For those who write online (either as bloggers or freelancers) what are your greatest hits and misses? And how do you decide when an idea has gone stale and should best be left by the proverbial roadside of abandoned articles/books/chapters/and blog posts?
These questions speak to the problem of immediacy in the 21st and late 20th century news cycles. With the rise of the Internet, the primacy of soft news, and the death of print, the now is yesterday--attention spans have been shortened with deleterious consequences for the public and the role of the 4th Estate as gatekeeper and watchdog. Great articles often go neglected because they missed a narrow window of opportunity. Inversely, mediocre articles often receive an out-sized amount of attention because the timing was perfect.
In the spirit of sharing, here is one of my pieces from the archives. Last year I imagined "What if Sarah Palin were Black?" This post took on a life of its own. Like a friendly zombie, What if Sarah Palin were Black? has been born, died, and resurrected several times.
I wrote a follow up to that piece and never shared it. Why? Because while Sarah Palin is the gift that keeps on giving she 1) receives too much attention and 2) what was a fresh and novel idea can lose its special quality when one goes back to the well once too often.
But what the hell? Like a Director's cut of a DVD that restores footage that was perhaps best left on the editing room floor, here is the sequel to What if Sarah Palin were Black? Was this a good idea whose moment has past or is there still mileage to be gained from a counter-factual that attempts to expose the normativity of whiteness and white privilege through the lens of the Wasilla Wonder?
What if Sarah Palin were Black: The Sequel
Sarah Palin is the queen of white conservative victimology. In the aftermath of The Arizona Massacre she has combined her unrepentant narcissism, egomania, and craven lust for media attention--and the money that it brings--into a parade of self-pity.
Not content to lay low, earlier this week Palin doubled down by appearing on Fox News where she further pleaded her case for martyrdom: a detour into bad political theater that would be funny if the bloodshed in Arizona were not so tragic.
Once more, and as has been true throughout her career, Sarah Palin’s mediocrity is rewarded without consequence. This is just one more example of white privilege in action: Palin’s actions do not blight her whole race; just like Jared Loughner's actions don't throw into question whether white men can be trusted with guns (compared to, say, attacks by Muslims, etc.). By extension, Palin's despicable behavior is in no way taken as a comment on white women as as a whole. In the United States, women of color are afforded no such luxury. They are marginalized both because of their gender and their race.
Ultimately, to be a member of a racial minority in a society where Whiteness is the norm is to be collectively linked to strangers. For example, when white men go crazy, commit acts of political violence, try to kill police because Glenn Beck told them to, behave irresponsibly, or act with poor judgment, it is neither a comment on Whiteness nor on white men as a group. No, it is the deed of one person--an individual who has the privilege of embracing the "I" as opposed to the "we" of collective blame and responsibility.
As W.E.B. Du Bois famously asked, "how does it feel to be a problem?" Because of the shield that is Whiteness, white folk--and Sarah Palin in particular--have rarely (if ever) had to ask that question. For a moment, we shall remedy that oversight. With Sarah Palin’s victimology parade in mind here is a thought experiment.
Just as Tim Wise did in his essay “What if the Tea Parties were Black?” let’s play a game of fill in the blanks.
I will start:
If Sarah Palin were black, Fox News would have demanded that the F.B.I. prosecute her for sedition and inciting political violence.
If Sarah Palin were black, the Right-wing would be calling for Black political leadership, as well as the Democratic Party, to both condemn her and renounce any future relationship with the former Governor from Alaska.
If Sarah Palin were black, she would be publicly denounced for being a vacuous, narcissistic, self-centered, "diva" that is not fit for public service and who cares more about her own fame and fortune than she does the common good or the victims of The Arizona Massacre.
If Sarah Palin were black, her behavior would be used as a launching point for discussing how Black leadership is in crisis. In fact, a major news network would air a whole series on how black women are failing their communities and how Palin is emblematic of a larger trend.
If Sarah Palin were black, the Right would be lambasting her for not embodying the Conservative principles of "personal responsibility."
