I would buy that for a dollar.
you just can't resist. The caption possibilities are endless, the jokes are easy given our good lady theocrat Michelle Bachmann's desire to always submit to her husband in all things, and we don't even have to mention professional homophobe Mr. Bachmann's
"questionable" sexual identity.
But any chance to revisit the Kielbasa Queen on Howard Stern's classic Channel 9 TV show is worth taking:
She may not like gays but she seems to be OK with mandingoes.
Maybe this pantomime of fellatio is another one of those things her husband wanted her to do (like being a tax attorney), and she went along with it because she is a proud submissive Christian woman. I know, we shouldn't be so childish but I cannot believe she allowed this picture to be taken after some of the things she has said. As for the Mandingo comment, I think I'll leave that one alone but yeah, it was probably the first thing that came to my mind too though from the look on her face I'm not sure if she's liking it or not. Could this possibly be a subtle play for the Mandingo vote?
Do I really need to add anything? After this, I think not!
Try this one:
Gotta love George Carlin, the man definitely understood the power of the word. Like he says, sometimes a kielbasa is just a kielbasa, and other times it's a big brown.....
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