meticulously detailed freeze frame of pot-kettle projection.

From the alias all the way down to the suspicions of cointelpro blog comment crackerdom.,

fred c said...


Of course there's no such thing technically as "White blood," my A pos will work perfectly well in any A pos human being, equally. I am referring to another bodily fluid that was exchanged in those way-too-common episodes of Slave Sexual Abuse. (Nomad, as I mentioned, alluded to the same thing herein. ". . . two brothers. One slave. One free. One Black. One half-White.") Genes; blood in the sense that I have mostly Irish blood in me.

Those are the horrors that I alluded to, all of that slave rape. Or maybe I'm wrong, maybe that phenomenon was not the genesis of the "high yellow" and the "good hair" that is referenced in this thread. Whatever the results were, I am shocked and horrified by this phenomenon every time it appears in my thought process. I can hardly imagine how my Black friends feel about it.

Black Americans come in every imaginable gradient of skin pigmentation, or did I get that wrong too?* Is this variation the result of horrific slave abuse, including the enslavement of the resulting children? If the answer is NO, allow me to apologize for bringing it up while expressing my delight at being wrong.

Does this variation of skin tone, hair texture and eye color, whatever its causes, raise some tensions in the Black community? If the answer is NO, my delight rises to the level of ecstasy and I can die happy, now would be acceptable.

*Maybe it is pretentious of me to appear to be deciding who is Black in the first place. My working definition for Black American is: any American citizen who is subject to discrimination on the basis of being Black. Do not assume by this that I approve of the "One Drop" rule, I merely acknowledge that it has been in effect for my entire life.

(Oh, and I didn't mean that you were being touchy. It's a touchy subject, I'm still pretty sure.)

Plane Ideas said...


I see you are in your lawyer mode today:-)

Whenever the issue of colorism is a topic it is always emotional in part because the reality of slavery, rape and inhumanity comes home up close and personal to impact Black folks because in America we are of so many hues..

For me reading racist nonsense from white men who have Black wives and offspring and then to have intellectual cowards and Black apologists like CNu and others give quarter to the insanity and inhumanity to the legacy of group rape truly fucks with you even centuries past the horric deeds of the slave owners etc..

As I noted the 'one drop rule' and colorisms etal are derivatives of white supremacy and as such it is white supremacy that should be indicted not the behavior of those who have to navigate around the debris left by the dicks of white rapists and slave owners..

Cleary this blog has produced the highest volume of hits of late on WARN I am pleased to have contributed to the count but I am now moving on plus I have to continue to bust CNu in the chops so I can observe him get,lol,lol

Plane Ideas said...


Observing CNu kiss up to OC was,lol,lol

Enjoy the day WARN

CNu said...

CNu is unapologetic and unashamed of a lifetime of "fetishistic" devotion.

Now, if I could only get a certain ashy attention-starved bathroom attendant off my Johnson...,

fred c said...

@ Thrasher

I agree that "it is white supremacy that should be indicted . . ." The old horrors have not entirely left us, they have only been replaced by Horrors-Lite. And of course we're stuck with all of this disagreeable residue. Oy! Vey ist mir!

I'm giving it more thought, the indictment, and I may have something to put up soon.

Wherever you go on to Greg, go in peace.

And a Merry Christmas to all!!!

Tom said...


I'm reading here, "Uncle Tom?" What? you have no business throwing "Uncle Tom" at CNu. He calls out racism publicly more days than not. It's insulting, it's dishonest ... it's even more absurd for you to call him that, than for me to be the only one shooting it down.

Plane Ideas said...

Tom that rich a white man lecturing me on how to confront Black apologist like lol lol WTF the audacity of white privilege has no bounds ...Psst it is a black thang you lack the hue and cultural DNA to understand now get lost and retreat to your blog about the cosmos ..
You are out of your element in here now get lost you bore me already with your impotent posts...

Plane Ideas said...

BTW I will as warranted continue to indict Black apologists like CNu and others 24/7...unlike you I have a responsibility to the Black community it is part of my cultural DNA and the collective pact I have with my community...

Tom said...

'Rich' isn't right. Otherwise, fair enough.

Tom said...

I've said all I had to say. You're right that I should shut up, but you still haven't actually addressed my point.

CNu said...

Uh, jiggaboo jones.

Tom does the political popular culture and anti-racist thing at his spot. I'm the cosmic brother with my foot all up in your cheese-smelling ass because you single-handedly set EVERYBODY back 150 years with your ignorant antics.

CNu said...

Tom, why exactly is this ashy ass-clown right that you should shut up? The only thing inherent in this jiggaboo's "cultural" DNA is parasitism.

This fool can't even carry Big Don's jockstrap and should be derogated and dismissed accordingly...,

Plane Ideas said...