If Sarah Palin were black, Glenn Beck would have already linked her to his imagined cabal and tradition of violence among "Progressive-Liberal-Socialists." On his blackboard there would direct links from Palin to Adolf Hitler, Chairman Mao, Stalin, Pol Pot, Saul Alinsky, the Black Panther Party, Angela Davis, the Tides Foundation, The Symbionese Liberation Army, and The Weather Underground.
If Sarah Palin were black, Rush Limbaugh would have said that her behavior is one more example of how liberalism is a "mental illness," that liberals are a "cancer," and that progressives should be "destroyed."
If Sarah Palin were black, she would be persona non grata after The Arizona Massacre and run out of the public square on a rail.
ReplyDeleteYou nailed it again!!!!!
I am now waiting for the Howard Sterns blog!!!
Oh shit I guess I have to author that one,lol,loll...
Can you make her an honorary black woman? Then maybe all this would come true! I can dream, can't I?
ReplyDeleteThe updated post remains brilliant. It's really good that you've tapped something and hopefully gotten some recognition for it.
ReplyDeleteI'm proud of a number of things I've written on my blog, and a couple times got page views that made me feel like people found something I had to say was relevant.
But, then again, one of my most popular posts is "I Would Rather Have Sex with a Horse than Vote for Carl Paladino" about the wingnut who was running for NY State gov last year. I'm pretty sure the many many people who have come to this post in the past month or two were not looking for info on teabagger Carl Paladino. Neeeeeigggghhhhh!!!
Just ewww.
If Sarah Palin were Black? Just look at the vitriol Michelle Obama goes through and double the intensity.
ReplyDeleteFor those who write online (either as bloggers or freelancers) what are your greatest hits and misses? And how do you decide when an idea has gone stale and should best be left by the proverbial roadside of abandoned articles/books/chapters/and blog posts?
ReplyDeleteOh dear, what a question. Isn't it obvious? My entire blog is one big miss that should be left by said road. That said, I do know my audience, which is basically my friends entertained by the, uh, perspective of my blog. I like it that way.
As for Mrs. Palin's massive success in mediocrity, as much as I enjoy these what-ifs, I do have to take minor issue with the concept. Even among mediocre middle-aged white frumps, probably the core of her base far more than the males attracted to her, Palin is a standout.
Most mediocre white women who are utter failures in the English language do not go on to become such skilled propagandists.
Few mediocre white women in politics, in fact I cannot think of one, have ever gotten away with bombarding the populace with their sexuality, to a such a degree that it approaches the realm of camp.
I should add that unlike Mae West, Madonna, and countless other nonBlack sirens/sex symbols, Sarah Palin is no imitation sista. This is a rarity in our culture.
I could go on, but put it this way: women, regardless of our race, class, color, ethnicity, ability, sexuality/gender, or any of those "etc" things that follow in the issues-chain are generally not afforded teflon.
Could a sista with such audacious, stand-out talent for utter mediocrity do the same and still be a major party leader? Nope. And what in the world sista would ever want to? No one I know.
So as to @jon's suggestion she be bestowed with Honorary Negro status, I say nah, keep her, let the conservative white chicks claim her. Those of us with some home training, we don't aspire to that sort of thing.
@ish: It's really good that you've tapped something and hopefully gotten some recognition for it
ReplyDeleteI see the Alternet version is showing up in Google's Newsreel feed for the topic "Sarah Palin". I have it as a ticker at the end of my blog page that picks up stories from blogs and msm news all over. Congrats, Chauncey!
Most mediocre white women who are utter failures in the English language do not go on to become such skilled propagandists.
ReplyDeleteFew mediocre white women in politics, in fact I cannot think of one, have ever gotten away with bombarding the populace with their sexuality, to a such a degree that it approaches the realm of camp.
I should add that unlike Mae West, Madonna, and countless other nonBlack sirens/sex symbols, Sarah Palin is no imitation sista. This is a rarity in our culture.
not an Oh Crap fan until just now..., thanks for the novel perspective!
Palin is the most white powerful woman in America..She will be the next president..
