I have been sitting on this for a while and the timing seemed ideal...
No great riddle of the Sphinx needs to be deciphered in order to explain their political loyalties. There is no feeling of linked fate for these garbage pail kids of American politics because they have no sense of shared struggle in union with other black folks in mass. Ultimately, there is no contradiction to resolve between their split loyalties to the well-being of black folks and the common good, and black conservatives' bended knee, boot licking loyalty to the worst sort of white populism as offered by the Tea Party GOP.
The ghetto ign't Burger King Bikini Brawler is also a product of a different type of social network, one in which her socially maladapted behavior is rewarded as virtuous and normal--the mark of a "strong black woman"--as opposed to deviant acting out with no purchase beyond her local 'hood. And of course as we try to navigate the Great Recession, one of the greatest determinants of access to job opportunities is one's connection to folks who already are employed. Thus, those with wealth, money, access, and jobs tend to know other folk in a like position. Those without said resources tend to have truncated job opportunities because they are part of a network where other people also lack work. Given that Horatio Alger is long dead, once more it isn't what you know, it is who you know--or your name--that determines if you get a foot in the door.
To point, sociologist Mario Small's work is broad and deep. His research on social networks and young people in Chicago's schools resonates because it is one more example of how race, class, and networks matter for both our life chances in the present, as well as future life trajectories.
In reading his work on social networks and urban youth I must ask the following: Are things truly this dire? Are the lives of our young people destined to be such that they live a Hobbesian existence that is nasty, brutish, and short? What will come of these young boys and girls as they enter adult life as citizens, employees, leaders, community members, and parents?
Some choice bits of wisdom from Professor Small's interview with the American Academy of Social and Political Sciences:
...We interviewed about forty to forty-five students in each school. We interviewed some of the mothers, fathers, teachers, staff; almost no difference. The reason? In both schools, the students did not trust anybody. The students expressed a great deal of reluctance to admitting that they had best friends. Many said, “I don’t have friends, I have associates,” and the reason had to do with the extraordinarily high levels of violence in both neighborhoods.Damn. How did we stoop so far to Gomorrah? What can be done to recover?
If you look at how sociologists typically study networks, there is no finding more universal than the idea that homophily, similarity determines everything. So people tend to have friends who resemble them. So if I am eleven, you like soccer, I like soccer, we become friends because we both like soccer, this kind of a thing. There was almost none of that. Instead, the children were extremely strategic and instrumental in how they thought about their friendships.
One, they thought about friendships who could protect them if there was a problem, and this was the boys and the girls. Second, they were strategic about even forming friends. So one eleven or twelve-year-old boy, for example, said, “You know, before I decide to be friends with somebody, I watch them. I just watch them for months and months and months to see what they are like. Because I want to see if there is a problem if they are going to come in and have my back.” An extremely strategic and really disturbing way of thinking about friendship. Now these are ten, eleven, twelve-year-old children. This is the time in your life when you learn how to form friendships with others. You learn trust, you learn effective social relations.What can we expect of these children when they are twenty, twenty-one, twenty-two, forming romantic relationships, trying to form effective relationships in the workplace?
It is going to be extremely difficult because, my hypothesis is that the high levels of distrust developed early on in response to violence are going to have an impact in their later lives. Now there is no way to think about this question without thinking about some aspects of what is called culture. Now, again, notice it is not culture about values, I mean that is just the wrong way to think about it. It is really a cultural response to a violent environment. Anybody in that same kind of environment would develop this sort of bunker mentality, that you have to protect yourself first.
Interesting but long on theory and respectfully disregard for the capacity of the poor and the legacy an heritage of the Black community even the underclass..I get some of good Professor's Small premise but I am troubled he has such liitle regard for the hoodrats..
ReplyDeleteNevertheless knowledge has value and currency in some markets I will note and spend accordingly..
How did we stoop so far to Gomorrah?
ReplyDeleteCRA/Fair Housing Act/Affirmative Action - and the consequent flight of capable managerial and professional class (respectable) negroes from the formerly racially and now socio-economically segregated hood in general, and in particular, the flight of highly capable folk out of the primary and secondary teaching profession.
That can't be reversed, unless these amerireichsters get started on some Turner Diaries type provocations and run "respectables" out of their exurban enclaves.
What can be done to recover?
Three things - and devastated public school budgets will prove instrumental in driving the institutional changes necessary to make this happen.
1. Self-organized learning environments to replace the utterly ineffective 19th century model still being malpracticed in a public school near you.
2. Google Apps for Education to provide a seamless (low cost/no cost) framework for distance learning
3. The ubiquitous, low cost end-point that ALL CHILDREN from special ed to gifted, to deaf or otherwise disabled - gravitate to as a TOY - not as a punishment (like textbooks)
I've been plotting this for 4 years now and have begun building it out in earnest on a city-wide scale.
Folk don't even understand what's aborning and what it means for them yet, but they will...,
He interviewed only forty to forty-five kids and decided this was cause for alarm? If he had interview a larger sample size, it probably could be said this was a "disturbing trend." And, even then, I spectacle of all research because all research is inherently flawed especially in the social sciences.
ReplyDeleteSorry for the typo in the last sentence. It should read: And, even then, I would be skeptical.....
ReplyDeleteInteresting theory, but like Devona said, I would have liked to see a larger sample.
ReplyDeleteI do think it's cause for concern when you have 10 year old kids making *strategic* decisions on picking and choosing their friends. Maybe it's a side affect of growing up in a world where they could be subject to violence at any moment. They have to grow up really fast and learn early on the value of friends being trustworthy allies.
I had a younger friend of mine describe this as being sort of, 'mercenary'. That was about four years ago. I found her terminology disturbing when I first heard it and now after reading this, I am even more troubled. Perhaps this indicates we are devolving to a more primitive being by using these mercenary selection standards.