Monday, September 22, 2008

Euphemisms for Naming White Folk: 4 Names Away from 60!

Much love to Vee at the site Scritch and Scratch for feeling inspired enough to create this wonderful, and quite appropriate, cartoon in honor our our contest. Their work is on point: sharp, incisive, and smart.

Now, for the update, we are 4 entries away from the 60 names needed to 1) beat the over/under and 2) help exorcise White America of the hold the unspoken word has on it.

What entry is the most creative so far?

1. Values voter
2. Heartland
3. Mainstream voter
4. Hard-working Americans
5. Lunch pail voters
6. Soccer moms
7. Walmart Moms
8. Nascar Dads
9. Blue collar
10. Regular Americans
11. Real Americans
12. The Base
13. Culture War voters
15. Palin's Army
16. Joe Six Pack
17. Joe Lunch Pail
18. Hockey Mom/Hockey moms
19. American Workers
20. Work Force
21. Regular Folks
22. Ma and Pa Kettle
23. My (or your) neighbors
24. Average American Voter
25. Rural Voters
26. Non-elitists
27. My accountant
28. Small Town Voters
29. The Woman Vote
30. Middle America
31. Americans
32. American People
33. Good hard-working people
34. Working Class voter
35. The Nascar Vote
36. Midwestern Voters
37. Suburban Voters
38. White Collar Voters
39. Main Street
40. Wall Street
41. New Englanders
42. Southerners
43. All-American Girls/Boys/All-American
44. The latte voters
45. Dogwalking voters
46. The Recycling bloc
47. Folks in the heartland
48. Decent, hard-working people
49. Christians
50. God-fearing Americans
51. The people who want to have a beer with the sort of candidate who might like to have a beer with them
52. Reagan Democrats
53. One of us
54. Undecideds
55. Scrappy
56. Bubba Voters


Cyril Crozier said...

gun enthuisiasts (did I miss this somewhere)

People who are just worried about paying the bills on time (another over used cliche)

Since you listed latte drinkers, and recyclers, you might as well list the implied "elitists" as well "non-elitists, even if its referring to a complete different segment of the electorate.

Cyril Crozier said...

gun enthuisiasts (did I miss this somewhere)

People who are just worried about paying the bills on time (another over used cliche)

Since you listed latte drinkers, and recyclers, you might as well list the implied "elitists" as well "non-elitists, even if its referring to a complete different segment of the electorate.

Joey said...

Wouldn't "limousine liberals" capture white people? I know that a lot of what's up here are terms for Republicans, but still...

Kellybelle said...

How about John McCain's address: "My friends..."

or how about:

"The Fundamentals" from when McCain said the fundamentals of the economy are strong and then back pedalled and said he meant the American workers.


"the rural voter"

Kellybelle said...

voters in fly-over states
Scranton voters
kitchen table voters
evangelical voters

sorry if I repeated!

sakredkow said...

I'm sorry...if a Black dude DID walk on water and cured cancer, there probably wouldn't be more than two or three million Americans who wouldn't vote for him. You're just way too sensitive.

Lady Zora, Chauncey DeVega, and Gordon Gartrelle said...

You miss the joke Phx.

If that were the case they would simply rewrite history and make him white.

There is always a meaning within the meaning ;)


Anonymous said...

please add "honest workers."

Catherine said...

Red Staters