As long time followers of WARNNN already know, Brother X-Squared is a potent activist, black futurist, scholar, philosopher, and visionary thinker. He is a titan in the history of Black America and American arts and letters.
In this newest interview, Brother X-Squared updates the public as to his activities during the last year, shares his thoughts on Thanksgiving and Black Friday, global politics and economics, and cautions viewers about the racist evils that are transmitted by the new Hunger Games movie and the much-lauded and discussed 12 Years a Slave.
WARNNN: It has been more than a year since we last spoke Brother X-Squared. I used to contact you via email. But, once the revelations about the NSA's spying and monitoring of electronic communications became widely known as facts, you insisted on communicating via passenger pigeon and human courier. At first, I thought you were paranoid. Now, I have finally come to see your wisdom. Either way, I was worried about you and your well-being.
Brother X-Squared: Only children and the willfully ignorant who were drunk on the hope and change of Ozymandias Barack Obama, the black face of white empire, would be surprised by the white man's trickery and spying. He has been spying on you fool negroes and other lost brown children wandering in this hot mess of a post colonial world for decades and centuries. Do not worry for me Chauncey. Do you worry about the sun rising? Gravity reversing itself? The four winds ceasing to blow like some type of planetary doldrums?
WARNNN: To be honest. No not really, I have other concerns and...
Brother X-Squared: Did I give you permission to speak yet? I have been gone more than a year. In my absence I can see how your overconfidence has grown and your lack of wisdom has only become amplified, directly proportionate to your distance from the teachings of the North American Chapter of the Renewed Black Panther Party! I am a fountain of melanin infused wisdom and power. As I told you before, I am a self-sustaining reaction of dark matter. I am the Alpha and the Omega. Never forget that fact. Now you can proceed.
WARNNN: You never cease to amaze me. What have you been doing over the last year if you do not mind sharing?
Brother X-Squared: Like you, I am very interested in the history of war. I would like to commend you on bringing forth such knowledge in your online podcast series about how we proud Nubians were warriors fighting against the white man's wickedness during his continued slavery of the black man and woman in America that the weak and the polite call "Jim and Jane Crow".
It should be called the second and third act of the Black Man's Genocide in America--spelled AmericaKKKa--but the cowards in the media and the universities and the flaccid, like an aged man's shrunken organ of reproduction, dare not speak such truths!
This country is an empire in decline, a dying corpse and a zombie. As I have been for years, I am preparing all strong black men and their celestial queens who are in alignment with the wisdom I have offered for the future. I have been buying bitcoins and hording them. Just as the ancient great Nubian empires of Songhai, Kush, and Benin were masters of gold and a true economy of genius and plenty, I have read the wicked white man Adam Smith's work, and those of other devils like Friedman and Keynes.
This new economy of service work where the people do not even earn enough to live on, sucked dry by those parasites at Walmart and other wicked companies, is about to explode! The corporation was created by those evil British to mine human black gold in the form of the Maafa--what the white man and his allies call the Middle Passage--but what enlightened black people know as Hell on Earth! The corporation is a sociopath. Killing. Raping. Murdering! Whatever its powers, the corporation cannot stop Brother X-Squared!
I have also been buying Groupon coupons and repackaging them for sale. The profits are great. The black man must be entrepreneurial. How better than to take the pathetic desperate gambits of failing white businesses and use them to empower the North American Chapter of the Renewed Black Panther Party! The natural all mighty black man will rise from the ashes of the fallen world of the melanin deprived white man and his supplicants who have sold themselves out for cheap trinkets made in India and China! The irony is wondrous!
Those stolen from by the white man now have his economy in a vice. Glorious! The Most High--all respect due to the life force and intergalactic black man revealed through dark matter--is wise beyond all ways.
