****Because of the hole in the space time continuum created by the Large Hadron Collider, the Niggaro Universe has overwritten the universe of We Are Respectable Negroes. Scientists are diligently working to correct this problem, and it should be rectified in the next few days. For now, because of the influence of this alternate reality things are changed. Our Barack Obama is now "Barack O'Bama," a white Republican, Sarah Palin is a black Democrat, Joe Biden is Joe Biden but just a Republican, and John McCain is a maverick, Democratic populist. Zora, Gordon, and Chauncey have been replaced by their doppelgangers from the Niggaro Universe. They are the same, yet different. If you too have been changed by the disruption of the space time continuum do not feel obligated to resist. Instead, indulge your new self until this Crisis on Negro Earths is remedied****

While there is little known about Sarah Palin’s career before she formally entered politics, we do know that she spent significant time as a “community organizer” for an extremist, Christian fundamentalist sect. A former Catholic with a history of marijuana use and a record of dating strippers, Palin was converted to the evangelical perspective by a boyfriend when she was a teenager. Her academic records indicate that she was kicked out of four community colleges across several states for poor academic performance and for behavioral issues related to religious intolerance. She finally managed to get a degree in Communications from the University of Idaho through their fast-track, affirmative action program.
Those who are close to Palin share that she married her husband, Todd Palin, when she found herself pregnant with their first child. While Palin has consistently described herself as “a strong, black woman,” it seems that she had no problem turning to the state for welfare handouts while her husband demonstrated his own lack of ambition by spending his days fishing and playing basketball. Palin’s affirmative action education proved useless in helping her find meaningful employment.
Sarah Palin came to the attention of Democratic operatives in her home state of Alaska when her welfare benefits were eventually cut off. Outraged, she demanded that the state support her pro-choice perspective to have more babies than she and her husband were able to support. In asserting her sense of entitlement, she proved herself able to rally the support of others who shared her radical views. Democrats saw an opportunity in Wasilla’s growing evangelical community and tapped Palin to run in the town’s mayoral election. Even Democrats, however, were surprised when she won.
As mayor, Palin quickly found that the most lucrative welfare benefits to be had were in the form of government earmarks designed to circumvent the merit-based allocation process and curtail the ability of the Executive Branch to properly manage funds. Palin took the title of “Welfare Queen” to an all new level when she secured record level earmarks for her cronies. The Democratic leadership found her to be more useful than they had ever imagined and began making long-term plans for her. Leaders within her extremist, Christian sect also found Palin to be useful. Believing that he had a direct line of communication to God, Palin adopted Pastor Kalnins as both her religious counselor and her political adviser. Pastor Kalnins and other sect leaders were able to mobilize a voting block for Palin by preaching that their members would be condemned to” a lake of burning fire” if they did not cast their vote for her. (It is reported that one of Palin’s early election slogans was Cast Your Vote for Palin or Be Cast Into Hell!)
Sarah Palin made history on Dec. 4, 2006, when she took office as the first African-American woman to hold the position of state governor. Since taking office, her top priorities have been what she has termed “resource development.” It turns out that this is just a fancy phrase for milking the federal government and directing resources to her pet projects. Others like her include Marion Berry and Kwame Kilpatrick. While Berry and Kilpatrick were eventually exposed for the ghetto figure-heads that they were, Palin has been able to effectively fuse her minority status together with her gender to create a protective shroud against criticism. Comments pointing out the truth are rallied back as sexist and racist. This tactic is so successful that the Democratic presidential nominee is now using her as his personal mouth piece. In spite of her new status as a media darling, Sarah Palin is simply a fast talker who can’t be trusted.
Sarah Palin touts herself as a leader with “executive” experience. Even if we set aside the fact that she defers to a store-front preacher with no political background and that her rise in politics was the result of an affirmative action fast track, there is still the matter of her family. Throughout her personal pursuit of political gain, she has given birth to no less than five children. It seems that family planning and personal responsibility are basics that Palin has chosen to ignore.
Palin’s oldest son and daughter carry the sins of their mother – Hezekiah is addicted to crack and La’Shawnda is unmarried and pregnant. Not surprisingly, Palin has expressed not an ounce of shame about her children’s difficulties. Instead, she is parading her daughter’s “baby daddy” on the national stage with claims that marriage is imminent. (Insiders report that the “baby daddy” was actually threatened with physical violence by elders within Palin’s religious sect if he refused to participate in the current sham.) Unwilling to help her son through his addiction, Palin has made Hezekiah the government’s problem by forcing him to join the military.

Although we know painfully little about the real Sarah Palin, what we do know is enough to make us all tremble at the thought of her representing the American people. Sarah Palin is an extremist figure who does not reflect our values as a nation.
Sarah Palin? Welfare Queen, yes. American Vice-President, absolutely not!
she is a 40 something grandma
fantastic. truelly brilliant.
Did you see her interview? She's clueless. That's Affirmative Action for you. And that's Democrats--putting political correctness and liberal guilt before country.
whoever made her black that is SO funny. props to you
yeah shes kinda ditzy but you have to agree that shes a "VPILF"
this youtube video shows her in a mini haha i bet she regrets thisss..
so my comment i guess didn't post...i was just showing you guys the link where she looks like a hottie =)
Absolutely brilliant. Hope you don't hate me for forwarding to several fox news fans. With full attribution of course. maybe wearerespectablenegroes.com will get on their internet playlist from now on.
It never worked with theocracywatch.com, but I remain hopeful that reality will break through the republican thought shield eventually
Why wouldn't fox news fans appreciate our summary of Gov. Palin?
Palin is the perfect example of what we are fighting against in the Middle East. She is an Affirmative Action candidate, period! The Democrats are using her to blind their base to the real issues.
So, by all means, forward it on!
I certainly agree that if Palin were a WOC she would be treated very differently than she is today. That said referring to her as VILP is demeaning to women. Sexism should not be used to attack her. Attack her on her positions.
Please don't cripple artistic expression with lame political correctness. This stuff rocks!
I am in France and this is alternative fiction that pushes reality in the faces of those who most need a reality pie shoved in their face!
I am forwarding this link to my French blogging friends and linking it to my own blog!
Political Correctness? My goodness, Sarah Palin is exactly what is wrong with America. We try and try and try to help the black community and see where this gets us? Welfare, student loans, social security, the gi bill, the interstate highway program, all programs to help Blacks. What has resulted dependency. That is why I put America first. You folks outside of the Niggaro universe are truly sad souls.
Uncle Chauncey El Limbo O'Reilly DeVega
You all are a bunch of hate mongers. Yes, I see where all our tax dollars helped you. Handouts, biting the hand that fed you.
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