Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Chauncey DeVega says: Dr. Martin Luther King Didn't Die for You to Let Your Pants Sag! or How Will Barack Obama Fix this Problem?

This video is priceless. We are going to do an expose on the politics of pants saggin' and our Bureau of Ign't Affairs, but this video is so great that it has to be posted and shared all around these Internets.

Some choice quotes:

@ 5:22--God, underwear, and the family:

I think it is disrespectful first of all to God and then their parents…Pants weren’t designed like that. They need to start honoring the Father in heaven, and then their parents, and then they will honor themselves…I don’t think that is a way of honoring…

@5:43--You have to give points for linking Brother Martin with the crisis of pants sagging among the ign't youth:

Hi, I am brother Malcolm and my opinion based on the law in reference to the young men that are wearing saggy pants and baggin pants I think it really is a negative attitude that is sent to the children. I have young men coming up, and I am a father, and I think all young men ought to have the potential to be as much as they can, and a gentlemen should not be walking around the neighborhood with his behind out, showing his underwear. What difference does it make what color underwear you have on? You know, we ought to be like Martin Luther King, we ought to be judged by the content of our character not the color of our skin nor the color of our behinds…

@ 7:25--Poetry in motion:

A real man do not want no one to see his underwear but a woman...

My respectable negroes and white allies, how do you manage to negotiate the plague of saggin' pants in your neighborhood?


All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

u know u preaching to the choir here folk - well said

Mark Prime (tpm/Confession Zero) said...

My respectable negroes and white allies, how do you manage to negotiate the plague of saggin' pants in your neighborhood?

Live and let live...

You know, we ought to be like Martin Luther King, we ought to be judged by the content of our character not the color of our skin nor the color of our behinds…

The above quote is my favorite out of all of them in the video. Favorite for its misreading of Martin Luther King's words. If a man is indeed to be judged by the content of his character, sagging pants has nothing to do with it... Right?

And the gentleman near the beginning of the video standing on the side of the church(?) really said it best- it should NOT be against the law. He then said something that I hadn't thought of before- The word "saggin" backwards.

In a way this video shows me that, in order to follow Kings dream, all of us, black and white, etc, must be accepting of our differences, for in the end... they'll matter not. What matters is that we realize that we are all equal and should be treated accordingly. Saggy pants, starched collars, army boots, pink shirts, white shirts, black shirts, belief in God, athiest, agnostic, male, female, homosexual, heterosexual, bi, tri, poor, rich, college grad, high-school drop out, feminine, masculine, hairy, bald, dressed, naked, flamboyant, introverted, Latino, African, German, Italian, Mulatto, athlete, computer geek...

Unknown said...

i am not as bothered by sagging pants with shorts underneath as much as i am with too small, low rise jeans/trousers and all that bum cleavage on women... there is nothing as ugly as squished up, dimpled, stretch marked, midriff , hip and butt flesh staring at you...

but at the end of the day... yes, live and let live..
i wear what i want.. who am i to judge..

gordon gartrelle said...

Old folks of every generation shake their wrinkled fists at the most visible aspects of youth culture: fashion, music, and language.

Who cares about saggin'? That's the least of folks' problems.

Lady Zora, Chauncey DeVega, and Gordon Gartrelle said...

So sad, especially you Gordon with your tolerance for moral degeneracy.

I thought you were a better man than that...I think we are going to have to consult the 'Cos on this one.

chauncey devega