Since You Asked

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Jay-Z on Howard Stern: Hova Vibes With the King of All Media

My favorite emcee of many years. My favorite interviewer. Together. Priceless. How did we get so old?

Some good things here for folks who follow Jay. Nothing ground shaking, but still, these two together are more than worth listening to for 60 minutes. Ultimately, game recognizes game.

Here is a link to the full interview. I won't clutter it with my chatter.


  1. although i can never flow with Jay on how he feels about the n-word (C'mon son me and you are the same age and civil rights ain't that long ago.) I love his interviews because he's open and honest. I dig that!

  2. Mr DeVega:

    Help me out here.
    Go to and track down the "Fresh Air" interview with Shawn Carter as a basis for my challenges to your own character.

    1) Shawn Carter admitted to being a drug dealer. Typically he and the writer of "New Jack City" blames Ronald Reagan for the crack epidemic in NYC (per his cuts to Jimmy Carter's government jobs programs). This time Terry Gross got him to admit the pain and destruction that crack has caused the Black community.

    2) He admitted that the narrative in the song "99 Problems" was based on a real situation that he faced. He was doing a drug run from the south "shipping keys" into NYC when the cops stopped him and a car load of other young Black males. They put on enough of a front as they refused the inspection of their car that he let them go. They DID HAVE DRUGS IN THEIR CAR. A few miles up they saw the police K-9 unit searching another car. IF this K-9 was not preoccupied Shawn Carter would be in JAIL RIGHT NOW.

    Ironically the song was about RACIAL PROFILING done on the Interstates in the region. Mr DeVega people like YOU fail to see that despite all of the RACIAL INDICTMENTS made against "racial profiling" when it comes time to hold a person who's BEHAVIOR JUSTIFIED such wariness you render PRAISE upon him instead of condemnation. The people who you condemn are those (like me) who disagree with you ideologically.

    3) Right after listening to the Shawn Carter interview I had an 8 hour drive for vacation with the family. I committed to using my Rhapsody subscription to listen to the entire catalog of Jay-Z music. There were many songs that I have never heard before. (I don't listen to "Hip Hop Voice Of The Street Pirate" music but can't avoid the more popular tunes played publicly.)

    Mr DeVega - can you tell me again how you and others see fit to raise this man up instead of put him in check as you would Clarence Thomas or Michael Steele? (Your ideological enemies)