ReplyDeleteWhite woman of course have always leverage their 'whiteness" and privledge of their white counterparts..
@CNu not an Oh Crap fan until just now..., thanks for the novel perspective!
ReplyDeleteThanks, CNu! I do think this person is doing something different that sets her apart from typical legacy admit/daddy's money white chicks. Those types resent her, too, see Cindy/Meghan McCain, Barbara Bush, Peggy Noonan, Kathleen Parker, etc.
If the left is smart, we can use this to our advantage whenever she decides to run for pres, because let's face it, historically speaking that is going to be a huge deal, regardless of how many votes she does or doesn't garner.
We have some ugly choices for prez next election Palin and Obama...
ReplyDeleteObama is almost an Uncle Tom
CD's posts about Palin work for me..
That "Tom" thing has always interested me. In the Sixties, the uniformed, choreographed singing groups were hip and the old blues guys were the Toms; after Hip Hop the groups were the Toms and the blues guys were O.G. This is not my opinion, which I admit wouldn't amount to much.
ReplyDeleteWhat if Sarah Palin were Black? She would be harshly judged at every turn, she would never get the benefit of a doubt, and every aspect of her life would be much, much harder. That's the rules where we live.
ReplyDeleteI imagine being white knowing that an entire culture had to genuflect, bend, morph engaged in all manner of humiliation could be amusing and humerous if one was white...
Observing Black folks playing the Uncle Tom shuffle always reminds me of how lethal white supremacy still plays out in our nation...It has fucked up so many lives and still does tragically ...To observe Obama appease and pander to whites stings...WTF
To clarify, I never thought that either the Motown artists or the Country Blues guys were Toms, that was never my call to make.
ReplyDeleteWhat I did find interesting about both groups was their ability to stiffle their anger in their efforts to make a living. I knew that they must be angry, I knew that I'd be angry if I were them. Were they doing the shuffle? Making a living is job-one, after all.
We're the same age, Greg. Remember when the Last Poets came on the scene? '69 or so? Now that's more like it, I thought, unalloyed Black anger. I cried for happiness that they finally felt the freedom to express it.
And no, I have never found the debasement of an entire culture in any way amusing. It makes me angry, angry for you and angry for me. That process, the existence of it, makes me look a fool by association, and I can do a fine job of that by myself.
Obama is an UT - how Naderesque.
ReplyDeleteObamamandius is something far, far worse than an uncle Tom, he's mimetic camouflage for pure evil...,
ReplyDeleteI acknowledge your humanity my post was an opinion on how our culture operates with our tortured legacy together as Americans..
Oh Crap gets upset because I indict white jewish folks for thier racism in part because I refuse to chase down the usual suspects ( rednecks and WASPS )..I find a lot of liberal white jewish folks who push back like her..I have observed this behavior often in white liberal circles especially when I note the racists and bigots are not the Palin suspects...
I hope you will continue to offer up your views as I will flow with mine..Knowledge can be expressed in all kinds of exchanges..
Oh Crap gets upset because I indict white jewish folks for thier racism in part because I refuse to chase down the usual suspects ( rednecks and WASPS )
ReplyDeleteLol I don't know where you got any of that from, save your own fertile imagination. You sound like whites on their heads to be called "racists" by Blacks, so am I supposed to call you an antisemite, now? Will that make you feel vindicated in your silly agenda?
White bigots are white bigots regardless if they are old money wasps, "white jews", or redneck hicks. White Jewish bigots are no more or less virulent than old money wasps are no more or less virulent than dumb redneck hicks.
In my book, all forms of white supremacy need to be eradicated, not just one brand. So, sorry if it bugs you that I won't be changing my viewpoint to yours.
Speaking of agendas, I notice today your main man Glenn has up a screed praising the merits of socaelld "Arab nationalism". But no, we're supposed to think the Jewish version nationalism (and only the Jewish version) is the scourge of planet earth. Right? #rollseyes
@CNu: mimetic camouflage
ReplyDeletePonerology? Really? :/
mimetic camouflage?