As I hinted at when we talked last time, I have also been ghost writing and producing reality TV shows. So much money to be made by featuring white trash like those mouth breathers on the Honey Boo Boo abomination or black ignoramuses on those pathetic whorish Housewives of Atlanta and hip hop minstrel shows. Shows like that Hardcore Pawn are the pornography of a broken black city where white men go to profit off of the desperate and then sell it back to the victims who watch it. I am an expert on white trash and lost negroes. Using my African centered New Black Man principles of economic growth and philosophy I have decided that I too can be a master of the white man's economic universe!
WARNNN: I was not aware of your expertise in political economy.
Brother X-Squared: A sea slug, bit of plankton, or a sea cucumber knows only its little dark world under the waves. Even that creature is more aware of the unknown than the typical lost negro, and the even more lost white man, both of them sick on Twitter, Facebook, and playing with their cell phones like they were raising a child. You are a bit smarter than they are...but not much so. There is much you do not know about me. As is my design.
I have a question for you. What did you do on what is called by the American media, that day, "Black Friday?" And how did you celebrate Thanksgiving?
WARNNN: Glad that you asked. I made a meal, one that didn't come out too well on Thanksgiving. On Black Friday, I got some great bargains. I got some boots and shoes, and was really happy I got Pacific Rim, Star Trek, and Django: Unchained at Best Buy. I then...
Brother X-Squared: Shut up! If you followed my approved recipes in my North American Chapter of the Renewed Black Panther Party Living Well and Black and Strong Cookbook your food would have been amazing! All you need are fresh fruits and vegetables, plantains, cassava, palm oil, beans, lentils, cous cous, fresh fish, and honey wine. This is the basis for a complete lifestyle. Instead you probably tried to cook some European peasant food. Sad. A black king slumming like a poor white man.
What do you, the black man in America have to be thankful for? A child of slaves, struggling in a failed economy, locked up in jail, sick from poisoned air. Yet, you "celebrate?" Pathetic. No wonder that so few black and brown people are intellectually and spiritually aware.
You give all your money to the white man, you then go and complain when he follows you around his stores and harasses you. Some of you neo slaves even have the nerve to spend hundreds of dollars on belts and thousands on handbags which you cannot afford. Desperately trying to spite the white man's racism by giving him your money! How sad. Your ancestors are embarrassed for all you sad black people crying rivers about that foolishness your media types have called "shopping while black". The real question is one about "living while black in a racist country". Such existential dilemmas are far beyond those whose minds which are still asleep, unawakened by Brother X-Squared.
As you are fond of saying, "let's connect the dots" and "go deeper down the rabbit hole".
WARNNN: Using a person's own catch phrases against them is poor sport. But why not?
Brother X-Squared: Of course you will allow me. You are curious. It will be your undoing one day.
You also did not honor our First Nations Brothers and Sisters by cooking and eating and having a good old time on one of the sickest and disgusting days on the American calendar. Only sociopaths celebrate the genocide of millions of people that the white man and his media and corporations have elevated to a high type of civic holiday in a temple built on racism and evil. If I were a weaker man, Thanksgiving would make me both vomit and empty my bowels at the same time.
Columbus and that sick Thanksgiving are part of a story of global white supremacy! Yet you and other lost negroes go out and eat, drink, spend money, watch million dollar slaves running around on that devil's box called the TV, and then fall asleep, sick and fat with food. Too tired to even bring a new seed into this world by union with your queen. That is how weak you are!
Your life force is so exhausted by piggery and waste and eating slop that you cannot even continue on with your prime directive as a man.
You lost poor blacks in America, the mass of you, have a 72 inch TV and some silly Ipad or "smart phone" that actually makes you stupid, but don't have 10 dollars in the bank to put gas in that leased car you can't afford.
WARNNN: You have no sense of censorship or restraint Brother X-Squared. We missed you. But, be fair, all those starchy foods make people fall asleep. And I for one know that my male powers are...