I know it is silly but observing you foam at the mouth over my posts is funny sad of course on many levels but I understand how wounded you are your intense rants are directed at another Black soul ...The impact of white racism is a long arc ..

Tom said...


Because I do have the white privilege. You know how we tend to act like we own the place, when in fact we can't find our own behinds with both hands. That's not just an illusion just generated out of nowhere by Black folks in academia, is it?

I mean, obviously I have no power in this venue, CDV can delete me or edit me or whatever he likes. I dunno. Still, society is f-ed up and full of racism.

Big Don is dangerously insane; Thrasher is just discrediting me as an outsider. And he's right, I am an outsider.

It's what he said about you that he can't back up.

Plane Ideas said...

@ Tom
Smart posture on your part of course I did address your point but your white privilege has created a racial blind spot in your thinking so you will always remain clueless and out of your element on Black topics
Truth is your just another ordinary underdeveloped white man who wander into the hood and got a quickie on how dense you really are I know it stings but no pain no gain... Lol lol lol

Plane Ideas said...

Ps ..CD does not censor or delete any posts do please continue to be hollow white vessel it does add some humor to WARN

CNu said...

Because I do have the white privilege. You know how we tend to act like we own the place, when in fact we can't find our own behinds with both hands.

I act like I own the place and don't give a dayyum about what anybody thinks about it. Until somebody kicks your ass, that's your perogative.

Thrasher is just discrediting me as an outsider. And he's right, I am an outsider.

Thrasher is stepping to you with some made-up drama and attempted queen-bee group-identity ostracism.

Phukkem. Don't fall for that.

Big Don is dangerously insane

Big Don is neither dangerous or insane. Big Don walks up into the middle of where he knows his views are unpopular and he stands firm with no appeal to solidarity and no need for validation. Big Don exercises his geriatric male perogative. I respect that.

I wouldn't think twice about entrusting my children to the care of Big Don. Dude has legitimately raised and supported a family of his own and is now a grandfather, and still holding it down.

I'll say it again, Thrasher can't carry Big Don's jockstrap.

Plane Ideas said...

I will admit I am enjoying observing the fraud zen master CNu unravel and fold up like his grannie's sunday church card table..

He has gone from calling folks pussies to sucking up to OC to now being the forum's room monitor on how damaging Free Black Men are to the races and now he is solicting back up from an empty suit white male luker and is giving parenting advice as a bonus( that tale about his 2 boys sales skills was a YAWN) ..WTF..

Is this the beginning of a Dave Chapelle sci-fi,lol,lol...

Is this what I can look forward to during the Xmas break..Black apologists and low self esteem Black men who hate anything Black..

Can someone help a brother out,lol,lol,lol.

CNu..since you hide behind an alias and a pc are your really a Black man?????Come to poppa I won't tell...ha, ha, ha, ha

Longtime Blogger said...


Is this variation the result of horrific slave abuse, including the enslavement of the resulting children?

Do you think the Lovings were incapable of loving each other, as human beings? What do you think their children looked like, especially given how obviously "'mixed" Mrs. Loving was?

How about Andrea Perez and Sylvester Davis?

Re that last reference, we're "mixed"with with a whole lot more than stupid "white" (whatever) blood/semen/ovulation materials. Getting to know some actual Black people helps with understanding this.

Longtime Blogger said...

On the other hand, well-meaning and sincere folks who are loathe to give offense - also feel compelled to accept and repeat your characterizations - or - beat a hasty retreat to literary indirection - because they durst not crack hard and call you Meshell Suhaila Bashir-Shakur Ndegeocello.

I don't think that's it, at all, this need to protect the posters at WARN from big bad nappyheaded me.

If you're imploring me to self-censor because my writing is oh-so powerful that it somehow silences others, I just don't believe you. At the end of the day, they're just words on the internet.

What I saw was another stupid white entitled bigot telling my Black brothers the same old shit we have been hearing from them for generations -- they're not good enough for their status-symbol daughters.

It might not bother you to hear that about yourself, but it bothers me, as a daughter/cousin/niece/etc of, and a potential mother of a Black man.

I'll never apologize for expressing a strong opinion about that.

Plane Ideas said...


Ditto...People who come late to the WARN party are under some illusion that there is a party line here when in fact dissent and alternative views are present and welcomed..

I have disagreed with you, CD, fred and others and will no doubt continue to..

More importantly I own me and all of my proprietary rights ... I earned them as a Free Black Man through all manner of slings and arrows of life just because I was a Black man that never lost offered, purchased, or bargained away my dignity...

I will not now or never retreat, surrender, concede, withdraw or run from my legacy and now iconic stature in many venues..

Just saying..

CNu said...