Protective coloration that is achieved by a resemblance to some other existing object, which is recognized by the predator but not associated in its mind with feeding.
The Obama campaign was named Advertising Age’s marketer of the year for 2008 and edged out runners-up Apple and Take it from the professionals. Brand Obama is a marketer’s dream. President Obama does one thing and Brand Obama gets you to believe another.
I ain't see him unmake ANYTHING his predecessors made, and I haven't heard him tell any truths that his predecessors didn't tell.
As far as I'm concerned, Obamamandius is everything some people want to see..., but a categorical disappointment to me.
President Obama is a prisoner of the unitary executive, his hands are tied in many ways. That's my excuse for him, anyway. After sixty years of emergency powers, and the vast growth of the security establishment, the executive branch has a life of its own, beyond the reach of electoral politics. It's a problem that no one seems to care much about.
ReplyDelete(And Greg: who are you calling a Jew? Only kidding, but I'm Irish-American actually. Thanks for the kind words, and thanks for visiting my site.)
@CNu: Ponerology to me is a form of crankage. Good and evil are moral/theological concepts. There is nothing scientific about them. I remember when that site first came out. They should read more Nietzsche haha.
ReplyDeleteRe: Obama, I just hope you don't go as far as the white birthers, and start labeling him the Antichrist.
@fred c, Thrasher's somewhat pointless though revealing comment was out of the blue. Perhaps it was meant for a different post? Dunno.
@fred c;
ReplyDeleteAfter sixty years of emergency powers, and the vast growth of the security establishment, the executive branch has a life of its own, beyond the reach of electoral politics.
The Unspeakable - Bingo!
However, to term it "beyond the reach of electoral politics" is to fully concede my point about Obama providing mimetic cover for the.very.worst.elements in the American body politic. Both Congress and the Executive have been profoundly distorted since WW-II and the 180 degree rotational transformation of the U.S. into a warsocialist state via the combined efforts of the pentagon, madison ave. and large corporate interests.
Obama made some promises wrt changing the status quo, and not only has not engaged the electorate around those promises, not only has he not illuminated the wretched condition of the state wrt its obeisance to The Unspeakable - he appears to have fully and completely gone along with the status quo, and, to have provided it with the veneer of "Blackness".
I would argue that the final years of MLK's career were far and away the most important, you know, the ones in which he increasingly stridently engaged the topic of U.S. ponerological violence purveyorship etc. That, coupled with the Soldiers' Revolution at the end of the Vietnam war, are among the most critical aspects of the contemporary brand, and those for which we've caught the most severe collective punishment since Jim Crow.
Like my man ProfGeo called out from Grace Lee on MLK day; A lot of our discussion centered around how in the last three years of his life, King called for a revolution in values against the triple threats of racism, materialism, and militarism. Why do most King celebrations back away from or ignore this message? Is it because he was going where most Americans don't want to go — so that there was almost a sigh of relief when he was assassinated?
King's challenge was not only directed to white people. As Vincent put it ten years ago: "All we need to do is look around us and see how much over the past 15-20 years we black folks have decided (consciously or not) to fight racism by seeking equal opportunity or a fair share in the nation's militarism and materialism. In other words, we have chosen to fight against one of the triple threats by joining the other two."...
The Hon.Bro.Preznit and Shelly-O have instantiated a Black embodiment of the.very.worst.aspects of Barbarian Culture and in the process, have at least symbolically squandered any moral distinction which could be applied to the role of Black folk in the American political process.
Ponerology to me is a form of crankage. Good and evil are moral/theological concepts. There is nothing scientific about them.
ReplyDeleteyeah, well..., I suspect you've never had any direct exposure to wet work and that you'd just as soon not know or even think about the pervasive role of murder in maintaining your comfortably middle-class way of life. Of course, I could be mistaken, and perhaps state-sanctioned murder committed on both industrial and personal scales are mere ammoral and scientific tools in the "art" of statecraft - as you imagine it.
I remember when that site first came out.
