Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The Final Herman Cain Round-Up: the Race Minstrel Meme; Cain as Affirmative Action Baby; Ishmael and Crouch Go Hard

Folks are using up all of their surplus ammo as Herman Cain exits stage left. Yesterday, the price was 2 for 1 on Herman Cain news; today he is well past the expiration date, so all Herman Cain related stories have to go at bargain prices.

Here is a list of some of my favorites from the past few days. If you have any more to contribute, please do send them along.

1. Herman Cain is an affirmative action baby whose whole career was made possible by the Civil Rights Movement, and "trouble makers" such as Jesse Jackson. It was widely known that Cain was the beneficiary of a successful lawsuit against Pillsbury (and its subsidiary Burger King) for racism and sexism in hiring and promotions, and as such, he was placed in a "fast track" executive management program.

In fact, I pitched such a story to a few different outlets and they wanted to sit on it. Thankfully, Wayne Barrett at the Daily Beast has done a great and thorough job of documenting how Herman Cain was aided by affirmative action, the very policy he repeatedly demeaned as a "self-made" black conservative.

2. Stanley Crouch serves some ownage to Herman Cain as he works through how Cornbread played a role as a dark-skinned, "authentic" negro, one who gleefully ran away from the Civil Rights Movement (and its pesky negro agitators) in order to please his white masters. Ishmael Reed, the great contrarian, provocateur, and critical thinker that he is, offers up a great essay where he highlights Cain's role as a "black bogeyman"who embodies age old fears about race and sex.

3. Race minstrelsy is everywhere. If I had a dime for every time someone picked up my meme, I would have about a $1.50. Here are some more links from these Internets on Herman Cain, race minstrel, carnival barker and charlatan.

4. Oh yeah, there is going to be a documentary, "The Curious Case of Herman Cain" on BET this Thursday.

5. Ginger White, Cain's lover, is giving up the details on their "private time." I thought that Herman Cain would have been a pipe laying, wear a woman out, take her to space mountain all night long, and have her doing the donkey walk the next day sort of brother. Alas, Ginger White would lay under Cain, thinking about what she had to buy at the supermarket, while he did his business. I thought dude was a big long sliding man putting in work, stirring the sugar in the bowl. Maybe Herman Cain in so narcissistic that he is a selfish lover? Apparently, boom, (doesn't) go the dynamite.


Plane Ideas said...

Stanley was angry because CAIN was working some of his truf now he can be the dark ugly negro apologist stabbing uppity activists and the like..

What I do of interest is how many are so quick to get rid of a buffon like CAIN in poart because he is Black and yet we have tolerated so many hundreds, thousands of equally inept white folks...

I am not going to be sining negro spirituals in my shower because CAIN is down I know what is evil and it is not cornbread..

Shady_Grady said...

Nice touch on the Dinah Washington song. People always think the current generation invented sex...

Cain was a joke. I like Reed but I thought he was a little off in that piece. Cain is funny because he lambasted black people as brainwashed and told them to get off the plantation even as he was emboyding coonish behavior.

chaunceydevega said...

@Thrasher. Stop your colorism. Not nice ;)

@Shady. Reed is cool folks, I think he tries to swerve to make a point which is always welcome. But, the thesis was a reach.

Longtime Blogger said...

I thought that Herman Cain would have been a pipe laying, wear a woman out, take her to space mountain all night long, and have her doing the donkey walk the next day sort of brother. Alas, Ginger White would lay under Cain, thinking about what she had to buy at the supermarket, while he did his business.

No lbt woman alive is shocked at such a revelation about any man, ever.

Anonymous said...

Oh CD, you left out that she cried. Tears of joy no doubt. Not really. You have to be of a special type to reduce a woman to tears. I for one am just glad that he is no longer in the spotlight, I know he will not completely go away but at least he is not being served on a platter every other day.