I don't think that's it, at all, this need to protect the posters at WARN from big bad nappyheaded me. If you're imploring me to self-censor because my writing is oh-so powerful that it somehow silences others, I just don't believe you. At the end of the day, they're just words on the internet.

lol, I'm not trying to protect anybody from anybody - least of all from big bad you. Your knowledge, charm, wit, and self-assurance leap off the page OC - making your words on the Internet - just.that.much.more persuasive. What you write actually matters.

Getting to know some actual Black people helps with understanding this.

You know good and well that what's missing from most of these folks lives is interpersonal communion with someone like you.

What I saw was another stupid white entitled bigot telling my Black brothers the same old shit we have been hearing from them for generations -- they're not good enough for their status-symbol daughters.

I have a 17 year old daughter. She's 6ft tall, gorgeous, captain of her prepschool volleyball team and the number one club team in the city, scholastic arts gold medalist, national merit finalist, all-a-dat and then some more. Absolutely limitless - all my assets and nary a one of my liabilities.

Do imagine for even one second that any dude on the face of the earth is good enough for MY daughter?!?!?!?! sheeeeeiiiiittttt.......,

There was one.

One of the most sought after young brothers in KC gave her his class ring, tall, handsome, accomplished and from a family a couple socio-economic clicks up from where we sit - we'd known him and his family for a few years and we liked the boy a lot. She was cool with him, senior year dating, posing, and picture taking issues resolved. After a few weeks of incessant texting and mooning and carrying on, she abruptly fired his ass. "He was pushing up on me and smothering", "no mystery", "no game" - my wife and I shake our heads to this day and tease her a little bit about heedlessly discarding "a good brother" to the "Beckies" for life.

It might not bother you to hear that about yourself, but it bothers me, as a daughter/cousin/niece/etc of, and a potential mother of a Black man.

It bothers me just a little bit that she fired this young man like it was nothing. But then, I've told her her entire life "to pick your friends like you pick your fruit". I can unerringly read people to a molecular level within a minute of making their acquaintence. She has all my assets and then some, and none of my liabilities - and as the actual father of this particular young black woman - I completely trust her judgement.

I'll never apologize for expressing a strong opinion about that.

I ain't want you to apologize for nothin OC. I just want you to understand why I sympathize with Anon's expressions (whether crafted in a cracker cointelpro commenting lab or not) - and - I want you to recognize the power of YOUR words on the Internet - absent the privilege of actual acquaintence with you as a person in real life.

Chitown Kev said...

@Oh crap

You know, you have no idea how much I have hated that ignorant sound bullshit coming from black folks and you have no idea how much I suffered from it.

Oh, but I guess that "real black folks" aren't supposed to by touchy...that's why so many of us depend on the Lawd (the white man's religion) insteadof getting of getting the therapy that they need (although the mental health industry can be just as racist)

I guess the fact that I have that type of "touchiness" means that I really am white.

As I said, I know damn well that it's a product of white supremacy, the problem is too many black folks internalize that bullshit and hurt other black folks.

Don't lecture to me about how black I am or am not and don't respond to this post.

Plane Ideas said...

I hope you dismiss CNu's pitiful pleas You nailed the fucker and I love that truth

Plane Ideas said...


Yawn please spare us your laments nobody in here is responsible for them first it was CNu seeking pity now we get your true confessions...WTF

fred c said...

Just an amazing thread. Professor, I smell a book deal!

Chitown Kev said...


actually, black folks do pretty much refuse to acknowledge the shit or put it in the race's dirty laundry pile.

Because you're black,it's OK for you to do or say any fucking thing to another black person...

I hardly trust white folks but black folks ain't exactly engendered my trust, either. Please let's not get into a "blacker than thou" war because I pretty much fail on all counts of that dumb shit.

That race or skin color means anything at all is white folks crazy twisted shit. It never fails to amaze me how black folks eat that shit up.

chaunceydevega said...

@Fred. I am just watching. More like community theater. Maybe we can get an aspiring Tyler Perry type to direct.

Longtime Blogger said...

@Chitown Kev

You know, you have no idea how much I have hated that ignorant sound bullshit coming from black folks and you have no idea how much I suffered from it.

e_e poor you.

Don't lecture to me about how black I am or am not and don't respond to this post.

Listen, fella. Whatever it is you have to prove to yourself about we Blacks and your precious whiteness, I can't help you with it.

The only thing you need to remember is, I'll answer whatever post I please, and lecture whomever I want, including you.

Plane Ideas said...

@CD & Fred

Hold on referee and sideline Asian guru somebody gotta play your parts lol lol lol nobody escapes this shit free and clear ..,.lol lol lol

Ps ...Tyler Perry hell no I want Spike

Longtime Blogger said...


I want you to recognize the power of YOUR words on the Internet

Yeah..I think not.

MY words have no such power; sticks and stones. There's nothing new, novel, or special about anything I'm saying.

I'm not changing anything about the content or the manner of my posts.

Plane Ideas said...