I only used that video to add some color to that otherwise slightly dry article. Laura Knight and her dubious physicist husband are absolute tools. I had to destroy him on Usenet years ago when they were attempting to make cultic inroads into some of the cognitive activist lists.
Re: Obama, I just hope you don't go as far as the white birthers, and start labeling him the Antichrist.
Nah. I get all the derisive mileage I need out of calling him Obamamandius.
ReplyDeleteI left a comment for you at your site..With regard to Oh Crap she is a classic white jewish female upset that I don't like Sterns who I think is an angry white jewish bigot who has contempt for Black folks..She is also upset that because I posted that I am tired of white jewish racism and thier contempt for Black folks which has led to her petty attacks on Glenn Ford and her defensive attitude whenever I post about white jewish racism...I get the same defensive posture from many of my jewish associates who want me to chase down just the Palin's of the world..
With regard to Obama I like CNu's take on him as well..
@Thrasher: With regard to Oh Crap she is a classic white jewish female upset that I don't like Sterns who I think is an angry white jewish bigot who has contempt for Black folks
ReplyDeleteAh-hahahahaha oh dearie, there are so many BASIC things you do not know about me.
Instead of presuming, why not just ask if I'm a white Jewish female? Or one better: just be a man and address me directly instead of using poor fred c here as your conduit of avoidance.
Here's a clue that will help you in the future: trying to litmus test me by using The Jews™ will NEVER work, since I will always, or at least usually, fail that test.
With that formality out of the way, I do find it hilarious, this presumption I'm a white Jewish female...lolol you haven't read anything I've written, if you truly believe that. Or, you're just completely dense. Both conditions may be true, dunno.
@CNu: I suspect you've never had any direct exposure to wet work and that you'd just as soon not know or even think about the pervasive role of murder in maintaining your comfortably middle-class way of life.
ReplyDeleteOr, you could stop being coy, and just ask.
But you'd have to do that using your computer which, like everyone else's computers, is made from straight-up slave labor in Asia, from, uh, "acquiring" blood resources from the African continent. That enables you to spend $500 for a laptop instead of $5K. You'd have to do so sitting around in clothes and shoes made by slave labor all over the planet, and probably while eating a snack picked, packed and processed by some of the most exploited people in the world.
When we're all through with our computers and ready to upgrade to the next/bigger/faster/fancier, all our old, toxic, cancer-causing equipment will be dumped in the same countries our companies pay to make that computer you will eventually complain about having to shell out so much of your hard-earned cash for.
So yes, do prepare me your lecture on my comfortable middle class existence while typing on your slave-made computer. If your screed merits, I might just answer you, using mine.
Of course, I could be mistaken,
Or, you could simply ask.
OK Oh Crap I'll bite...,
ReplyDeleteAre you now, or have you ever personally been a killer-ape in order to obtain and sustain your non-negotiable way of life?
But you'd have to do that using your computer which, like everyone else's computers, is made from straight-up slave labor in Asia,
Stop playing sis.
I've been all over the world in service to the man for the past 26 years. I've seen it all first hand and lived in it for months at a time.
Or, you could simply ask.
Don't need to. I'll grant you've demonstrated the capacity for useful novelty, but you're clearly too young and too sheltered to hold up your end of a pissing contest with a genuinely evil old lizard like me. (^;
@Oh Crap,
ReplyDeleteWeak attempt to dodge my comments about your anger and petty attacks on Glenn Ford..." Be a man" lol,lol,lol Please spare that tease a white woman advising me to be a man,lol,lol I have a suggestion for ya...Tell that to your,lol,lol
With regard to you besides being an intellectual coward that posts under an alias, angry white jewish woman like you do not threaten me never have never will...I will continue to call out bigots and racists including white jewish ones like Sterns..You don't care so what report me to homeland security, report me to ADL/,lol,lol
I don't need "poor Fred C" for anything please refrain from invoking him to butress your worthless comments..
In summary I will continue to attack Sterns as a white jewish bigot because he is as I noted earlier in an exchanged with you I define what/how I live as a Black man...Clearly since you are not a Black person your comments on this site will always been subject to my reservations..