Brother X-Squared: More yammering. Starch is diabetes. Keep eating the white man's poison. Your mind-state has become weak. I left you with a most tantalizing treat and insight which you left untouched. We used to play 3 dimensional chess. Now, it seems that you are playing children's games like Shoots and Ladders or that hellish swine tainted game Angry Birds. I have much training to give you. When a child performs badly it is the fault of the parent. I take responsibility.
You must deconstruct the very words used by the white man. "Black Friday" is an insult, a slap in the face to the natural black man. Black people were the number one capital good in this country's history! We were the foundation for the white man's empire and wealth! Black Friday drives this country's economy. The white man salivates at the lemmings running to his stores.
The black man gives almost all of his money away to the white man! See the sickness! The lost black man in America fuels the country's economy, has nothing to show for it, is unemployed, and his ancestors' flesh and blood and sinews built the white man's empire. Oh the white man is glorious in his trickery and machinations!
The white man had Black Friday sales at the slave auction and you fool negroes, minds asleep and lost, continue that foulness to this day! Look up the word in his dictionaries and you will see "black" as the very definition of foulness and evil. Classic transference, as the white man, the most evil people on the face of the Earth and its long history, describes himself as noble and pure and good.
WARNNN: I am stunned. I have written about my concerns about the black community's wasteful spending and subsidizing of white communities and our own state of poverty. It is good that we are in agreement and...
Brother X-Squared: What color clothing did you wear today?
Brother X-Squared: Answer me.
WARNNN: Black jeans and boots and an olive drab sweater.
Brother X-Squared: Today is a day of mourning! On Black Friday all true black kings and queens wear white, the color of death and mourning in the civilized countries, to commemorate the white man's evil and manipulation through the capitalist market. Your eyes have not been challenged by my rays of wisdom. Soft your neural pathways and mental dermis have become. Connect the dots as you are so fond of saying!
WARNNN: You are a keen observer of current events and global politics. What do you make of all the hysteria, especially by white conservatives and their media, about what has been called the "knockout game" here in the United States? To my eyes it is silliness and white racist hype. What are your thoughts?
Brother X-Squared: The white man has been playing a knockout game against the black and brown man for centuries. A bunch of black clowns running around, doing just what white people have been doing, is of no interest to me. The young lost negro boys playing such a game are a sign of the crisis in manhood that has befallen the lost black boy and man-child who has not found the iron will and intergalactic power of Nubian dark matter. The white man's media and the new age KKK at Fox News are suckling on the same fat, stinking, sow's nipples as those knockout game thugs. They all deserve each other. Next question.
WARNNN: Okay. Understood. What about the symbolism of the Obamas in the White House for Thanksgiving and giving a turkey a pardon? You and I both love animals. That had to move your heart. You must still be struck by the visual power of a black man and his family presiding over one of the country's civic rituals?
Brother X-Squared: Obama is weak in melanin life force. We have discussed this. He is also a tool of the global elite. All of this is smoke and mirrors. The smoke is hallucinogenic. Most of you lost negroes, other quote unquote minorities, who are really the dominant people on Earth, but are lost and do not know their power, are high on Obama's ether. Obama can pardon a turkey but can't pardon any black people who are locked up in these hellish gulags. Deep isn't it? The life of a black man is not worth as much as a damn turkey to your President Obama.
WARNNN: Since, we are so misguided and confused, what events should we be watching for?
Brother X-Squared: China has declared a new no-fly zone in the face of American power! With all of America's supposed toys of death, the yellow man who is the world's greatest capitalist has now said "no!" to the champion of global white power! The Chinese have also taken that supposedly secret stealth drone from the Iranians and made their own copies! With their other weapons such as their aircraft carrier destroying ballistic missile, also made from stolen American technology, they are rewriting the rules of the world. This is the Bandung Conference revisited! The honored ancestors must be smiling and clapping!
There is also a new international treaty called the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership that will make the lost negro in America even more obsolete. You are not ready for what it describes. Study first, meditate, and then proceed to learn about it. I am an entrepreneur with many patents and copyrights to my name! These wicked laws are a threat to mentally free and awakened black freedom fighters!