The advice I have to Tom applies to your johnny come late lurker ass as well ...get some balls cum ba ya types as worthless as phony white liberals and Uncle Toms

Nite all .,,, lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol

CNu said...

There's nothing new, novel, or special about anything I'm saying.

Quite right, I'm glad you retired that crush on sarah palin meme. It had become entirely too commonplace..,

I'm not changing anything about the content or the manner of my posts.

Me either.

Thrashing and being Thrashed will not become you.

fred c said...

Hey! I'm a Sideline Asian Guru! My star has risen!

Two take-aways here:

1. We're all on the same side, more or less. I think we'd all get along just fine at a BBQ. We mustn't be too quick to attack each other. Better to take a minute and think about what someone is saying than launch off into the adrenaline zone based on a couple of words here and there, or based on the perceived point-of-view of the commenter. We're not posting four-thousand word essays here. They're blog comments, no room to spell out every detail. Hell, sometimes at ten p.m. I just shoot my mouth off after a few pops. So sue me! and

2. Sure that gunsel in the original "comment," the so-called impregnator, says some stupid shit on a regular basis (every twenty or thirty words by actual count). So what? Maybe he's been a good husband and father in spite of being manifestly less than perfect in the big picture. But he's chump-change at best, and why give him a license to ruin your day? He's way short of being one of the signs of the End Times, and he's no barometer of White Supremacy either. The little shit should be treated as little shit. If he wants to degrade himself at the London Olympics and be condescended to by Englishmen, who cares? Go in peace, dipshit.

So, in the meantime, you and me, let's get back to having a Merry Christmas. And thanks for all the fun, this thread is the bomb.

Plane Ideas said...


Take your own chill pill most enlightened one this is a chat forum no more no less...Whatever is posted on this site is not god's word or a reason to hit a white person or gay person or colored person in the chops ... Whenever there is a lot of drama, noise, loud music, etc white folks always get nervous many call the police lol lol lol
Happy Holidays My Asian Guru may the groves of James brown shake up your won ton soup:-)

Plane Ideas said...

Ps...maybe the gods will smile on me so I can join you,OC ,CNu in the sacred WARN blog roll one glorious lol lol


Longtime Blogger said...


Um, lol where did you pick up that anyone's day was ruined by some dumb driveby poster?

I noticed your silence about the Lovings and Davis/Perez. Self-education is your friend, preferably before offering advice to others on what kind of feelings and responses are acceptable to express.

Yes, I said some things that, oh boo hoo, that made some people feel uncomfortable. Put on the big-girl panties and live with it, these things happen, on the internet.

Plane Ideas said...


I must post this on this site you and I have dance the tango and I am sure more passion will flow between us but your posts and comments on this issue have been truly wonderful and have captured the essence of many of my life experiences and truths with regards to colorism, racism etc as a Free Black Man of course:-)

I have no problem even co-signing CNu's comments about your presence on the internet despite the prick he is towards me he truly did capture a part of your genius in his words to you and on that I agree!

Happy Holidays


fred c said...


You can take your hand off my coat now, I'm ready to smile and say "Uncle!"

If it were my role to be the semi-self-educated, slightly aware, occasionally decent, vaguely acceptable White man who really just proved the rule that all White men are vomitous White Supremacist demons, I could live with that, more or less.

Of course I know who the Lovings are, and I hope that you will forgive me if I would find it unseemly to be constantly touting my bona fides and bragging about my semi-enlightenment.

Longtime Blogger said...


You can take your hand off my coat now, I'm ready to smile and say "Uncle!"

This isn't a game, or a competition, especially not a physical or violent one. This is the internet.

If it were my role to be the semi-self-educated, slightly aware, occasionally decent, vaguely acceptable White man who really just proved the rule that all White men are vomitous White Supremacist demons, I could live with that, more or less.

Those anxieties are purely your own, and since you don't know me or Black people as individuals, they have nothing whatsoever to do with my personal responses.

BTW, it's beyond time to can that "all white males are...poor me" self-loathing, race-epiphany-seeking act. The only thing required of ANYONE to have these conversations is some very basic knowledge of American history. I find the vast majority of whites quite able, yet quite unwilling. Don't be one, please.

Re the Lovings and a precedent Perez v Sharp (1948), your initial question to me was just why we all look sooo different.

In case you missed the subtlety of the answer, it's not solely from the trauma of slavery. This might surprise you, but no, we are not all simple victims of white men's blunt-object sociopathy and rape-entitlement mentality.

There is a LOT more to Black Folk and our cultures than just that.

When you choose to move past all that fiction-based Black anxiety and get to know some of us, you'll find that out, real quick, like by minute one.

Longtime Blogger said...


Well thanks for that, Thrasher. It may be hard for some to comprehend the nature of the sparring around here if they do not understand the dozens.