Oh yeah...
Hi folks,
ReplyDeleteA free for all can be nice just like Rollerball is fun. But let's play friendly as we are all fam'.
Get me?
Oh, Professor, we're just having fun! The size, variety and horror of the problems we're facing, polite discussion alone might not do it.
ReplyDeleteBesides, I got invoked! And I think I got a "Bingo!" from CNu! That one's going in the scrapbook.
Clearly since you are not a Black person your comments on this site will always been subject to my reservations..
ReplyDeleteWell no, I just don't need the validation of washed up Black nationalists with an authenticity complex. I don't play one on the internet, either.
What's next, you're gonna do a weave check?
@CNu, Haha oh dearie, let's dispense with the pointless rank-pulling, k? After as many blocks as you say you've been around, old lizards like yourself should know better by now than to try and play "whose is bigger" with a girl. :-D
ReplyDeleteyou nasty. (^;
ReplyDeletebesides which, that's NOT the gist of a pissing contest - which can indeed be co-educational wet work.
See how you've taken us into an accelerating downward spiral?
Back to the high-road with you sis.
1. Do you think that the Hon. Bro. Preznit was in any way prepared for the ugly sausage-making side of what he signed up for?
What life or professional experiences could have given him operational or managerial experience in those domains?
2. Do you think the Hon. Bro. Preznit is the actual architect of his "agenda", or, is he something much more akin to the Denzel, i.e., the leading man in a very elaborate, costly, large-scale production?
3. Do you think the Hon. Bro. Preznit is even remotely as well prepared for thug-life executive as say...., Vladimir Putin?
ReplyDeleteHow about just staying on the sidelines we don't censor you or tell you how to post etc...
Just looking at the chronology of the posts your umpire role is only after the Black posters reacted accordingly..'
Now I have much respect for you but I also respect me and I am not going to duck, dodge, whirl, spin for nobody never have never will..
I will out of respect for you not post on this issue again and I will take a short hiatus from the site but I am not changing nothing about me or my posting ..I don't roll like that for nobody CD..Just sayin
@CNu: See how you've taken us into an accelerating downward spiral?
ReplyDeleteAw lol now see? First you give me nice compliments, then you scandalize my name. Don't blame me for your own reactions to a thread anyone on the internet can participate in, or kid yourself you're on any kind of high road.
As to your 3 questions, why not instead just lay out for us the Truly Authentic™ ideal, pointing out exactly where Obama falls short and qualifies as pure evil?
Oh and we'll also need a real-world, working definition of pure evil. Remember, this is politics, not seminary.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteAmerican perpetration hasn't here to date been identified with Black folk. Sadly, the Hon. Bro. Preznit irrevocably alters that historical moral dynamic and lends a black face to the evil that our ponerological deep state is wont to do.
ReplyDeleteI embrace Jesus as my lord and savior....,
SMH - Lawd, Lawd, Lawd...,
@Thrasher. Remember I am Chauncey and no Cobb. I don't arbitrarily ban people or try to "censor" anyone. All I asked is for folks to remember that we all likely have more in common than is different and to proceed from a point of mutual respect. I think that is the role of a site admin, blog host, etc., meaning to try to moderate the tone and tenor of a conversation. Say what you want, but please be polite and respectful of others.
ReplyDeleteAnd on censoring, how can the visitors to a cite censor the host of said site? I am curious.
Your voice is always appreciated and welcome btw. But I do have a real question: why the fixation on Jewish folks? Jews are white, I have never gotten the special animus reserved for them by some in the afrotocracy. Is it a sense of betrayal? Disappointment?
ReplyDeleteLet me address your comments..
The only special animus I have is for racism in every form, shape, manner etc...Clearly you and I have a different opinion of Sterns..It has nothing to do with betrayal or disappointment or any fixation I have on jewish folks if they are racists I will react accordingly..
I don't recall ever posting that you were Cobb..I give people the same respect they give me..What troubles me is that I have disagreed with many of your opinions and perspectives from the way you handled your student in your presentation of MLK to other opinions ..Why now are you posting this code of conduct post? And why now are you being selective with my comments as I posted previously I don't recall you inserting your "host " role with regard to "Oh Crap" posts??
