Monday, August 8, 2011

The Age of Obama Chronicles: The First Black President May Be a Failure, But at Least We Got a Black Cleopatra in a Summer's Eve Commercial

As Rome burns, some fun for us on a Monday. I got something good coming on Wednesday that should both equally offend the Herrenvolk real America types, as well as provide some affirmation for those already in the know.

We may be in the midst of the haunting of President Obama by the Tea Party GOP and a day where the Chief Executive tried (and failed) to give an FDResque fireside chat on a sick economy in the middle of the summer, but it is still okay to laugh. Moreover--and file this under the rule of unintended consequences in postracial Age of Obama America--there remains much to celebrate: it took decades, but the Afrocentrists have finally won a key fight in the overlapping terrain of the public imagination, consumer culture, and historical memory.

While Elizabeth Taylor was the source of much grumpiness for her portrayal of a "white Cleopatra," and others have complained that Angelina Jolie is "too white" to play Cleopatra in an upcoming movie, and always allowing for the space Negro/Egyptian coolness of Sun Ra and the funkiness of George Clinton and P-Funk, I for one never got the deep investment in the Afrocentric dreaming for Mother Africa...and the fixation of some on making Cleopatra a woman of color.

As was explained to me by a Professor of Classics some years back, she was a rather plain and hook nosed, inbred, Greek woman. Political acumen aside, I see no reservoir of "strawnggg black womanhood" to be drunk from or celebrated there. In a world where some folks need to wear their affirmations on t-shirts, fictions too provide comfort. But then again, as a black man in America I am the envy of the world [insert snark].

In the Age of Obama, the Strong Black Woman of Mother Africa and Cleopatra is an icon and motif for Summer's Eve douche. Better than Lysol, but still not too healthy for the ecosystem of the yoni, we can at least be happy with our small victories.

Sister Shahrazad Ali would indeed be proud.


Shady_Grady said...

Whatever happened to Mrs. Ali?

chaunceydevega said...

I thought she was living with you? Just kidding...

Good question, has the queen ascended to a higher plain?

Longtime Blogger said...

Wow, she was good looking.

Constructive Feedback said...

[quote]We may be in the midst of the haunting of President Obama by the Tea Party GOP[/quote]

My beloved brother Chauncey DeVega.
Please be upon you.

Do you mind if I ask you a question per the quote above?

I know that it is hard for you to step out of your "vicarious living" in the Blackberry Calendar of Obama.

Could you ever imagine that there is a zone in the universe in which "The Presidential Administration" and the MACHINE from which it yields its power is HAUNTING the interests of Black America?

Think about it for a second bro. (And Mr Thrasher can help me out)

If I was not rushed to go off to work I would print for you the NY Times story from about 2 years ago that documented the loss of wealth for Black people in Detroit due to the economic deflation of that one city.

If it is your position that the (Racist) Tea Party and its policies are able to burn up books and paper profits that can be tabulated at a given value. ($1 trillion loss on Monday - some unknown amount gained back on Tuesday as the stock market rose)......................can we also logically say that there is a certain, as yet unidentified COST suffered by Black people as we promote forces and ideologies into governance and see a resulting deprecation of the same measures - just at a more local scope?

Is it your will to defend Obama against the Tea Party or BLACK PERMANENT INTERESTS against all who try to molest it - outside and within?

chaunceydevega said...

@Constructive. You got my attention. What do you want? I have already given you my thoughts about blogging by proxy. I have already offered you a chance to do a guest post, what more would you like?

Why do you think that I don't know about those issues? I just posted a piece on wealth disparities. I know you are evangelizing, and I take you to be sincere in your concerns, but accept that not all folks are going to write about what you want them to.

Develop your own project, refine them, and get your hustle on. Your scatter shot approach with 8 or so blogs that get little to any traffic or attention isn't working. So how about just do one and do it opposed to trying to convert others.

Anonymous said...

I came across your blog by accident while googling Madam CJ Walker. Since then I've read a few of your posts and I really enjoy them, especially this one. I thought I was the only one who noticed the Black Cleopatra in that hilarious commercial. I'm new to Blogger and you're the first person I've subscribed to. Great work, sir. I look forward to reading more.

chaunceydevega said...


How kind Miss Diamond. Good to have you.

CNu said...

Develop your own project, refine them, and get your hustle on. Your scatter shot approach with 8 or so blogs that get little to any traffic or attention isn't working. So how about just do one and do it opposed to trying to convert others.

GAWD how I love it when a bruvva takes a moment out of his busy schedule to properly son this insufficiently hometrained and exceptionally silly jiggaboo....,