WARNNN: You are also an avid student and expert on popular culture. Your opinions about films and movies would rival the best critics at the NY Times or any other mainstream publication. Have you seen 12 Years a Slave or any of the big budget movies such as the new Hunger Games movie?
Brother X-Squared: I have issued an edict that none of the members of the North American Chapter of the Renewed Black Panther Party are to see any movies without my permission. Nor, are they to watch any television. There is an unholy alignment of images and messages in the mass media during the Age of Obama. Strong and mentally righteous black people and our allies in the First Nations, the Puerto Ricans and other brown brothers, as well as saved white people who have freed their minds and disavowed Whiteness, must shield their minds and eyes. Only I have the properly calloused and nictitating mental and spiritual membranes to process what is occurring in the mass media right now.
WARNNN: Please elaborate.
Brother X-Squared: There are shows on TV such as the perfectly named American Horror Story--what is America for the black man if not horrific!--that mocks and makes fun of slavery. They even have the poor morbidly obese black witch on that show who suffers horrible physical pain and can project it onto others. They have slave torture too! And that poor black witch child even has sex with a man beast while pleasuring herself in public! After watching that last scene I have to reduce down a potent mix of jasmine, lavender, yohimbe root, sage, and frankincense into a potent oil to anoint myself. What sick person approved such a TV show!
One of my white allies has arranged for me to see any movie that I would like to at the local movie house. I brought my plantain chips and dried plums with me along with some fresh ginger as an aid for digestion given that I was watching that 12 Years a Slave and then the Hunger Games movie. My instincts told me that both assaults would be spiritually upsetting.
That first movie is a Disney version of slavery presented as something horrific for the masses. It is designed for the weak black man who doesn't know his own history. There was sobbing and crying in the theater while I watched it. I stood up and told those weak lost black fools to shut up. They are so lost that they cannot even watch one one millionth of what happened to their honored ancestors on a movie screen, a bunch of pretend actors!
When I make my Middle Passage movie there will be weak negroes having heart attacks in the theater! Those sad souls will need Obamacare to help them to the hospital.
WARNNN: I hope you have proper riders and insurance coverage for your movie then. What about the Hunger Games? I saw it. I enjoyed the movie. Like its predecessor, the new Hunger Games is a potent commentary on neo-liberalism, austerity, and a culture of cruelty.
Brother X-Squared: I know the law. The European stole from the legal systems of the Afro-Asiatic black man.
The Hunger Games movie is one of the most pronounced and obviously sick examples of white supremacy in a movie since Birth of a Nation! Think about the movie. A bunch of perverted deranged white decadent freaks run a whole country. They then send their all white thugs to brutalize an old black man and to kill him in public. The black man is the spark for the white revolution! Again, we are the kindling and fodder for the white man to remake himself!
Hunger Games has even more evil if you can imagine it! The white man's thugs then whip another white man like he is a slave in Mississippi. The little white girl throws herself on top of him to stop the stings of the lash. His people then use African techniques to heal this damaged white man. Black people are shown being shot dead in this movie, but we are not given any acknowledgement for how our wisdom heals white people!
Then they have a Nubian, so tricky they are, as this actor is the same one on that HBO show Boardwalk Empire who perverts Brother Marcus Garvey's teachings, to help that white main character! Yet, he is electrocuted by some big tree. We are masters of nature! How could this happen!
This supposedly strong and smart black men--who is also race mixing with a white woman--cannot manage to plug a cord into the equivalent of a wall without being knocked out! And of course, we find out he is a servant of the wicked white character named "Katniss". Even that name sounds vile and slippery and dirty.
Every white woman I meet in the street I am going to call "Miss Katniss". I doubt they will get the joke.