I am sure I will continue to have my own opinion and I am sure you will as well plus I am sure my views about Steran will not stop you from posting about him or listening to his show..So perhaps you should man up and just deal with the reality that like you I am a real free Black man..
As to your question about a vistor( Me) censoring the host(You)..I don't recall ME doing that. I simply informed you that no one censors ME...I thought I was quite honest and straightforward about that..I don't instruct or advise how you compose your commentaries please don't instruct me as how to compose my comments, posts etc..
I define that as mutual respect..
I look forward to posting on the site but as I noted in my earlier comments I alone reserve the right to define me etc... Your site is one of the best Black sites I have ever encountered and I value it.. I know you don't ban posters but if you don't want me to post here just let me know..
@Thrasher, please relax. Nobody has "censored" you by disagreeing with a couple things you said. No one has asked you to leave, though you keep threatening to do so.
ReplyDeleteYou're still ranting about stupid Howard Stern, you have some weird, albeit unoriginal and common, axe to grind about "Jews", and now have convinced yourself I must be a racist white woman Jew, an epithet chain which I guess is supposed to be punishment for saying something contrary to your inane posts on those topics. Yet, no one is stopping you from spouting such drivel.
Lol clutch the pearls, some person on the internet disagreed with you about a couple things how dare she. I must admit, I do think your histrionics about it are kind of funny.
OH Crap,
ReplyDeleteWhat is amusing is how you still cling to my comments about Sterns being a white jewish racist..
What is amusing is because I have dismissed a number of your shallow comments and I dismissed your weak defense of Sterns a white jewish racist( I will always revisit,lol,lol ) you brought your white woman pathological drama and started to attack Glenn Ford ( I am still trying to figure out that obession of yours)..
But I understand since you are a angry white woman an intellectual coward that posts under an alias your posts lack any edge or progressive depth and the very idea that I crushed your predictible white girl persona has you still obessing over me..
BTW Please refrain from speaking for or on behalf of CD..I don't recall him designating you with that assignment he can and does speak for himself..Of course given your white female privledge I sure you automatically assumed you could.. Real white of ya...
Oh yeah I forgot...
Shalom....tee hee
@Thrasher as a point of clarification my suggestion that folks should always be civil was a general comment and not directed at you...
ReplyDeleteAs a point of reference it was a post from you directly after my comments about " Oh Crap" and days after her initial post wherein she defended Sterns and then went on some tangent about Glenn Ford and You were MIA at that junction with your general 'code of conduct' post..
Here is the deal I am not interested in bantering any more regarding this saga...You framed your points as a host and the type of decorum you want on the site and now you have augmented them with this clarification ( Sorry my law school training is getting in the way)..
I have provided you with my talking points and the nature of my personhood with regard to You and this site and this subject matter. I have exhausted all of them at this point.
@Thrasher, you have been whining for over a week because I didn't agree with some crap you wrote about stupid Howard Stern (learn to spell the name right, pls) and because of a couple comments made under a WARN post about Glen Ford.
ReplyDeleteSpare us the hollow braggadocio regarding all your law school experience. You can barely express yourself in plain English, and can't even spell. Everything you believe you know about little old me is rooted in your own paranoid fantasies about Jews, and hinges on a few recent posts which you apparently believe give you some kind of epiphany. There are meds for that.
But yes, do keep wallowing in your unhinged folly. It gets more hilarious by the hour. You're even more entertaining than television.
OH Crap,
ReplyDeleteYeah and you can keep dodging the fact your an intellectual coward that posts under an alias..
BTW I am a Black Jew so I find your angst over my concerns about white jewish racism yet again revealing..
I could use you as my human spell checker cuase my genius is never concerned about such trival things of course you still understand me quite,lol,lol
Oh Yeah I forgot..,lol,lol
Your warning alerts about Glenn Ford make you the fucking white girl homeland security,lol,lol