The world right now is a real hunger games. People are starving, most of them black and brown in this country, from a real life hunger games. What does the tricknology of the white man's Hollywood give us? A young white girl and her white men chasing after her, who try to save the world! Where is a movie about a strong black man like Brother X-Squared leading the people to freedom? It will never be made!
Only the sick white man could make a movie designed to entertain the masses about their own inevitable destruction!
WARNNN: Brother X-Squared you have provided us with an amazing interview. Please come back again, and much sooner than the time since your last visit.
Brother X-Squared: I am everywhere and nowhere. When the time is right I will send one of carrier pigeons to you with a message of wisdom. Train. Study. Await my return.
That's what I'm talking 'bout. Always good to see y'all exchange.
There are a lot of great points raised in this discussion. Thank you both for sharing.
Some things I find of interest:
"the black face of white empire"
"It should be called the second and third act of the Black Man's Genocide in America"
"This country is an empire in decline, a dying corpse and a zombie"
"I have also been ghost writing and producing reality TV shows. So much money to be made by featuring white trash like those mouth breathers on theHoney Boo Boo abomination or black ignoramuses on those pathetic whorish Housewives of Atlanta and hip hop minstrel shows. Shows like that Hardcore Pawn are the pornography of a broken black city where white men go to profit off of the desperate and then sell it back to the victims who watch it."
This is hilarious.. I can't stand those shows.
"All you need are fresh fruits and vegetables, plantains, cassava, palm oil, beans, lentils, cous cous, fresh fish, and honey wine. This is the basis for a complete lifestyle." This is completely true and great for you.
" Only sociopaths celebrate the genocide of millions of people that the white man and his media and corporations have elevated to a high type of civic holiday in a temple built on racism and evil. " The day was one of constant contemplation for me... I did get together with my families.
"The real question is one about "living while black in a racist country"."
"Obama can pardon a turkey but can't pardon any black people who are locked up in these hellish gulags."
"A bunch of black clowns running around, doing just what white people have been doing, is of no interest to me." "They deserve each other" You said the very same thin CDV.
"they are rewriting the rules of the world."
This will be an interesting contest... I wonder if the global elite will unite.. I think they kind of already have.
"There is also a new international treaty called the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership that will make the lost negro in America even more obsolete" sad truth they would rather restrict empowerment to themselves than work with the poor in America.
"There is an unholy alignment of images and messages in the mass media during the Age of Obama. Strong and mentally righteous black people and our allies in the First Nations, the Puerto Ricans and other brown brothers, as well as saved white people who have freed their minds and disavowed Whiteness, must shield their minds and eyes. Only I have the properly calloused and nictitating mental and spiritual membranes to process what is occurring in the mass media right now." I've always averted pop culture for many reasons. I am learning that people of color cannot just ignore these things as they are so misrepresented all of the time.
"Those sad souls will need Obamacare to help them to the hospital."
"The black man is the spark for the white revolution! Again, we are the kindling and fodder for the white man to remake himself!"
"Only the sick white man could make a movie designed to entertain the masses about their own inevitable destruction!"
A very interesting conversation... you two must be fairly comfortable talking to each other. Brother X Squared seems to have undergone quite a lot in his life, which seems to be a gross understatement.
I loved every bit of this interview. So many facts that so many peoples of color are unaware of.I agree with so much of this interview that I can bareky wait for the next one. Power to the people!
I'm probably going to be shot for asking this but is Brother X-Squared...real?
From Brother X-Squared: Are you so blinded by the ways of the melanin deprived that you doubt the existence of a man such as myself?
From Brother X-Squared: It is good to see you developing the mental muscle necessary to begin to comprehend my wisdom. Just as someone learning geometry must grapple with the Pythagorean theorem all who seek to walk in the dark mattered power light of Brother X-Squared must first learn my tenets!
From Brother X-Squared: Your praise is justified. Share my wisdom near and far so that we may liberate the lost black and brown man in this wilderness known as Amerikkka!
From Brother X-Squared: You are beginning to awaken. However, your mindstate is still very dreary and in a slumber! You do not give power to the people! The people must take it!
Great to get feedback from someone deep in the know. Still listening and learning here. I thank Chauncey Devega for always providing something fresh, different and inciteful.
Are any of your interviews w/Brotha X Squared available in audio or podcast?
LOL ok I get it now.
omg....I am so caucasian. I need a trip to Milwaukee. Maybe a trip to a permaculture farm in Mexico will do.
Great to read another interview with Brother X-Squared. He displayed remarkable patience with your questions. I've always admired and envied the air of mystery he cultivates. Last week I heard a rumble of distant thunder, and my first thought was "Brother X-Squared! Is that you?"
From Brother X-Squared: Good Buddy H. You are sensing my power. My thunder is omnipresent. The attuned can draw upon its vibrations and my dark matter life force for inspiration.
From Brother X-Squared: I need supplicants, allies, and servants. What skills do you possess? Once I determine your use we can begin your reeducation.
From Brother X-Squared. He is a child that Chauncey fellow. His mindstate remains weak because he does not follow my teachings properly. His diet is also part of his lack of dark matter power. You have truth in your words. Chauncey does not "incite" anything!!!!
Hah, taking on my mistype of 'incite' and 'insight.'
I have to wonder why you have such harsh criticisms of Chauncey DeVega. You must expect much from him, while he continues to fail to fulfill.
Can you blame him? We've all been living in some rich white men's dream world. Fed their steady diet, learned at their guidance.
I have to wonder why you have such praise for me, while also being so severe with folks of color. I haven't done anything. I am just some trifling poor white fella who happens to take discussions of race in history and contemporary society seriously. Perhaps what I think of as praise is not quite as it seems.
You speak a hard truth, Brother X-Squared. One I can only hope to bring light like a candle to your burning intensity of supernova calculus.
I have been reading your other interviews with DeVega. You said something to the effect of 'scrambling for handouts from the white man' that's perfect.
I have never cared much for Obama. I thought some of his dialogue was okay, but like you said he seems to be trying a song and dance number to appease folks at the top around the world.
When he started saying 'Yes, we can!' I knew something was wrong. I never saw him involved with that movement, period. Suddenly at the tail end of his campaign he speaks Spanish and works on behalf of our immigrant minorities?
There are other elements of your persuasion I have issue with... I suppose I am one of those melanin deprived souls in this world. I take you mean that we are lacking in the wisdom that comes from being a black man in a white supremacist world. so I take no offense to that.
Other times you refer to race mixing. I can't join you in insulting other people for 'race mixing.'
At any rate, I hope to learn more in the future.
also just read this quote from Karl Marx that I find fascinating as an observation of the habits of modern Americans:
""The tradition of all dead generations weighs like a nightmare on the brains of the living. And just as they seem to be occupied with revolutionizing themselves and things, creating something that did not exist before, precisely in such epochs of revolutionary crisis they anxiously conjure up the spirits of the past to their service, borrowing from them names, battle slogans, and costumes in order to present this new scene in world history in time-honored disguise and borrowed language. "
Malcolm Swift-X! My gawd that's the good stuff!
Brother X-Squared never fails. I wonder what's the last book he read?
Brother X rocks. People of all colors are figuring out that we are ruled by globalist bosses, not by our governments. Our governments work for THEM, not US.
I got rid of my TV ten years ago. I found that the TV commentators back then, were getting more and more hostile. It was making ME more and more hostile. So in the trash it went.
I spend my evenings now reading books and farming magazines. I am calmer.
I love that he eats from the earth, and not from the food factory. Me too, I grow my own.
His description of what to eat for Thanksgiving was wonderful. And a mix of 'jasmine, lavender, yohimbe....' was what he used to anoint himself after the nasty media he consumed.
He's got it. He knows.
I think we are all waking up.
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